Pankhuri Mehrotra



Age: 20

City: Mumbai

School: Seven Square Academy


Profession: Model, fashion designing student

Interests: Dancing, Spending time with the nature, Reading Novels, Swimming, Working out

Favourite quote:
There is so much more to life when the perspective changes

Pankhuri Mehrotra is a girl who believes in herself and the blessings of the Universe. Kindness and positivity run through her veins. She wakes up every morning with an intention to spread smiles and to live the best day today. Modeling, dancing, reading novels, swimming, working out are her hobbies. And her rock-solid willpower gives her the strength to keep going in each adverse situation in life.


How best would you describe your personality?
A charming, fun-loving, and positive personality is how I would describe myself. Strong-willed backed by a firm self-belief is one quality that helps me to stay focused on my goals. And so, I look forward to every day with zeal and zest.

What is your all-time favorite movie or book?
I am an avid reader, and my favorite book is The power of your subconscious mind. After reading this book, my perceptions about life broadened. I realized that my mind is the key to the manifestation of all my dreams.

Who is the most influential person in your life?
The most influential person in my life is my birth-giver - my mother.
I always draw inspiration from her rock-solid willpower. However, her never-say-die spirit is what amazes me about her.

What are the three best qualities you possess?
Confidence - My belief in myself and my abilities makes me confident in who I am.
Compassion - My compassionate heart feels not only for humans but for animals too. Whenever I see someone facing a difficult situation, the compassionate person in me jumps to help them get out of that situation.
Composed - To remain calm and collected in situations of anxiety and stress provides me an opportunity to look at the situation with a better understanding.

What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is living a life where I am troubled by my past and worried about the future. Not being able to live in the moment and make the most of my day is my biggest fear.

Describe your favorite memory of your college life?
My favorite memory of my college was the time when I used to participate in intercollegiate competitions. Performing on stage and connecting with people from different backgrounds was a wonderful experience of my life.

What was the craziest rumor you ever heard about yourself?
I haven't heard any crazy rumors about me as I have always led a simple and peaceful life.

Which public personality would you like to hang out with?
I would love to hang out with Padma Shri awardee Sudha Murty Ji because I admire her for her knowledge and simplicity. Her selfless dedication towards the upliftment of society has inspired me tremendously.

What is your motto of life?
To live a life full of contentment and peace. Living each day to its best and being grateful for everything is my motto in life.

One thing you miss about your college life amid pandemic?
I miss the fun that I used to have with my college friends; I miss the freedom to roam freely without the fear of the virus.

What would be your advice for the youth of today?
The only advice I would give to today's youth is to start seeing the brighter side of situations and not let the negativity seep into their lives because a change in perspective can change a lot in life.

What does Campus Princess mean to you?
Campus Princess was a stepping stone in my life. It put me on a platform where I discovered my true talents. The fraternity has added so much value to my life and my aspirations. I am forever grateful to the Campus Princess fraternity for providing me this opportunity.

If you were to be granted one wish, what would you ask for?
If I were to be granted one wish, I wish for the Covid-19 pandemic to disappear from planet earth so that nobody loses their precious lives.