Navneet Gill Is Doing Her Bit For The Needy During Lockdown

Posted on Apr 20, 2020, 18:00 IST
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#CovidCrusader: It's true what they say—not all heroes wear capes. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the warriors of today are the ones that wear a mask. In our very first Digital-only issue, Vivel and Femina are introducing you to those brave souls who are breaking the norms, risking their lives on a daily basis to make sure that people in need don't go hungry, everyone around you is well protected against the virus, stray animals are fed and taken care of.

Meet one such hero: Navneet Gill


Despite the challenges being faced by the hospitality industry, Navneet Gill, owner of Nini’s Kitchen, a chain of casual dine restaurants in Gujarat, has not only ensured the needs of her staff are met, but is doing her bit to ensure the needy don’t go hungry and helpless. 

Commenting on the situation, Gill says, “We couldn’t leave our staff to fend for themselves. So while the restaurant was shut, we’d open it for an hour, twice a day to make food for the staff. Only two people from the kitchen team would cook for everyone, and carry it back to their quarters.” 


This was when Gill took to social media to announce the Feed Amdavad initiative, inviting those who needed meals. “We were surprised with the number of calls and messages from people who were stuck without food–students, doctors, reporters, and even the elderly who were dependent on cooks,” says Gill.

“We advised everyone to send just one person from their room or locality to collect the meals from the pre-decided spot, and maintain the recommended six-feet distance.”


As word spread, the number of people who needed meals increased. But Gill’s funds were on a decline, so she had to think of a solution. That’s when she introduced dining bonds. She explains, “Dining bonds are a kind of investment in a future dinner at Nini’s Kitchen. So on buying one bond worth INR 1,000, we provide a food voucher in return, which can be redeemed later. This way, we would have the much needed funds to keep our initiative running.”

After a second announcement was shared explaining this new concept, they received a tremendous response, even from people residing overseas, many of who had no intention of redeeming the food vouchers. “After this, we applied for the essential services pass for five of our kitchen team members and one for our delivery vehicles. And so far, we’ve managed to deliver more than 4,000 food packs to Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC). This number also includes the food packs that have been collected from all outlets. We’ve been cooking copious amounts khichdi and pulao  because they are nutritious and easy to make without much manpower. Also, they are easy to pack and deliver, and stay fresh for at least three to four hours, even in Ahmedabad. We’ve also cooked daliya, aloo-puri, and are planning dal makhani and jeera rice,” Gill explains.


Gill also ensures her team working during this lockdown and safe. “We have ensured that all five members are operating with masks, gloves, caps, and with the mandatory hand sanitisation every hour. We have an alarm system which rings every hour to remind them to wash/sanitise their hands, no matter what they’re doing. They all have a personal digital thermometer on their person, and are mandated to monitor their temperature twice a day. All five stay in the same room, away from the other staff rooms. The rest of the team is observing the lockdown in their rooms.”


A dentist by profession, Gill fully understands the gravity of the situation and doesn’t put off taking the right steps when needed. “The first thing we did after COVID-19 hit Ahmedabad was buy surgical grade disinfectants. We’ve been fumigating our kitchens as well, with 70 per cent alcohol and formalin (the stuff surgeons use to disinfect operation theatres). All utensils are soaked in bleaching powder and rinsed thoroughly. All fruits and vegetables are rinsed with warm water and vinegar,” she signs off.
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