IQAC - Bennett University
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  • Internal Quality Assurance Cell
    Internal Quality Assurance Cell

    IQAC Overview

    The broad vision of Bennett University's IQAC is "To develop an Ecosystem for Academic and Research Excellence through Innovations, Incubation and Entrepreneurship" by implementation of BU Quality Policy. As, Indian Higher Education (IHE) system is on the path of transformation through the implementation of National Education Policy-2020 by the Ministry of Education, Government of India; the focus of NEP-2020 is to develop an ecosystem where a human capital may impart professional and non-professional education through multiple-disciplinary approach. It states revamping of existing course curriculums, pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, reframing the integrity of academic fraternity and leadership. Also, establishment of a research foundation for promoting research to give academic and administrative autonomy.

    Thus, with this broad prospective to provide quality teaching, BU has established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in accordance with University Grant Commission (UGC) and National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).


    In pursuance of performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality upgradation of Bennett University, IQAC is a project which is dedicated for quality assurance. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will be a part of the institution's system and work towards realisation of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent, and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions.

    IQAC will work on four major initiatives which will directly and indirectly lead the university towards excellence and build a strong student-centric ecosystem through innovative practices.

    • Standard Operating Procedures: Developing SOPs in all the Academic and Administrative processes
    • Centralised Data Control Room
    • Initiatives for institutional excellence
    • Academic and Administrative Audit: (Internal and external)


    • Create a culture for excellence
    • Design and implement quality processes
    • Produce great outcomes for internal & external stakeholders
    • Achieve external accreditations/rankings


    • Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
    • The relevance and quality of academic and research programs.
    • Equitable access to and affordability of academic programs for various sections of society.
    • Optimisation and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.
    • The credibility of evaluation procedures.
    • Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services.
    • Sharing of research findings and networking with other universities in India and abroad.


    • Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the University.
    • Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
    • Arrangement for feedback response from students, and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
    • Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education.
    • Organization of inter and intra-institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
    • Documentation of the various programs/activities leading to quality improvement.
    • Acting as a nodal agency of the University for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices.
    • Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality.
    • Development of Quality Culture in the University.
    • Preparation of the Annual Quality Report as per the parameters of various important accreditation standards


    IQAC will facilitate/contribute:

    • Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement
    • Ensure internalization of the quality culture
    • Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices
    • Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning
    • Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs
    • Build an organised methodology of documentation and internal communication


    IQAC of Bennett University foresees certain outcomes:

    • Strengthening the examination mechanism, moderation, question bank generation, creating/recreating the students promotion policy and external internal assessment.
    • Attainment mapping mechanism, facilitating the trainings/inductions on OBE
    • Student satisfaction survey/analysis/action
    • Initiating the process for E-content development for external platforms, Facilitating trainings to faculty members.

    Quality Initiatives

    Title of the Event Date Link
    Cultural Event on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 19-11-2022 to 19-11-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on Developing the MOOC Course 11-11-2022 to 11-11-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on Future of Internet of Things (IoT) in India 05-11-2022 to 05-11-2022 Click here >>
    Professional Development Programme on Writing and Publishing in Global Research Journals 18-10-2022 to 19-10-2022 Click here >>
    Faculty Development Programme on Outcome Based Education 04-08-2022 to 08-08-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on Research Data Management 02-08-2022 to 02-08-2022 Click here >>
    Faculty Development Programme on Gender Research and Social Change 27-07-2022 to 03-08-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on an entrepreneurial perspective to reimagining and innovating education 25-07-2022 to 25-07-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on Enhancing security systems with the power of AI 18-07-2022 to 18-07-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on Research Ethics and Plagiarism 12-07-2022 to 12-07-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on Research Ethics and Plagiarism 07-07-2022 to 07-07-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on Product Design and Technology- Digital era is increasing opportunities for Gen Z 04-07-2022 to 04-07-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on Changing the world with the handshaking of Robotics and AI 20-06-2022 to 20-06-2022 Click here >>
    Faculty Development Programme on Research Approaches and Trends in Mass Communication And Social Sciences 16-05-2022 to 21-05-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on Media Literacy 09-04-2022 to 09-04-2022 Click here >>
    Workshop on NBA process 29-03-2022 to 29-03-2022 Click here >>
    Faculty Development Programme on Mechatronics Systems 29-07-2021 to 04-08-2021 Click here >>
    International Conference on Globalizations of Professional Legal Education: Constitutional Conspectus 30-07-2021 to 30-07-2021 Click here >>
    Training program on ‘Basic Principles of Disaster Management’ 30-07-2021 to 30-07-2021 Click here >>
    Faculty Development Programme on Developing Powerful VACs/MOOCs 21-02-2022 to 25-02-2022 Click here >>
    Webinar on National Education Policy 2020 and Its Impact on Quality Assurance System of HEIs 12-09-2020 to 12-09-2020 Click here >>
    online conference on combating coronavirus 16-04-2020 to 16-04-2020 Click here >>
    Seminar on Seminar on Celebrating Humanity in all its Diversity 06-03-2020 to 06-03-2020 Click here >>
    Training on Outbound Training Programme 18-02-2019 to 18-02-2019 Click here >>
    Workshop on workshop on Digital India 14-02-2020 to 14-02-2020 Click here >>
    workshop on ‘Working and Performance Evaluation of Jet Engines 06-02-2019 to 06-02-2019 Click here >>
    International Conference on Growth, Development and Sustainability 02-03-2019 to 02-03-2019 Click here >>
    Training on Rendezvous with Indian Youth Leaders Program 01-02-2019 to 01-02-2019 Click here >>
    Training on the Youth and Truth event 31-01-2019 to 31-01-2019 Click here >>
    Training on Open-Source Society conducted Google Summer of Code 19 training 30-01-2019 to 30-01-2019 Click here >>
    Seminar on Fostering human values among students via OBE framework 30-08-2022 to 30-08-2022 Click here >>

    ISO Certification

    Bennett University is now ISO Compliant! The journey from inception to accreditation became venerable with the recognitions...

    The university management is delighted to announce that the varsity is being awarded International Organisations for Standards (ISO) certifications in four categories read more >>...

    Quality Management System (QMS) Standard - ISO 9001:2015

    Click to View

    Environment Management System (EMS) Standard - ISO 14001:2015

    Click to View

    Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) Standard - ISO 45001:2018

    Click to View

    Energy Management System (EnMS) Standard - ISO 50001:2018

    Click to View

    Environmental Initiatives

    Indian Green Building Council 2024   Click here >>
    Indian Green Building Council 2023   Click here >>
    Sustainability Report 2022-2023   Click here >>  
    Green & Environmental Audit 2023   Click here >>
    Energy Audit 2023   Click here >>
    Green Audit 2021   Click here >>
    Environmental Audit 2021 Click here >>
    Energy Audit 2021 Click here >>
    Green Audit 2019   Click here >>
    Energy Audit 2019-2020   Click here >>
    Geotagging of Trees Click here >>

    Gender Audit

    Bennett University conducted a gender audit as a proactive step towards addressing the persistent issue of gender inequality within higher education institutions. The changing roles of women and men, influenced by factors such as globalization, necessitate a critical examination of existing structures and practices within educational institutions.

    By conducting a gender audit, Bennett University aimed to identify areas where gender discrimination may be present, whether overt or subtle, and develop strategies to address these disparities. It recognized that achieving true gender equality requires addressing entrenched biases and inequalities within political, economic, and social institutions.

    The gender audit reflected Bennett University's commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity and equity, not only within its own institution but also as part of a broader effort to advance gender equality in higher education and beyond.

    Click here to view certificate >>

    Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA)

    Title Link
    Certified Proof of Establishment of Bennett University Click here >>
    Certified UGC 2f letter to the Bennett University Click here >>
    Certified Copy of Bar Council of India Approval Click here >>
    Certified List of Programmes Offered in A.Y. 2023-24 Click here >>
    Certified Numbers of Teaching Staff Employed in A.Y. 2023-24 Click here >>
    Certified Numbers of Non-Teaching Staff Employed in A.Y. 2023-24 Click here >>
    Certified Numbers of Students Enrolled in A.Y. 2023-24 Click here >>
    Certified Proof of Establishment of IQAC Click here >>
    Certified Copy of Statutory Declaration Under RTI Act 2005 Click here >>
    Certified List of International Academic MOUs Click here >>
    Certified AISHE Data Submission Certificate Click here >>
    Undertaking: Head of the Institution Click here >>

    Statutory Cells / Committees

    Title Link
    Certified Constitution of Student Grievance Redressal Committee Click here >>
    Certified Constitution of Internal Complaint Committee Click here >>
    Certified Constitution of Anti Ragging Committee, Monitoring Cell & Sqad Click here >>

    Ranking, Rating and Accreditation

    QS I-GAUGE Rating 2023 Click here >> 
    OBE Rankings 2023 Click here >> 
    Green Rankings 2023 Click here >>  
    Global University India Rankings 2023 Click here >> 
    Education World India Private University Ranking 2022-2023 Click here >> 
    Association for Commonwealth University 2023 Click here >> 
    Times Engineering Ranking 2022 Click here >>  
    IIRF Ranking 2022 Click here >> 
    OBE Ranking 2022 Click here >> 
    Federation for World Academics Click here >> 


    Ranking Title Rank Source Certificates
    Times Engineering Ranking 2022 Top Emerging Institute 1 Click
    Emerging Institute in Research Capability & Placements 2
    IIRF Top BBA Colleges in India 2022 3 Click
    FWA - Federation for World Academics Best emerging private university for global initiatives in India NA Click
    Education World Education World India Private University Ranking 23 UP Rank - 4 Click
    R World Institutional Ranking OBE Rankings 2022 Ranked in the DIAMOND BAND with A+ Grade Click




    Innovation, Incubation and Start-up Policy for Students, Faculty and Staff

    Click here

    Sports Scholarship Policy

    Click here

    Tavel Policy

    Click here

    Policy - Issue of Academic documents

    Click here

    Creche Facility and Policy

    Click here

    Gender Equity Policy

    Click here

    Applying for Withdrawal for Freshman

    Click here

    Applying for Withdrawal

    Click here

    Issue of Academic Documents to Students

    Click here

    Anti Plagiarism Policy

    Click here

    Internship Policy Applicable for (School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Times School of Media)

    Click here

    Internship Policy - School of Management (SOM) -> BBA

    Click here

    Internship Policy - School of Management (SOM) -> MBA

    Click here

    Internship Policy - School of Law (SOL)

    Click here

    Placement Policy

    Click here

    Policy on dealing with cases of sexual harassment and committee

    Click here

    Anti ragging policy

    Click here

    Grievance Redress Mechanism

    Click here




    University Women Development Cell

    Click here

    University Timetable Committee

    Click here

    Flying Squad Committee

    Click here

    Admission Committee

    Click here

    Finance Committee

    Click here

    Constitution of Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)

    Click here

    University Research Advisory Board

    Click here

    Committee for Unfair Means

    Click here

    Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

    Click here

    Library Advisory Committee

    Click here

    DSGRC for School of Engineering & Applied Sciences

    Click here

    DSGRC for School of Liberal Arts

    Click here

    DSGRC for Times School of Media

    Click here

    DSGRC for School of Law

    Click here

    DSGRC for School of Computer Science Engineering & Technology

    Click here

    Examination Committee

    Click here

    Standing Proctorial Committee

    Click here

    Fee Committee

    Click here

    Internal Quality Assurance Committee (IQAC)

    Click here

    Anti-Ragging Committee & Anti Ragging Monitoring Cell

    Click here

    University Women Development Cell

    Click here

    School Academic Integrity and Anti Plagiarism Panel Bennett University

    Click here

    Office Order Medal Selection Committee

    Click here

    Industry Advisory Board

    Click here

    Academic & Administration Audit

    Click here

    IP Cell

    Click here

    S. No.
    Name's of the Leadership Team
    1 Chairman IQAC

    Prof. (Dr.) Ajith Abraham

    Vice-Chancellor , BU

    [email protected]

    2 Head IQAC

    Prof. Manish Bhalla (Ph.D.)

    [email protected]

    Ashish Saxena

    Deputy Manager

    Email : [email protected]

    Yogesh Lalawat

    Deputy Manager

    Email : [email protected]

    Nikhil Gupta

    Assistant Manager

    Email : [email protected]

    Satpal Dagar

    Assistant Manager

    Email : [email protected]

    Preeti Saroha

    Assistant Manager

    Email : [email protected]

    Rakesh Pal

    Program Coordinator

    Email : [email protected]



    Email : [email protected]

    Sweta Rani

    Junior Executive

    Email : [email protected]

    Ashish Kushwaha

    Junior Executive

    Email : [email protected]

    Name of the Meeting View Report
    19th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    18th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    17th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    16th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    15th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    14th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    13th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    12th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    11th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    10th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    9th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    8th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    7th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    6th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    5th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    4th Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    3rd Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    2nd Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
    1st Minutes of IQAC Meeting Click Here >>
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