Femina Power List: Twinkle Khanna On Writing And Her New Platform, Tweak

Posted on Nov 25, 2020, 12:27 IST
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Author and columnist Twinkle Khanna, whose start-up recently turned one, is busy whirring out words at her computer to weave into stories. She talks about trying to pull a rabbit out of each of her hats

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Image: Prasad Naik

She’s not afraid to speak her mind out loud, even if it sometimes leads to a foot-in-the-mouth situation. More importantly, she does not shy away from extending those very thoughts into written words, whether it be in her columns or her books. If you read any of her Mrs Funnybones columns, you will nod your head in agreement until you develop a pain in the neck laughing at how she puts her thoughts best—with a wry sense of humour sprinkled with a generous dose of sarcasm. It was only a natural progression then, for Twinkle Khanna to launch a digital platform, Tweak, a forum for women and by women. It looks at women’s empowerment, culture, sustainability, parenting, clean beauty, wellness and fashion.

The platform has engaged in meaningful conversations with close to 2 million people and, to mark its first year, Tweak Books was launched to present an imprint with two books. Author, columnist, interior designer, and film producer Khanna talks of inspiration, her work process and what lies ahead. Over to the wordsmith.

You don many hats—writer, mother, daughter, wife, and entrepreneur. Which do you enjoy the most?
Despite my many hats, I am always trying to pull a rabbit out of each. I do prefer sitting at my desk and writing, books more than columns though. It sometimes gets frustrating, where you feel like putting your head inside your dryer along with a pile of wet clothes as if the spin cycle might shake things up inside, but it’s ultimately rewarding.

On Life In Lockdown 
How has the pandemic affected your creative process?
Initially, I had a burst of creative energy, which then dissipated into apathy. Now it’s again become about scheduling. I have found that the best time to write is as soon as I wake up, grab a coffee, return to bed. I use a pillow as a desk, start writing, sipping on my magical caffeinated elixir, often in the dark, with a child asleep next to me, the gentle snoring a soundtrack to my whirling brain.

I have found that the best time to write is as soon as I wake up, grab a coffee, return to bed. I use a pillow as a desk, start writing. – Twinkle Khanna

Can you share a few insights from your experiences with everyone at home 24/7?
I think, initially, before we adjusted to the idea of being at home, things were definitely strained. But we seem to have found our balance now and things are on schedule. I spend time with my kids, cooking together, gardening, or just lying down with a book.

Did you use the time to teach your children a few life lessons?
I have always wanted my kids to be more involved at home, and this lockdown has given me the opportunity to work towards that. My son has turned into quite the chef, and has even taken to baking, which is great!

Have your children picked up the reading habit from you? What are they currently enjoying?
Luckily, both my kids do enjoy reading, though I don’t know if they got the habit from me or picked it up on their own. Right now, my son has started The Prophet (by Kahlil Gibran) and my daughter has still not finished The War Next Door by Phil Earle.

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Image: Prasad Naik

On Tweak
What was the idea behind Tweak when you launched it? Which audiences were you hoping to cater to?
I was hoping to create a space where women could build a sense of community, share knowledge, ask questions, seek advice, and even just vent their frustrations. Tweak was always meant to be a place with no judgement, where women could express their ideas and opinions without fear or apprehension.

To me, it’s not about making mammoth changes all at once; it’s about the little ‘tweaks’ that can lead to an easier life and that’s where the name came from. – Twinkle Khanna on Tweak

What is the story behind the name, Tweak?
Tweak refers to the small changes that people can make in their lives. After I started my column, I realised women were reaching out to me for advice, and the common thread that ran through it all was the desire or the need to make life easier. To me, it’s not about making mammoth changes all at once; it’s about the little ‘tweaks’ that can lead to an easier life and that’s where the name came from.

Now that you have spent a year with Tweak, do you see your initial motives being fulfilled?
The fact that, even during a pandemic, as a start-up, not only have we survived, but done surprisingly well and hit all our milestones, including the launch of Tweak Books, is a testament to the work we have put in through the year. I think we have a long way to go, but have definitely done more than we had planned for our first year despite an obstacle of gigantic proportions.

How do you ensure you differentiate yourself from the hundreds of other content platforms?
For me, what sets Tweak apart is that, unlike a lot of other platforms, it doesn’t focus on just one subject, but instead is an umbrella that covers a diverse range of relevant topics from work, parenting and culture to wellness, sustainability and entertainment. When we were launching, we noticed that most of the content online worked in extremes; either they talked about the uber luxurious, or went all the way to the other end of the spectrum dealing with shoestring budgets. Tweak, I believe, addresses both, the aspirational and the accessible, and tries to make the aspirational more accessible.

Content creation is a dynamic process; how have you and your staff at Tweak kept up in the current unprecedented time?
It is a very collaborative platform, and our team is connected through various mediums, including video calls. In fact, we have found that remote working has probably increased our efficiency, planning, and scheduling. While the mechanisms of how we work might have shifted due to the pandemic, our work ethic remains the same, and we work together to find and create relevant and engaging content continually.

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Image courtesy: Twinkle Khanna, Photographer: Daboo Ratnani

On Writing 
What does your writing process entail?  Do you shut yourself up in your space and write for hours on end or is it the opposite—a relaxed process in which you take much-needed breaks?
It depends on what bit I am working on. When I start a new book, it’s more relaxed and it could be as little as an hour a day because I’m still finding my way. The work is inside the head, coming together when I am doing other things, walking my dog, cleaning my cupboard. Halfway through a manuscript, I write for five or six hours and, then, by the end, it’s pretty much all I do. I am then writing for 10 hours a day, sometimes getting up in the middle of the night and heading back to my desk.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?
I am always watching people, listening to their stories, taking notes of idiosyncrasies and quirks. I read extensively and across genres, sometimes it’s even a newspaper article that could spark something off.

Compared to being a novelist, being a columnist is like always being on a diet. Instead of a calorie restriction, here you have to manage within meagre word counts. – Twinkle Khanna

How do you decide what to write about as a columnist? 

Compared to being a novelist, being a columnist is like always being on a diet. Instead of a calorie restriction, here you have to manage within meagre word counts. Within those 850 words, I have to showcase an event or a problem, dissect it and also present it in an engaging manner. I usually make a few short notes about current events and then begin. I sometimes chuckle as I write, and, luckily, people find it funny or relatable too.

As a writer yourself, is there a book that you like so much you wish you had written it?
A long list and, each time I read a book, one more is added to that never-ending list.

When will we be seeing your next book?
I am writing, that’s all I can say.

What’s in the ‘new’ pipeline for Tweak?
We have had a plethora of firsts. The launch of our imprint with two books out this month—a book for children called When I Grow Up I Want To Be, and a cookbook, What’s in Your Dabba? There have been summits and we even launched a line of merchandise, all in the midst of the pandemic. I would say we’ve managed to achieve all the milestones we had set for ourselves a year ago.

November is a very special month for us, as we celebrate 61 years of being India’s most-read women’s magazine. In this anniversary special, we celebrate New Beginnings in the post-pandemic world, and have featured women who have been path breakers in their fields by crossing the toughest barriers to reach where they are. Download our Anniversary 2020 issue and find out inspirational journeys of the latest copy and read about them UNSTOPPABLE women.

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