Vaibhavi Sharma



Age: 22

City: Gurugram

School: City Montessori School, Lucknow

College: National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kangra H.P.

Profession: Modelling

Interests: Singing, Acting, Cooking and Swimming

Favourite quote:
Every day is a new learning and as individuals, we should all arrive for the same.

Born in Lucknow, Vaibhavi Sharma has ancestral roots in the 'Land of the Gods' - Uttrakhand, which gives her a perfect blend of Lucknawi Tehzeeb and Pahari Culture. Fashion has greatly influenced her from her teenage years, so she proudly decided to take it up as her career. In addition to this, Vaibhavi has been learning semi-classical music and is working on her acting skills by being part of several plays. She believes that her career is not just something that can provide her bread, but she also wants to work to better society. And working towards that mission, she has associated herself with an old age home. She firmly believes that a person's experience is his/her biggest achievement because experience is the greatest teacher.


How best would you describe your personality?
I am very ambitious, who constantly seek opportunities. I am a highly organized person who has this passion for always leading herself to take challenges and learn new things. I always try to push myself out of my comfort zone. I am not comfortable settling, so I’m always looking for opportunities to do better and achieve my goals.

What is your all-time favourite movie or book?
'The Pursuit of Happyness' is my all-time favourite movie as it shows the true side of the struggle and how a person who is determined can achieve success.

Who is the most influential person in your life?
My parents are the most influential people in my life as I’ve learned many things from them, such as handling difficult situations with no stress. They have constantly supported me in every point of my life and have taught me to work hard and do my best, and they remind me always to have fun and be positive in tough times, and not get weighed down by the bad.

What are the three best qualities you possess?
1. Patience
2. Passionate
3. Kindness

What is your biggest fear?
I am really scared of the dark. I can’t stay in a room with no light.

Describe your favourite memory of your college life?
My favourite memory was when all my friends surprised me at a birthday party. Seeing the efforts, they all had put for me made me emotional and gave me a memory to cherish.

What was the craziest rumour you ever heard about yourself?
Someone in college circulated that I am a lesbian and my girl best friend is my girlfriend, and many believed.

Which public personality would you like to hang out with?
I would love to hang out with Priyanka Chopra. She has been vigilant not in her field but has also taken an active part in social development. She has taken initiatives in various social programs, which have aimed at the development of less privileged people. She has achieved so much all by herself, and I aspire to be like the strong woman she is.

What is your motto of life?
Take every day as new learning.

One thing you miss about your college life amid pandemic?
Meeting my friends every day and making memories.

What would be your advice for the youth of today?
Be patient and persistent as life is not so much what you accomplish as what you overcome. So just be your best and make the best use of the present.

What does Campus Princess mean to you?
Campus Princess is something that has helped me have experiences that are no less than achievements. In addition, it has helped me build confidence and leadership skills.

If you were to be granted one wish, what would you ask for?
If I had one wish, it would be to be able to do time travel. I would love to go back to my college and relive the beautiful and golden days of my life till now.