Chat transcripts on tackling the CBSE board exam

Vineet Joshi, chairman and secretary, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) answered queries and provided tips on tackling exam stress and more

TNN | Posted February 19, 2013 05:04 PM

Chat transcripts on tackling the CBSE board exam

How important are value based questions?
Every question in the question paper is important because it will access your understanding and will fetch you marks. You will appreciate that one’s value system determines the thoughts, action and choices in life.

Will the standard of the paper (PCM) go up or will it be same as that of the previous year?
The design and pattern of the question paper in almost all the subjects remains the same. Consequently, the difficulty level of the questions and the question papers will almost be similar to the previous year’s question papers. There will be one value based question carrying three-five marks in every subject.

Which books can we refer to for good questions and last minute revision especially for math, science and SS?
The board recommends only the textbooks published by the NCERT. However, if you have also used other standard learning materials for preparations, you need to follow the same. It is advised not to use any new material at this stage. Solving previous years question papers of board examination may also help you.

How should one tackle tension and pressure that are a result of exam time preparation?
Remaining calm and cool at this stage will help you. You may share your doubts with your teachers, close friends or even your parents to get the answer to your doubts. You are also suggested to keep time for relaxation and proper sleep. Also take care of your health and eating habits at this stage.

What should students do a day before the examination?
Just relax and revise properly.

What kind of value based questions can we expect?
Depending upon the subject, these questions will be related to personal, social, moral, scientific values related to specific content area of the subject. You can see some examples in the sample question papers available on CBSE website.

Are the deletions in BSt applicable for this year’s board examination?
Please refer to the board’s syllabus for class XII in the respective subject for the year 2013. The syllabus is also available on CBSE website.

I have time management issues when I write papers including English. Please help.
You may practice solving sample papers of three hours duration within that time. This will help you in gaining confidence. You may write the answer exactly according to the statement of the question.

I find it difficult to understand value based questions in the English paper. What are the answers they actually expect from us? How do we attempt such questions?
You have to write the answer to such questions according to its statement. The answers to value based questions may vary from one student to another slightly.

From where can class XII students avail the added syllabus for this year's exam?
You may refer to the exact syllabus of any subject on

Will the PCM exam this year be tougher than last year?
Since the design and the pattern of the question paper remains the same except addition of one value based question, the difficulty level of the question paper is likely to be similar to the previous year’s question papers.

Will CBSE follow the same marking scheme as provided in this year's sample paper? It becomes highly confusing going by last year's paper.
Marking scheme refers to the step wise value points expected in the answer. You are suggested to write the required steps in the answers to questions to get better marks. Your question does not specify the subject you are referring to.

Is there any part of the textbook (for physics and chemistry) that we do not need to study for the boards?
Please refer to the board’s syllabus in the subject and the NCERT textbooks.

I recently heard that if Hindi language marks are not satisfactory, computer subject marks will be added. Is this true?
Your marks in the main subjects only will be considered for your final result. The statement you have given is not correct.

Is it necessary for us to write every answer in points along with diagrams in the biology paper?
Please write answers to the questions exactly in accordance with the statement. You are advised to read the question carefully before answering. It is not essential to write answer only in points unless asked for.

In December, there were a few changes introduced in the syllabus of business studies. While some portions of the syllabus have been eliminated, some additions have also been made. Are these last minute changes applicable in the 2013 board exam?
Queries for Functional English can be sent to [email protected]

Do we get marks for data and to prove in the math paper?
Yes, only if the statement of the question requires you to do it.

How do we revise for the examination?
You may refer to only your earlier notes and other study materials used during the year. Do not go for any new material at this stage. Feel confident and cool at this point of time.

Our school is following functional English for which there are no sample papers available in the stores in Chennai. How can we practice for the paper?
Queries for Functional English can be sent to [email protected]

Do we get marks if we draw the diagram and write given, RTP, proof if proof is wrong?
The answer to such questions in geometry carries marks for different steps. You will get marks even for partial and incomplete answers according to the steps written.

Should students expect value based questions in the English paper? Do we get marks for the steps in questions of integration and differential equations in the math paper?
Yes there will be one value based question in the subject. Please refer to sample question papers. Yes, you will get marks for different steps given by you in such questions.

Do marks in the computer subject carry any importance for our board ranking as few schools do not have computers at all?
In class X there is no such weightage. However in class XII, if a student has offered computer science as one of the elective subjects the marks obtained will matter in the final result.

In economics, should we draw diagrams and prepare schedules for all long questions?
Please read the statement of the question carefully and write the answer accordingly.

I checked the NCERT website for online textbooks that contain the added syllabus. However, I couldn’t find it.
You are again suggested to refer to the syllabus given by CBSE on its website. The depth of any content area is to be referred to in NCERT textbooks.

I usually do not complete the math paper due to lack of time. How do I cope up?
Please do sufficient practice before the actual exam to solve the question paper within three hours.

I heard that the physical education subject is not included in some colleges. Is it true?
You have not mentioned the states and colleges you are referring to. Many of the colleges take the average percentage marks in best of four subjects.

Can you please clarify if the organic conversion questions will come from the NCERT textbook only? Or can conversion questions come from outside the NCERT textbooks also?
The board recommends textbooks published by NCERT only.

Will exam papers entirely be based on d NCERT textbooks? From where can we expect the HOTS questions?
The question paper will be based on the prescribed syllabus of the board and the depth of the content is determined by the NCERT textbooks. The HOTS questions are primarily higher mental ability questions which can be answered if you have acquired in depth understanding of the included concepts. You may refer to the previous year’s questions papers in the subject to get an idea of few such questions.

I am a biology student and was offered home science also as an elective. There is no gap after the biology and home science exam. Also, there are no sample papers available for the home science subject.
The date sheet cannot be changed at this stage. Please devote time to the two subjects accordingly during the leftover days for preparation.

A few days before the exam, should I revise chapters or should I solve sample papers?
Do not to go for any new learning material at this point of time. Solving sample papers is a must.

Where can we find the exact blueprint for mathematics?
The design and pattern of the question paper in mathematics for March 2013 examination is available on CBSE website.

How does one cope up with all five subjects since there is hardly time left?
It is hoped you have prepared well for the examination. If so, feel confident, cool and relaxed and continue revision.