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Logan Perrin for HuffPost
When you've been conditioned to believe that gray hair and wrinkles decrease your value in society, how do you adjust your perception? Experts weigh in.
Feeling stuck in the grieving process? Therapists explain what to look out for and give advice on how to move forward.
And you've probably said it multiple times today.
Consider this your permission slip to let go of the pressure.
If you want to help someone with their recovery, experts warn that you should avoid this mistake.
Experts reveal the thoughts and behaviors that are secretly making you more stressed.
Kicking one habit doesn't necessarily mean that addiction is done with you.
Experts break down how you can really show up for your loved one and help them in their recovery.
Here's how to tell if this innocent online behavior is actually doing more harm than good.
Parenting has never been a simple task, but today’s parents face unprecedented challenges — and often, fewer resources.
"My parents never understood my motives for admitting myself inpatient. However, from hundreds of miles away, Grandma Bevy repeated over the phone, 'I’m proud of you.'"
Therapists explain the signs of this particular thought pattern, and what to do if it's interfering with your life.