#BounceBackIndia: Falguni Prashant Khalpada Is Protecting Livelihoods

Posted on Jul 29, 2020, 16:41 IST
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Source: Falguni

True service is when you use your passion, knowledge, and skills for a cause, and Gujarat-based textile expert Falguni Prashant Khalpada, is doing exactly that. The owner of kidswear brand, Misty Creations, swapped to manufacturing face masks and distributing them for donation in rural areas to stop the spread of the deadly Coronavirus. From March 25, when she started the initiative, till date, she has manufactured around three lakh face masks and distributed over 15,000 in rural areas. The rest were sold so as to sustain her business. 
Falguni Prashant Khalpada

Apart from helping curb the spread of the virus, Khalpada was invested in thinking of her factory workers and wanted to support them with a means of livelihood in these tough times, especially after she heard of many business owners leaving their workers to fend for themselves. “I had to do something, I couldn’t just shut shop and sit still. At least with this, they are not just being provided meals but are earning with dignity.” She continues to take bulk orders for the masks and thus keeping the employment on, albeit following all protocols of sanitisation and stringent measures for safety, including workers wearing gloves and masks.

The young entrepreneur was inspired to make fabric masks to reduce the impact on the environment since these can be washed, sanitised, and reused. “On the plus side, cotton is hygienic and cool for use in Indian weather,” she says. She did a trial-run for a hundred pieces, which she distributed among her neighbours. The feedback was great, so she launched the initiative.

With her manufacturing, Khalpada has also created employment opportunities for several women in rural and slum areas as well, and an opportunity to earn up to ` 2,500 over two-three days with their resources. “Most of these women have government-granted sewing machines and basic supplies. So, I send them cut fabric to stitch into masks. Per day, each woman can make around 300 masks,” she elaborates.

Falguni Prashant Khalpada

Speaking of what this COVID-19 pandemic has taught her, Khalpada says, “Just as several other business owners and individuals, I have learned to rely on local goods and businesses for everything from daily essentials to raw materials needed in my business. If we all stay in this together with resolve, there’s no stopping us, come what may.”

This story is part of a series in association with Facebook. Facebook has no editorial role in this story.

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