Top 10 least livable cities of 2024

​Political unrest and economic crisis define Caracas' livability crisis

​Political unrest and economic crisis define Caracas' livability crisis

The city faces high levels of crime and violence, with frequent reports of homicides, robberies, and kidnappings. The ongoing economic crisis has led to hyperinflation, food and medicine shortages, and widespread poverty according to The Economist. (Photo: AFP)

Warzone makes living conditions chaotic in the wounded city of Kyiv

Warzone makes living conditions chaotic in the wounded city of Kyiv

Kyiv, a city in Ukraine has been ranked as one of the least livable cities primarily due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. The war has led to significant instability, with frequent missile attacks causing widespread damage to infrastructure according to The Economist. (Photo: AFP)

​Coastal capital of Papua New Guinea: A criminal epicenter

​Coastal capital of Papua New Guinea: A criminal epicenter

Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the nation's administrative and commercial center. economic intelligence liveability index suggests high crime rates, including frequent incidents of violence and theft. (Photo: PTI)

​Harare faces severe livability crisis over water and safety issues

​Harare faces severe livability crisis over water and safety issues

The London-based economist intelligence unit has rated Harare city of Zimbabwe the worst of 140 cities worldwide in which to live, drawing scorn from officials in Zimbabwe's capital according to VOA Zimbabwe. (Photo: AFP)

Dhaka's chaos: Overpopulation and planning failures at the core

Dhaka's chaos: Overpopulation and planning failures at the core

Rapid urbanization, inadequate urban planning, and limited access to basic services create unfavorable living conditions in the capital of Bangladesh according to Frontiers. (Photo: Reuters)

​Karachi struggles with a lack of basic facilities and Economic turmoil

​Karachi struggles with a lack of basic facilities and Economic turmoil

Renowned economist Kaiser Bengali emphasized, "There are five things that make a city livable or desirable to live in: water, wastewater disposal, solid waste disposal, public transport, and electricity. Unfortunately, Karachi lacks in all five of them, which should be provided 24/7." (Photo: AFP)

Severe climate uncertainties and lack of preparedness plague Lagos

Severe climate uncertainties and lack of preparedness plague Lagos

Home to more than 24 million people Lagos may become uninhabitable by the end of this century as sea levels rise due to climate change. It is grappling with an eroding coastline that makes the city vulnerable to flooding as reported by Vanguard News. (Photo: AP)

​Algiers still dealing with challenges after 4 years of the Hirak Protest Movement

​Algiers still dealing with challenges after 4 years of the Hirak Protest Movement

More than four years have passed since the Hirak protest movement threatened to upend Algeria’s political and military leadership structure. Since then, the country has been in a state of rapid transition under an evil administration claimed by Arab Centre Washington DC. (Photo: Reuters)

Libyan capital hampered by crippling education and healthcare systems

Libyan capital hampered by crippling education and healthcare systems

The education sector in Tripoli is crippled, with schools shutting down due to funding shortages. Healthcare struggles because of severe shortages of medical supplies and limited primary care access and its infrastructure suffer due to fund deficit, which poses serious problems reports UNICEF. (Photo: AFP)

Tyrannical regime shows no mercy to the heart of Syria

Tyrannical regime shows no mercy to the heart of Syria

Living conditions in the Syrian capital of Damascus are dire, with basic services lacking and many residents unable to meet their fundamental needs. Allies of the regime, Russia and Iran, aren't helping according to UN Press. (Photo: Reuters)