Celebration of Learning

Celebration of Learning

 Bharat is unique in numerous ways. In this great nation of ours, there is a day earmarked in our

calendar, which is celebrated as a day of learning. This year it is being celebrated on 14 th February. It

is a day of great importance for the teacher and the taught. As an educator, I regard the student

community as a wonderful collection of dreamers, learners and seekers of wisdom. On this day, the

Indians worship Goddess Saraswati, who is regarding as the goddess of learning in Hindu culture. She

is considered as a symbol of knowledge, wisdom, arts and creativity. It is a day which is celebrated as

a day of intellectual and spiritual growth and it resonates with artists, musicians and scholars.

‘Basant Panchami’ as the day is commonly known is considered extremely auspicious. Growing up, it

would remind us of marigold flowers, ‘Khoi’ and ‘Ber’:all offerings made to the Goddess, the fasting

and feasting thereafter. We would eagerly wait for the ‘Prasad’ served in eco-friendly bowls made of

leaves and filled with fruits and sweets. Seeking the blessings of the Goddess was of utmost

importance to get good grades in school and college.

The pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is a universal quest. It encourages cultural harmony and

respect for diverse forms of art, music and knowledge. It also encourages artistic endeavours, fosters

creativity and innovation. In the light of wisdom, the human spirit can flourish and create a brighter

future. One should not be afraid of trying anything new. ‘A person who never made a mistake, never

tried anything new’. Even the most successful person makes mistakes. The process of learning from

life’s failures isn’t easy, but it can be a good thing for students to experience. As a teacher, one can’t

stop students from struggling, but one can help them discover important lessons , while providing

the encouragement to carry on. A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instil a

love of learning. For effective learning in educational institutions, one must understand that

education is not the learning of facts but training the mind to think. A good educator inspires hope,

ignites the imagination and instils a love of learning in the young learners.

As a student, one should be in the receptive mode. One should be humble, self – motivated , eager

and enthusiastic. It is important to understand that the beautiful thing about learning is that one

cannot take it away from you. In the words of David Mc Cullough, ' Love of learning will never let you

down. You can have a quest for money, you can have a quest for power, you can have a quest for

fame and they are sometimes gratifying and sometimes self-destructive. But the love of learning is

always gratifying and never self-destructive. The more educated, the more cultivated a society

becomes, the better off is everybody’. So, let us celebrate the day of learning by promising to take

the road less travelled, not be deterred by challenges, by sharing experiences with others and being

exemplary in life by setting new benchmarks.

Alka Singh

HOD-English, Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park, New Delhi.


Agnimitra Goswami Delhi Public School Megacity, Kolkata

Your words were really inspiring maám! Thank you for motivating us.




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Times Newspaper in Education (Times NIE) is a novel program that helps students ‘Stay Ahead’ and aims at making ‘Learning Fun’. It introduces concepts that help individual growth and development beyond school curriculum.

A brainchild of The Times of India, the world’s leading English newspapers, Times NIE nurtures progress and innovation. Adapted from the international concept, Times Newspaper in Education program (Times NIE) was initiated in India in 1985.

Today we have over 3000 schools and over 9 lac students subscribing to the programme, spanning 16 cities viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kochi, Lucknow, Coimbatore, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, and Jaipur.

The Times of India Student edition, a customized student newspaper exclusively for the students, packs a powerful punch in terms of content that leads to a smarter and superior learning experience. The information is crafted such that it finds use in classroom discussions, thus making it relevant and current. It truly gives education a new dimension by fostering the simple habit of reading which in turn paves the way for a confident, informed and aware individual. A newspaper that inspires young minds and equips them to face challenges of today’s world, making way for global citizens.

Empowering students with new cutting-edge knowledge through various educative and informative activities is a commitment and tradition of Times NIE. The programme serves as a catalyst of education and interaction, as well as a window into the minds of the quintessential Indian youth. On a significant scale Times NIE comprises diverse interesting activities and events that boost the child’s passion for learning, while revealing hidden talent.

While you are aware that The Times of India is among the leading English Newspapers across the world, it has consummated its position as an everlasting winner. With several international awards and recognitions to its credit, The Times of India and Times NIE have validated an enduring tradition of setting the highest benchmarks in every respect. We have been awarded with the two most prestigious awards, Times NIE - World’s No.1 NIE program and The Times of India, Student Edition - World’s No.1 Newspaper for the youth in 2006 by the celebrated World Association of Newspapers (WAN). In 2008 we were honoured by the International Newspaper Marketing Association (INMA), yet another international recognition for ‘Youth Audience Development’. In 2013 we were again honoured by the celebrated World Association of Newspapers (WAN) as the ‘Times NIE - World’s Best Youth Engagement Program’.

Times NIE has grown remarkably over the last three and a half decades, touching millions of children across more than 16 Indian cities. Our absolute commitment towards the fledgling generation remains undiluted and our greatest strength lies in the school partnership and commitment.

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