
  • Critiques des dernières sorties, mixes, podcasts et playlists

Derniers albums

  • RA Recommends

    Monolake - Studio

    The tenth Monolake album is Henke's best in a decade, capturing his love of intricate detailing and slippery rhythms.

    Completed by her brother years after her death, the iconoclastic producer's underdeveloped second album reveals just how much of her music's impact came from its finishing details.
    Sasha Geffen
  • Jamie xx - In Waves

    Cloying hooks detract from skilled production on the artist's second album, which takes more from club culture than it gives back.
    Delilah Friedler
  • Hyperdub
    RA Recommends

    Tim Reaper & Kloke - In Full Effect

    Hyperdub's first-ever jungle album rallies two of the genre's contemporary luminaries for a triumph that feels anything but revivalist.

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RA Recommends

  • 2024

    Monolake - Studio

    The tenth Monolake album is Henke's best in a decade, capturing his love of intricate detailing and slippery rhythms.