The Best Brown Sugar Substitutes for Baking, Barbecue, and Beyond

Out of brown sugar? Try these ingredients that can lead to similar—and in some cases, maybe even better—results.
A plate of banana nut muffins with brown sugar streusel being sliced in half.
Photo by Joseph De Leo, Food Styling by Drew Aichele

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Finding a brown sugar substitute can feel like a daunting task. Comprised of granulated sugar and molasses, this distinctly flavored sweetener adds softness, moistness, and richness to desserts. Brown sugar also brings its signature depth of flavor to savory dishes, like glazed ham and barbecue sauce.

While anyone who likes to bake or BBQ should have a bag of brown sugar in the cupboard, there are alternatives that get remarkably close to the real thing. Before we get into those swaps, there are two types of brown sugar you’ll find at the grocery store:

Light vs. dark brown sugar:

Molasses gives brown sugar a deep flavor and color, as well as a higher moisture content than standard white sugar (which can cause that irritating clumping). The molasses content is what distinguishes light brown sugar (3–4% molasses), from dark brown sugar (6–10% molasses).

Can light and dark brown sugar be used interchangeably? Pretty much, though they present slight nuances in flavor. “Light brown sugar has a milder caramel flavor,” writes Epi staffer Zoe Denenberg. “It adds fluffiness and moisture to chocolate chip cookies and pecan pie. You’ll find dark brown sugar in both sweet and savory recipes where a more prominent molasses flavor is desired, including banana muffins, gingerbread cookies, and barbecue sauce.” You may also notice color variations in the final baked goods.

You can substitute light brown sugar for dark brown sugar (and vice versa) in a 1:1 ratio. But for even more precise results, consider the following alterations: If you’re out of light brown sugar, but don’t want the stronger flavor that comes with using all dark, substitute a combination of equal parts dark brown and white sugar. If you’re out of dark brown sugar, add 1 Tbsp. molasses per cup of light brown sugar for a deeper, richer substitute.

Domino Dark Brown Sugar, 1 lb (Pack of 3)

The best brown sugar substitutes:

Don’t have either light or dark brown sugar on the shelf? You’ve still got plenty of options. Several factors can impact the success of a swap, including the form of the brown sugar substitute (granular vs. liquid) and the recipe application. If you’re looking to sweeten a bowl of oatmeal or a batch BBQ sauce, options abound. But things get more complicated when it comes to baking.

Due to its molasses content, brown sugar is mildly acidic, which means it reacts with baking soda to give baked goods lift and airiness. As such, the different chemical compositions of the substitutes can impact the texture, density, and leavening of your cakes, cookies, or muffins. But by considering these factors and allowing for some trial and error, you can avoid that dreaded emergency run to the grocery store.

White sugar + molasses

A combination of refined sugar and molasses is by far the best brown sugar substitute. As stated above, light and dark brown sugar can be used interchangeably in a pinch, but you can also make your own brown sugar, which is easy to adjust based on what the recipe calls for. Combine 1 cup granulated white sugar with 1 Tbsp. molasses for a light brown sugar substitute, or 2 Tbsp. molasses for a dark brown sugar substitute.

Homemade brown sugar can be made in a total of 5 minutes and used as a 1:1 substitute for the store-bought stuff in any application. If you have any leftover, store it in an airtight container to prevent clumping.

White sugar + liquid sweetener

No molasses around? You can still create a suitable substitute for brown sugar if you have a liquid sweetener like maple syrup, agave nectar, honey, brown rice syrup, or date syrup. Of these, date syrup is your best bet thanks to its caramel-like, almost nutty flavor that’s reminiscent of molasses. You can also try using pomegranate molasses, which will lend tartness—and possibly a pinkish hue to the dish—depending on the amount used.

Combine the liquid sweetener with white sugar using the same ratio as you would with molasses: 1–2 Tbsp. liquid sweetener per 1 cup white sugar.

Date Syrup, 18 oz

Liquid sweetener

The liquid sweeteners listed above—including maple syrup, agave nectar, honey, brown rice syrup, or date syrup—can also act as solo stand-ins for brown sugar in a pinch, since they all lend sweetness accompanied by depth of flavor. But since they can significantly change the moisture content of a dish, these are not easy substitutes. To minimize textural discrepancies, we recommend sticking to recipes that are already liquid, such as glazes, sauces, or beverages (hello, at-home bubble tea). From there, adjusting the recipe can help offset the difference.

Start by using less sweetener than the recipe calls for. For example, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of brown sugar, use ⅔ to ¾ cup liquid sweetener. Not only does this address the added moisture, but it addresses the heightened sweetness of these substitutes in comparison to brown sugar. If you’re still not achieving the desired result, try reducing the other liquid components and/or reducing the cook time by a few minutes.

Agave in the Raw Organic Agave Nectar

Piloncillo (a.k.a. panela)

Popular in Latin American cooking, piloncillo is made from sugar cane juice that’s reduced into a syrup, then poured into cone- or disk-shaped molds and left to harden. Its flavor is more robust than standard American brown sugar, with a pleasant earthiness. Piloncillo comes in both light and dark varieties, but the color difference depends on the type of cane being processed (rather than having more or less of a particular element added to it, as with molasses). To use either, you must grate the sugar block on a box grater or shave it with a serrated knife. You could also break the block up into chunks and pulse it in your food processor. Use grated or shaved piloncillo as a 1:1 substitute for brown sugar.

Goya Piloncillo Panela, 8-oz. (Pack of 2)

Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar (sometimes called palm sugar, though this term may refer to sugar derived from a few different plants) is a fine, brown-hued granulated sugar made from the sap of coconut palm. It doesn’t taste like coconut, though—in fact, its flavor is quite similar to brown sugar, but with a slightly savory, smoky undercurrent. Just because these two ingredients are similar in taste and appearance doesn’t mean they’ll behave the same. Brown sugar has more moisture thanks to its higher molasses content, and coconut sugar is comparatively higher in fiber.

Using coconut sugar as a substitute for brown sugar can lead to baked goods that are drier or crispier than intended. You can use coconut sugar as a 1:1 substitute for brown sugar, but don’t expect quite the same result. If you’re sensing a lack of moisture, add a little extra fat in the form of butter or oil.

Madhava Organic Coconut Sugar, 3 lbs

Date sugar

Not to be confused with date palm sugar, which is similar in composition to coconut sugar, date sugar is made from ground, dehydrated dates. While it is also somewhat drier than brown sugar, this option has rich caramel flavor and can be used 1:1 as a brown sugar replacement in any recipe. Try it in a batch of oatmeal cookies with fresh dates subbed in for the usual raisins.

Raw sugar

Often sprinkled onto shortbread or muffin tops for added texture, unrefined sugars—such as demerara sugar, turbinado sugar, and muscovado sugar—can also be great substitutes for brown sugar. All three types of sugar feature a light brown color that’s similar to standard brown sugar, and all three contain molasses, but muscovado is closest to the real thing.

Like brown sugar itself, muscovado sugar comes in light and dark varieties—go with light if you can, since dark muscovado could lean too bitter. If you’re opting for demerara or turbinado, which have much larger granules, try grinding either in a spice grinder before measuring. This will help the sugar integrate more evenly into a dish, especially if there’s batter or dough involved. If you don’t have a spice grinder on hand, try dissolving the sugar into a warm liquid, ideally from another component of the recipe, such as water, butter, or oil.

All of these raw, unrefined sugars can typically be swapped in at a 1:1 ratio by weight, but just like some other brown sugar alternatives, you may need to make adjustments to account for the difference in texture.

India Tree Dark Muscovado Sugar, 1 lb

Maple sugar

An unrefined sugar with a fine grain similar to cane sugar, maple sugar does indeed come from maple trees and will therefore contribute some warm, maple-y flavor to your dish. Maple sugar’s distinct sweetness can be a welcome addition when sprinkled on top of pastries, fruit, or oatmeal. These are the ideal applications for this brown sugar substitute since maple sugar won’t create the same texture as the standard stuff when used in baking. Use maple sugar as a 1:1 substitute for brown sugar.

White sugar

By this point, you may be wondering, “Is all this really necessary, or can I just use white sugar as a brown sugar substitute?” The answer is yes and no. Yes, you can use white sugar in place of brown sugar using a 1:1 ratio and get fine results in many applications, but not all. Regular sugar won’t provide the same robust, caramelly note or chewy texture in baking, and will result in relatively pale baked goods. In some recipes, these differences may be negligible. In others—specifically in baked applications—the results will have a crispier texture than intended. As with any ingredient substitute, a little experimentation can be a good thing; you may even discover a swap you like better. But if it doesn’t work out, just remember: You’re the one who didn’t want to run to the store.