Applauding the achievers!

    • Pune NIE
    • Publish Date: Jul 2 2024 6:39PM
    • |
    • Updated Date: Jul 2 2024 6:39PM
Applauding the achievers!

On 22nd June 2024, GG International School continued its tradition of recognising the efforts, hard work, and determination of students who went the extra mile to achieve their dreams. The Acharya Atre Auditorium buzzed with enthusiasm and fervour as parents, students, educators, and school management gathered to honour the achievers of class X and XII, scribes who assisted students, sports achievers, students from Ankuram mentoring classes, and others who made significant contributions.

The event began with a warm welcome to esteemed guests and parents, setting an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. It celebrated not only academic achievements but also included a class presentation by Class 10 on the theme of "Prabhuti - The Inner Power," which resonated throughout the day.

The ceremony commenced with the traditional lighting of the lamp by chief guest Prachi Todkar, guest of honour Manish Chug, director-principal Bharti Bhagwani, and other dignitaries. This ritual set the tone for a day of inspiration and enlightenment. Following the lamp lighting, students presented a melodious Saraswati Pujan and recited shlokas from the Bhagavad Gita.

A mesmerising dance performance by Class 10 students eloquently conveyed emotions and stories through their graceful movements. Director-Principal Bharti Bhagwani then addressed the audience, sharing words of wisdom and inspiration.

The celebration of achievements by Class 10 and 12 students was a moment of immense pride and joy. The event recognised not only academic excellence but also the inner strength and resilience of students in overcoming challenges. Parents joined their wards on stage, symbolising their unwavering support throughout the academic journey.

The outstanding results of Ankuram students in various competitive exams were highlighted, showcasing their dedication and commitment to academic excellence with the school's guidance and support. The Kaladeep Scholarship, aimed at nurturing exceptional talent, was presented to deserving recipients, providing both financial support and mentorship to help students achieve their academic aspirations.

Special mention was made of Sharwari Shende, a Class 10 student who won a bronze medal in archery at the Asia Cup 2024, celebrating her dedication and skill.

The event featured cultural performances, including a soulful rendition of "Breaking Free" from High School Musical by the school band and a captivating enactment of Shakespeare's "The Tempest" by Grade 10 actors. The highlight was a skit based on the mythological character 'Karna' from the Mahabharata, exploring themes of heroism, destiny, and moral dilemmas, leaving the audience spellbound.

The day concluded with a spectacular dance performance that inspired and energised the audience. Mr. Manish Chug delivered an inspiring speech, encouraging students to pursue their dreams with determination and resilience, resonating deeply with everyone present.

A heartfelt vote of thanks was delivered by Ruchi Nautiyal, expressing gratitude to all guests, parents, teachers, and students who contributed to the event's success.

In essence, the event celebrated not only academic achievements but also the importance of inner strength, resilience, and holistic development. It was a day of inspiration, appreciation, and pride for the entire school community.




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Times Newspaper in Education (Times NIE) is a novel program that helps students ‘Stay Ahead’ and aims at making ‘Learning Fun’. It introduces concepts that help individual growth and development beyond school curriculum.

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