Shyna Choudhary



Age: 22

City: Delhi

School: St. Joseph’s Convent School, Pathankot

College: Kalindi College, Delhi University

Profession: Model / Student

Interests: Travel, Dance, Music, Yoga

Favourite quote:
Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots

Shyna Choudhary hails from a small city in Punjab - Pathankot and is currently working as a model and aspires to be a media aspirant. She has diverse interests ranging from dance, gymnastics, music, yoga, and traveling, and growing up, she was a very spontaneous kid who expressed herself by dancing. She is also a trained dancer and a gymnast.
Being a sports enthusiast and a fitness freak, Shyna emphasizes on physical and mental health. Versatility and perseverance are the key factors for her to succeed in life and fight failures. She firmly believes that the quality of one's life is measured by the extent to which one gives to society, and thus, she works with various NGOs to help society. She believes in creating history by making use of every opportunity that comes her way and credits her family for all she is today.


How best would you describe your personality?
My personality revolves around being fierce, spontaneous, and full of life.

What is your all-time favourite movie or book?
Movie – The Pursuit of happiness
Book – The Alchemist

Who is the most influential person in your life?
Each and every person has an influence on my life who motivates me to go beyond my limits, be it a stranger or a loved one, who helps me prosper in life.

What are the three best qualities you possess?
Zealous, Fierce, Free-spirited

What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is losing my loved ones. I don’t want to personally encounter a day where I have to go through this experience.

Describe your favourite memory of your college life?
To be honest, I didn’t have a very happening college life, but yes, I do have some great memories; one of them is being a part of the dance society(Karma) of my college and representing Karma at various fest where I met some of the most amazing people in the form of great companions. I can’t forget the Maggi point, where I use to go with my classmates after skipping lectures; it was fun.

What was the craziest rumour you ever heard about yourself?
That I had a crush on my seniors and also dated a few.

Which public personality would you like to hang out with?
If I get a chance, I will surely love to hang out with Sushmita Sen. She is an epitome of beauty and a goddess herself. Her journey from nothing to everything in itself is so inspiring and empathetic for me. I would love to meet such a versatile, zealous person with a never – giving up attitude. She has a lot in the store for me to learn and for the world too.

What is your motto of life?
My life motto is to go with the flow. Live and let live is a theory my life revolves around.

One thing you miss about your college life amid pandemic?
I miss our secretive meetings at the Maggi point. All the gossips and gala time I use to have with my girls is a major missing. Also, I miss studying in a conventional manner rather than online.

What would be your advice for the youth of today?
Tolerance and patience are what I would love them to have in themselves. Being focused on their dreams while carrying everyone forward. Inducing positive vibes and working towards their health, especially mental health, will help them attain patience.

What does Campus Princess mean to you?
To me, Campus Princess is not just a group of 50-60 beautiful ladies, but it is a family, and I feel privileged that I could be a part of it. I met some of the most amazing people in this family who guided me and helped me attain my focus. All the lessons and the teachings are so beneficial that expands to all horizon of life and not just pageants.

If you were to be granted one wish, what would you ask for?
The ability to speak to nature.