Pound wise

A foreign exchange and international business payments firm has initiated a service that will allow Indians students heading to universities abroad to pay their fees at the institute in Indian rupees

TNN | Posted September 02, 2013 08:00 AM

Pound wise

As the depreciating Indian rupee continues to worry students looking at pursuing a degree at an institute abroad, students who have been accepted at a university overseas have reason to rejoice. Western Union Business Solutions (WUBS), a unit of the Western Union Company, has launched a service that will enable students to pay their foreign universities tuition fees in INR without leaving their doorsteps. Says Anil Kapur, regional divisional director, India and Middle East, Western Union Business Solutions, “Though the rupee has fallen 10.6% versus the US dollar this year making the cost for tuition in the United States roughly speaking 10% higher, the demand for overseas education is still strong. In times like these, anything that can help students make the most of their rupees is particularly important. Being able to pay their tuition fee in the Indian currency will take away a level of uncertainty by ensuring that the student knows the exact cost at which his/her full fees will be delivered to the university.”

The service was launched early this year in association with WUBS’ agents Paul Merchants Limited and Weizmann Forex, who have an authorised AD II licence. The facility is available for payment to universities in around 135 currencies and some of the institutes that have tied up with WUBS include London School of Economics, Notre Dame and University of Sydney. Students from across the country can avail of the service by calling a toll-free number and requesting a house visit by a trained representative. Post this, an agent of Paul Merchants Limited or Weizmann Forex will come to the student’s house to assist him/her in the relevant documentation process, collect them as well as offer a competitive rate of exchange for a foreign currency in INR and will collect the fees in INR on a mutually agreed date and time. WUBS will manage the payment settlement to the university.

According to Kapur, “On an average, the process will roughly take about 24-48 hours depending on when we receive a call. Students do not have to wait to receive payment confirmations that they then need to send to their universities – our automated notification service does that for them. Universities too have responded favourably as they receive the payment in the correct amount and reconciled with the correct student, so they don’t have to spend time trying to match incoming payments to the right name.”

The current economic environment is just one of the many challenges students face when preparing to study abroad. “With market fluctuations and continued economic uncertainty on the cards, this knowledge and peace of mind becomes even more valuable.” The importance of international study is not going to decrease, and neither is the importance of finding new ways to support students as they navigate the current environment. Payment transparency and the certainty of knowing exactly how much your fees will cost you in real terms is key and allows you to budget with confidence,” he adds.

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