Trump proposes a 'migrant league of fighters' for UFC

Trump proposes a 'migrant league of fighters' for UFC
Former US Prez Donald Trump said Sunday in an address to an evangelical group he had suggested starting a sports league for migrants to fight one another. He described migrants with the dehumanising terms he often uses to refer to them, saying they were "tough", "come from prisons" and are "nasty, mean." Trump then said he suggested to Dana White, an ally of his who is CEO of the UFC, "Why don't you set up a migrant league of fighters?" He continued, referring to the UFC: "And then you have the champion of your league - these are the greatest fighters in the world - fight the champion of the migrants? I think the migrant guy might win! That's how tough they are." Trump also said White "didn't like the idea too much."
White, when asked, said, "It was a joke, it was a joke.
I saw everybody going crazy online. But yeah, he did say it." nyt
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