Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel introduces scholarships for multidisciplinary robotics research

The scholarship under ABC Robotics Initiative is open in the domains of agricultural, biological, and cognitive robotics

TNN | Posted June 23, 2022 05:36 PM

The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel’s ABC Robotics Initiative is seeking PhD students to advance multidisciplinary Robotics R&D. The Initiative aims to advance innovative multi-disciplinary robotics research in the domains of agricultural, biological, and cognitive robotics. The scholarship offers each candidate a stipend amount of NIS 5,544 per month ($ (US)1660) for 4 years.

The initiative aims to bring together senior and junior researchers from different disciplines, including robotics, computer sciences, cognitive sciences, neurosciences, biopsychology, and physiology, which will spark new ideas and research directions. The research outcome will contribute to the development of agricultural, biological, and cognitive robotics by advancing theoretical foundations, practical applications, and innovative designs.

PhD applicants must have completed an MSc/MA degree in Engineering, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences, Health, Management or Social Sciences with a thesis. Experience in artificial intelligence, robotics, cognitive sciences, and programming is an advantage. The applicants must fulfil the requirements defined by the department they are applying to and be in the top 20% ranking of their class.

The applicant must contact a potential advisor and should send the CV, a list of academic grades, class ranking, a copy of the degree project report, a list of publications, two personal references and one A4 page describing the personal motivation for applying for this position. The applicants must be skilled in both oral and written communication in English and be able to work independently as well as in collaboration with others.

The closing date for applications is July 20, 2022, and candidates applying will be informed by September 15, 2022. The new session will start in October.

Applicants should send all necessary registration information to and send a copy of their application to their advisors. After the advisor has accepted from Kreitman Graduate School, they should send their recommendations mentioning the full student application to ABC email: [email protected]