Transfer of Delhi govt schoolteachers will not benefit learning outcomes

Educationists feel new transfer policy will disrupt the education system by breaking the established bonds between teachers and students

Priyadarshini Gupta | Posted July 02, 2024 09:30 AM

Transfer of Delhi govt schoolteachers will not benefit learning outcomes

The Delhi Directorate of Education (Del E) has recently issued a circular asking the government schoolteachers who have completed 10 years in a particular school must apply online for a transfer. If a teacher does not apply online, they will be transferred to any school as per the official requirement.

“All teachers who have completed 10 years continuously in the same school shall compulsorily apply online vide this circular for transfer based on mutual or general opting for the maximum number of schools. Such teachers who do not apply online vide this circular, headquarters on its own will transfer them to any school as per official requirement,” read the circular.

The policy will lead to a loss of experienced teachers, affecting the bond between teachers and students, say educationists. A senior government teacher on the condition of anonymity, says, “The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 does not recommend frequent transfers as it negatively impacts the education system. There has been no study which shows long-serving teachers hamper studies. Rather, such teachers develop a deep understanding of their students’ needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Disrupting these relationships can hinder student learning and development.”

Stakeholders feedback
Highlighting that stakeholders were not involved before bringing out the directive, he says, “Teachers are not involved in any administrative dealings, and their longer tenure does not equate to corruption. The newly introduced policy is an outcome of the ongoing tussle between the Delhi LG and the elected government, and the teachers and students are being made a scapegoat.” 

He adds, “The Post Fixation Cell (PFC) of the Del E brings out a list based on the previous year’s student strength; this helps identify the teacher-student ratio; if teachers are surplus in any school, they are shifted to ones where the numbers are few to ensure a balance. The Del E has made a blunder by releasing the transfer policy order before releasing the PFC list. Now, if the transfers are implemented in July, and the PFC list is released after that, chances are high that it may lead to a surplus of teachers. Later, teachers will have to be transferred again to correct the imbalance which will have a negative on the students’ academic session and learning.”

Mentor teachers
In cases where teaching is not up to mark, he says that instead of transferring teachers, mentor teachers, who have been trained abroad, should be deployed in such schools. “Mentor teachers have been trained to guide the students to excellence. This will make the education system sustainable in the long run,” he says, adding, “The new directive will make no visible or qualitative change in the education system.
The policy will promote corruption as teachers might resort to unethical means to retain their positions.”

Meanwhile, Government School Teachers’ Association (GSTA) general secretary Ajay Veer Yadav, says, “We met the directorate officials who assured us that the directive will be made optional, as in if a teacher gets a mutual substitute, he/she can opt for it; however, the order guidelines will not be made mandatory.”

“Teachers posted in the same school for prolonged periods can prove advantageous such as considerable experience and understanding of the area, allowing for better teaching methods. Teachers also become familiar with the students and their parents, thus, nurturing the students more effectively,” adds Yadav.

A senior former government official, says, “A transfer policy was implemented for a long time wherein teachers who want to take a transfer due to various reasons, may apply online at the beginning of the academic session. The principals also have the power to recommend teachers on administrative grounds. However, this is the first time that the 10-year clause has been introduced. The Del E has altered the established transfer policy without consulting any of its key stakeholders. They did not get the approval of even the education minister before issuing the circular. Expressing displeasure, the minister has asked the department to withdraw this clause and not to force transfer of teachers.”

“This directive has purely come out of an administrative mindset. However, schools are not an administrative space but an academic one. There is no valid reason as to why teachers who have completed 10 years should be transferred. An understanding between a teacher and a pupil takes time to develop; with this directive in place, the bond is bound to break. The directorate decision will not lead to any performance enhancement. If a teacher is not performing well, they may be transferred on administrative grounds, however, the 10-year clause is not a practical one,” adds the official.