November 11 2021

Event Review: Top 5 Themes from the Government Digital Transformation Summit

What we learned from global experts about transforming government communications

Meta’s first ever Government Digital Transformation Summit saw leading experts in government communications and digital transformation speak to the challenges and trends of fostering stronger community connections.

In review, we’d like to share the top 5 themes that emerged from the discussions of the day, along with recommendations on sessions to watch.

1. The demand for digital communication is high

Effective online communication is an integral part of the government digital transformation journey. This is because for constituents, being able to communicate with their government online is no longer a nice to have, it’s an expectation. Experts suggested that government organizations could benefit from meeting constituents where they are and responding to the need for digital services and online communication.

Recommended watch: Fireside chat: Government’s evolving mandate

Learn more about how people expect to communicate with government organizations in our community insights research.

2. Collaboration is key to government digital transformation

Whether it’s getting feedback from constituents, building relationships with businesses and NGOs or partnering with other government organizations, having a collaborative mindset is essential to government digital transformation. Telling a clear story to all stakeholders can help build credibility for your organization.

Recommended watch: Keynote interview: Co-creating for success - the role of collaboration in building a digital ecosystem

3. People want clear, accurate and timely information

Experts emphasized the importance of having a clear communications strategy, and getting accurate, timely information to people, especially during times of crisis. They also shared that putting people at the center of government communication can help government organizations achieve their goals more effectively, and in the process, build trust with their communities.

Recommended watch: Panel discussion: COVID as catalyst - Transforming government communication today and in the future

Take our short courseon communicating public service announcements

4. Dialogue can help build trust

Two-way communication between government organizations and the people they serve can help build trust. The value added by this dialogue can help transform not only the speed and level of communication from government organizations, but also the relationship they have with their communities.

Recommended watch: The power of messaging: Creating space for meaningful conversations

Download this guide on Messaging for Government Organizations

5. Personalizing communication for your audience is essential to staying relevant

Tailoring digital communication for different audiences, such as by age group, can not only help get important messages across to the right people at the right time, but also drive the actions you want them to take. Similarly, using a combination of digital platforms, led by how your audience is using them, can help reach people where they are and provide them with relevant and timely content.

Recommended watch: Fireside chat: Setting the course for digital development

​​Learn about the ways you can use Meta technologies to connect with your community, raise awareness around important issues, register people for government services and foster community by reviewing our best practices for government organizations.