Aditi Kothari Desai, DSPIM Sales Head On The Need To For Women To Invest

Posted on Aug 20, 2020, 10:22 IST
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Aditi Kothari, The Head of Sales, Marketing and E-Business, DSP Investment Managers, who launched a platform for women to take charge of their own finances, tells us why the step is much needed 

Aditi Kothari Desai

At a young age, Aditi Kothari Desai was taught the value of financial independence by her mother, who told her she needed to have a job when she grows up so she could make her own money. Today, Head of Sales, Marketing and E-Business, DSP Investment Managers, leads financial initiatives at the organisation and was also instrumental in launching Winvestor, an initiative aimed at empowering women with confidence and financial knowledge to plan for their long-term security.

An Economics graduate from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Kothari Desai completed her MBA from Harvard Business School, and today is a trustee in the Hemendra Kothari Foundation as well as the Wildlife Conservation Trust. Over to her.

At any point in life, did you face any resistance from your family owing to your gender?
My parents were always supportive, but they were nervous about me going abroad to study, back in 1994. So, I had to start working on them a few years ahead, since they always refused. When my father agreed to send me if I got into Wharton, I knew this was my only ticket so I focused on getting it.

Did you ever experience that you had to work doubly hard to prove yourself to others?
At DSP, we want the right person for the right job, with gender neutrality. We have women placed at very senior positions as well.

How do you think you approach your wok differently owing to your gender?
Being a woman has its strengths, but no one asks men this question! I am a person who goes to work, and I have to do my best for it. And that’s what matters.

With Winvestor you bring out the need for women to take charge of their finances. What made you realise that even the most successful of women lack the knowledge, and are often happy to go along with the advice from the men in their lives?
It started in 2010-11 when a few friends asked me how they should invest. They needed holistic advice and I couldn’t do it for them one at a time. They needed someone to constantly attend to their portfolios, so I would pair them with women advisors who thought like me. It went on to become a women helping women situation, and that’s how Winvestor started.

How did you decide to scale it up?
I decided to scale it up by going to campuses and office spaces talking to women, educating them on investments and why they need to take charge of their finances. Over time with these interactions I realised, most working felt financially independent by merely earning the money, not thinking of its investment. They are not fully financially independent until they know how much money they have. I learnt a few things I could tackle.

1. More women are working, and it is their hard-earned money so they should know what to do with it. This also goes for those who inherit, receive alimony or are beneficiaries of life insurance.
2. Working women today are in a huge dilemma during maternity since the leave is only six months, and post that they are unsure of whether to take some time off or go back to work since they are so used to earning. If they plan for it this gap, they can get passive income from their investments.
3. Often, when women want to purchase larger things in life, they need to ask multiple questions about their money, they do not even know how much they have. Most don’t take interest, they have blind trust. They have a mental block that they are not good at it.
4. Financial independence and investment need to be taught young, so youngsters are prepared when they earn their first salaries.

Aditi Kothari Desai

With the pandemic, financial stability has gone for a toss. Your advice?
We need to look at the past, and how we have recovered. In 1991, India went through a financial issue with a foreign exchange crisis, but we acted and it changed for the better. Then we had the dotcom boom and bust, and we had the 2008 recession. We’ve emerged victorious each time and will so, now. It takes patience. There is anxiety, but you need to hold a diversified and balanced portfolio, you have to think long term.

You are also passionate about wildlife, and serve on the board of different institutions. How did that happen?
I fell in love with animals at a young age and visited many sanctuaries with my parents, when we started getting aware about conservation. We knew that we had to do something to save what we have for the generations to come. I liked learning about animal behaviour and studied it. They may not be able to talk, and are exploited by humans, which made me feel very strongly about wanting to be their voice.

A piece of advice that is etched in your memory?
When there’s a will there’s a way. You just have to put your full focus and drive into it.

If you were to leave our readers with one thought, what would it be?
Be a student for life. That way you learn every day. Never think you have had enough. And yes, learn to be a better person every day.

What are some of your other interests, how do you unwind?
Besides wildlife and reading, I deeply follow the Bhagawad Gita, and am taking a class on it twice a week. Besides, I love to travel and explore cities and often watch shows and read about travel. My husband and I watch a lot of detective shows.

‘Support homegrown brands' is not a mere catchphrase anymore. It needs to be the intent behind every purchase we make today. The 2020 pandemic has given a major push to the already existing support local movement. As India celebrates 73 years of Independence, we have put together a special issue on ‘Vocal about Local’, which is in keeping with our government’s thought process of promoting local produce, local crafts and craftsmen. Download your free copy and join this initiative 

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