Divaa Uthkarsha

Divaa Uthkarsha

Champion Against Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes, Bengaluru

Divaa Uthkarsha

Divaa Uthkarsha's Story

After her nine-year-old brother, Surya, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2020 during the lockdown, Divaa Uthkarsha, then 12, started Project Surya after enrolling in the One Million for One Billion Future Leaders programme. Project Surya aims to improve the quality of life for underprivileged Type 1 diabetic children residing in Karnataka and to raise awareness about the difference between Type 1 diabetes and the more common Type 2. Through this initiative, the now 15-year-old 2023 Diana Awardee raises funds to sponsor insulin and diabetes management resources such as glucose strips and syringes, working with Samatvam Endocrinology For Science and Welfare Trust to disseminate these resources. Although Divaa has faced challenges related to people not taking her seriously because of her age and with fundraising, Project Surya has focused on one-on-one interactions and targeting a smaller support group of a hundred diabetic families over the last two years. The initiative has successfully reached 3,50,000 individuals, raised INR 1 million, and sponsored 5,000 insulin vials through organized rallies, school sessions, and engaging with ASHA workers. As a passionate UNSDG advocate, Divaa also presented Project Surya at the United Nations headquarters in New York. 

Edited excerpts from an interview:
What have been the main challenges you have faced?
One of the major challenges I encountered in my journey was when we reached out to organisations and stakeholders with collaboration proposals, but they underestimated our potential just because we were teenagers. To show people what we are capable of and to involve them in the change-making process by not just caring but acting towards what they care about was a major challenge. Sometimes, dealing with setbacks and failure is a major challenge, but we learn from past experiences,  strategise our next plan of action and restart – this is something we actively practise. My schedule as a school student conflicted with a lot of our session dates and, initially, it was hard for me to reach out to my target audience, but, now, I have sorted out my priorities and have learnt to manage the entire project and expand. “Touch, move and inspire” is what my mother taught me, and I hope to do justice to this mantra. This journey has taught me to be grateful and feel the problems of others through an empathetic lens of understanding and kindness. If things are not working out as we thought, we change the plan, not the goal.

What has been your biggest joy on this ‘good’ journey?
Every session we conduct, we get overwhelming responses from the children – which has me in tears. “Didi, I want to become like you.” Phrases like this remind me that it is our duty to give these kids the confidence to dream big. Sometimes, hundreds of kids flock to us and ask for hugs and high fives; this is the most heartwarming feedback we get. They come to us with so much hope and, to keep their hope alive and do our little bit to help them thrive, gives me the greatest joy. These kids, hailing from remote villages, inspire me since they have overcome so many life-threatening challenges and still wear their hearts on their sleeves. 

What keeps you going?
I started Project Surya inspired by my younger brother Surya’s journey. He is my biggest motivation and supporter. Seeing a smile on these children’s faces and their eyes glistening with joy along with the heartwarming gratitude of their parents keeps me going. Nothing gives me more joy than seeing them believe in themselves. My enthusiastic team and my biggest mentors – my parents – keep me determined to continue creating a positive impact. This is what gets me out of bed every morning. I find purpose in giving back to society and that keeps me going!

What is your message?
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Take a step today towards things you are passionate about, no matter how big or small they are. The joy you get from giving is unparalleled. Believe in the greater good and keep humanity alive.

About mamaearth

Founded by husband-wife duo Ghazal Alagh and Varun Alagh, Mamaearth is a purpose-led beauty and personal care brand built on the core philosophy of "Goodness Inside". Driven by innovation and using the best of science and nature, Mamaearth has created a portfolio of toxin-free products by adding the goodness of natural ingredients inspired from traditional Indian DIY recipes. Along with the goodness in their products, Mamaearth strongly believes that goodness starts with the little choices we make in our daily lives, and it is what makes us truly beautiful.

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