#BounceBackIndia: Even COVID-19 Couldn’t Stop This Determined Doctor

Posted on Aug 20, 2020, 18:47 IST
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Vidya Thakur

The pandemic challenged the world like no other, but the turbulent time also brought the best of mankind forward. Take Dr Vidya Thakur, the medical superintendent of Ghatkopar-based Rajawadi Hospital for example. She tested positive for COVID-19 on July 26 and was consequently admitted, but that did not stop her from continuing to perform her duties to ensure the hospital runs smoothly, and patients have all necessary facilities.

While being treated, she set up a work unit in her ward where she constantly fielded calls from employees of the Ghatkopar hospital and assisted them via video and phone calls. She was also available to patients’ families and answered their questions. On average, she dedicated eight hours of her day to calls while being at the hospital and in-between treatments.

“My work is my passion and keeps me fit. In fact, hospitalisation helped me consider other aspects of patient needs which I might not have understood otherwise. For instance, the patients are alone during hospitalisation with no loved one around to keep their spirits up. Under these circumstances, the hospital staff needs to step up and ensure that they have ample emotional support. It’s also a great idea to have books or televisions in rooms to alleviate anxiety and sleepless nights. I am eager to look into these when I resume work.” Dr Thakur is currently on leave after being discharged and will return to work month-end.


The 55-year-old recalls the time when she displayed symptoms of Covid-19 and got tested. “My husband, Dr Vijay Thakur, an ENT surgeon and one of my daughters tested positive too. We were admitted the moment we got our results,” she says. 

When not attending to patients, she would spend her time drawing. “My daughter sent along a drawing book and some colours to keep me occupied during the quarantine in the hospital. Art has been a great stress buster!” Now at home, Dr Thakur concentrates on consuming a healthy diet while paying special attention to strengthening immunity.

Even though the nation is bouncing back, and lockdowns have been relaxed, the senior doctor advises citizens to be careful and follow safety rules. “This disease is a new one. Always wear masks and avoid unnecessary wandering out. If you feel unwell, immediately take medical advice. If treated timely, even serious infections are treatable.”

This story is part of a series in association with Facebook. Facebook has no editorial role in this story.
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