
Campus hopping!

In the summer of 2005, as a student of Ecole Mondiale World School, I started browsing colleges on the web. Thereafter, for the next four years my sole purpose was to get into a respected and highly ranked university abroad. In fall 2009, where I started my first term at Johns Hopkins University, USA majoring in Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Management.

TNN | Posted March 08, 2010 03:22 PM

Aniket Parikh, John Hopkins, university, study abroad, campus, USA, college, Washinton, Ivy league, research, clubs, experiences, studentIt all started in the summer of 2005, as a student of Ecole Mondiale World School, when I started browsing colleges on the web. Thereafter, for the next four years my sole purpose was to get into a respected and highly ranked university abroad. In fall 2009, where I started my first term at Johns Hopkins University, USA majoring in Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Management.

The admission process

Getting into Johns Hopkins University (JHU), one of the top schools in the world was no easy task. Located in the North-Eastern corridor of the USA within 45 minutes of Washington DC, JHU is one of the finest schools, ranked at the top along with the Ivy League. Nationally acclaimed as one of the best schools for Biomedical Engineering and International Relations, JHU has a wide range of majors.

Classes here are never contained only to theory, instead practical experiments and cases of real life examples are often highlighted.I have taken up research in one of may labs at JHU. I am currently working on replacing silia in the body by developing nano-wire replacements.

Campus life

On campus, there are plenty of things to keep one occupied; clubs ranging from varsity sports to the various acapella groups. I am a part of a few, I take part in intramural soccer and football, the Stem Cell Research Group and the Photography Club. Another few clubs I’m a part of are the Model United Nation Delegation Classes here are never contained only to theory, instead practical experiments and cases of real life examples are often highlighted. (I have attended various conferences in three months already, including the National MUN and the Harvard MUN). These trips are often fun filled (one incident included JHU getting us a limousine to use as transportation!) and account for lots of exposure. Another interesting club is the Outdoor Pursuits, which takes us on sailing, rafting and hiking trips on the weekends.

Joining such clubs in your freshmen year is a great way of meeting people, but social involvements extend to more than that. Many students join fraternities and sororities, a great way to socialise and make close friends, so close that they are called your ‘brothers’. These organisations often throw parties and mixers. These parties often have themes such as dressing up as another country, or the gym class heroes-dress up like sportsmen, the army party-put on army/camouflage outfits among others. They are great way to relieve stress on the weekends and to have a great day off.

Also, there is no shortage of Indian organisations. They have various active dance teams, there is an Indian frat called IND and the South Asian Students Association. There are many Indians at JHU, mainly from the USA though, coincidently I met one of them at a popular lounge in Mumbai over my winter break, such is the reach of such an international university! And in addition we have the usual malls, restaurants, bars and theatres nearby, to which transportation is provided free of charge.

Stacking up experiences!

I believe I’ve had a variety of freshman experiences at college already, ranging from all nighters to study for exams, have tons of homework piled up on a weekend, and meeting people from countries all over the world (the list mainly populated by Asians though). One of the other different experiences I had was a snow week! In Mumbai, on times when it would rain a lot, we would get a holiday from school. Similarly, Baltimore faced two consecutive blizzards, resulting in a week off from college since classes were impossible to reach without slipping and falling! Of course, this was time for some fun in the snow!

JHU being nearby to other major American cities, I often visited Washington, New York and Boston on weekends. I believe my freshmen year so far has been a fun and learning experiences, learning covering a lot of topics ranging from learning to doing my own laundry to cooking to developing nano-wires. In my opinion given an opportunity to study abroad, it must be taken full advantage of, I wouldn’t have done it any different.