Turn actions into habits with this 30 Day Challenge

What is the 30 Day Challenge and how will it help?

It takes 30 days to turn actions (things that you do) into habits (things that you do often and easily). The 30 Day Challenge is all about choosing actions that improve your wellbeing and turning them into habits.

Improving our wellbeing can massively help to reduce and relieve our stress, so we need to choose actions that do this.

We’re encouraging you to choose one action each for your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing to carry out each day. Every day, do the activities you have chosen, get them into a routine, and after 30 days, you will have new habits.

Are you wondering what activities you can choose? Check out these mind maps for some inspiration.

Physical wellbeing

Your physical wellbeing is about looking after your body. Having a healthy body leads to having a healthy mind, which is helpful for reducing stress.

Mental wellbeing

We hear about mental wellbeing and mental health a lot. Mental wellbeing is about looking after your mind and processing the things that are happening to you.

Emotional wellbeing

Your emotional wellbeing is all about how you feel and there are two parts to think about. The first is about how you take notice of your feelings and the second is about how you express those feelings.

Are you ready to control your stress?

If seeing all of these possible activities makes you feel overwhelmed, then relax and remember: you’re in control.

You can choose how many activities you want to do. You can choose an activity for each form of your wellbeing, or you can choose to focus on just one or two that are important to you.

Some activities can cover more than just one area of your wellbeing, for example yoga might help your physical wellbeing as well as your mental wellbeing. If none of these activities take your fancy, then get creative and come up with your own.

It’s your wellbeing. It’s your stress relief. It’s your call.

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