Governance that scales

Heap’s revolutionary data governance system is built on top of the world's most complete data foundation. Discover how teams leverage Heap to manage their customer data at scale and unlock insights into the full customer journey.

Website page and mobile app data sent to Heap

Complete data organization

Heap’s governance tools make it easy to manage large datasets and generate insights your teams can trust.

  • Maximize accuracy with data that is structured, labeled, and stored in a way that promotes consistency.

  • Easily keep data up-to-date, even as your site or product evolves.

  • Secure your data and ensure compliance with robust access control and permissions.

Circle lifecycle graphic with Define > Validate > Monitor > Evolve.

The data governance lifecycle

Each event inside of Heap moves through a lifecycle that transforms them from bits of data into powerful insights. Our approach to governance maximizes consistency and scalability at each step.

  • Define: Label events according to a standard naming taxonomy that’s enforced across your dataset.

  • Validate: Admins ensure data is captured, defined, and recorded exactly as intended.

  • Monitor: Heap watches your event data, automatically notifies admins when an event needs attention, and walks teams through the repair process.

  • Evolve: Easily update, retire, and combine events as your digital experience evolves.

Data Governance within Heap. Define Event Naming Conventions for all events

Keep customer data clean and consistent

In other tools, you keep data governed by keeping your dataset small. In Heap, you get all the data you need, without losing any organization.

  • Naming conventions ensure definitions stay consistent, across the digital experience.

  • Data Dictionary provides a definitions hub and a single point of administration, giving proper context to all events.

  • Categories and version history keep events organized, while maintaining flexibility in usage.

Learn more about how Heap keeps your data fully governed, all the time

Admin governance features within Heap

Automate and evolve your governance workflows

Digital experiences evolve quickly. With other tools, it’s easy for events to break or go stale. Not with Heap.

  • Admins get notifications when new events are created and ready for verification.

  • Event definitions that haven’t collected data in 72 hours are automatically surfaced to admins for repair or archival.

  • Because Heap collects data from the moment of installation, it’s easy to stitch new events to old ones, keeping data consistent even as your site changes.

Mission control for behavioral insights

  • Trustworthy data at scale

    Heap’s governance tools ensure a clean and trusted dataset, no matter the number of events.

  • Flexibility and precision

    Other tools make you choose between data and organization. Heap gives you both.

  • Ease of management

    Say goodbye to manual tracking plans and spreadsheets. Heap builds governance into the platform.


Having a tool where all the data is always available and verified, like Heap, gives us a lot of confidence that we’re coming to the right conclusions and understanding our problems in the right way.

Klaviyo, Brian Whalley

— Brian Whalley

Director of Product Marketing & Operations

Getting started is easy

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