Developing A Credible Climate Transition Plan

Developing A Credible Climate Transition Plan

With the increased scrutiny on transition planning, it is important to consider what a credible Climate Transition Plan entails and how the term and expectations are evolving. Read this article to learn about the gold standard framework by the Transition Plan Taskforce and the first steps you should take to develop a credible Climate Transition Plan.

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How Does The New EPA PFAS Rule Affect Due Diligence For Property Transactions?

How Does The New EPA PFAS Rule Affect Due Diligence For Property Transactions?

The US EPA’s new PFAS rule has wide-ranging implications, significantly altering the management of contaminated properties, real estate transactions, corporate mergers and acquisitions, environmental due diligence, and insurance. Read this article to learn about the changes in how the EPA views PFAS compounds and how those changes impact the environmental due diligence process for property transactions.

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Indoor & Outdoor Heat Stress Standards: What Are Your State’s Compliance Requirements?

Indoor & Outdoor Heat Stress Standards: What Are Your State’s Compliance Requirements?

California, Colorado, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington currently have occupational heat stress standards for the workplace. Read this article to learn about each state’s indoor and outdoor heat illness prevention requirements and how to prepare for the proposed national OSHA Heat Stress rule.

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What You Need To Know About California's Zero-Emission Forklift Regulation

What You Need To Know About California's Zero-Emission Forklift Regulation

California’s new Zero-Emission Forklift (ZEF) Regulation will phase out and restrict new purchases of Large Spark-Ignition (LSI) Forklifts in an effort to improve air quality by reducing GHG emissions, NOx emissions, and other pollutants. Read this article for compliance deadlines, applicability, and phase-out schedules.

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How to Prepare for Cal/OSHA New Stricter Lead Regulations

How to Prepare for Cal/OSHA New Stricter Lead Regulations

Cal/OSHA has significantly lowered the occupational exposure thresholds for lead. As a result, numerous regulatory requirements will be triggered, resulting in a lot of work ahead for many employers. Read this article for a compliance action plan to meet Cal/OSHA’s 2025 deadline.

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Are You in Compliance with OSHA Hazard Assessment Requirements for PPE?

Are You in Compliance with OSHA Hazard Assessment Requirements for PPE?

Did you know that OSHA requires hazard assessments on all operations to determine the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required by employees? Read this article to learn what the OSHA regulation requires and what employers need to do to meet compliance if hazards are present or likely to be present.

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Endangered Bats and Construction Project Impacts

Endangered Bats and Construction Project Impacts

Even for experienced construction crews, bat protection regulations can pose unexpected hurdles. The Northern Long-Eared Bat, among several other species, is federally endangered, and regulations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) aim to protect its habitat. Projects within the bat's range must consider potential impacts to the bat or its habitat and meet ESA requirements. Read this article to see how to navigate these requirements and how an Environmental Inspector can be helpful.

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ESG Ratings and Rankings: Which One is Right for You?

ESG Ratings and Rankings: Which One is Right for You?

Using ESG Rating and Ranking services helps companies meet regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations. It also gives companies an increased chance of access to capital and a competitive advantage in the ESG investing space. While only eligible S&P DJI companies are included in the ESG indices, Sustainalytics and MSCI are voluntary rating systems that companies can partner with to receive evaluations and scores. Read this article for a comparison of these ESG rating assurance organizations, including their methodologies and rating processes.

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Update: Get Prepared For California’s New Workplace Violence Prevention Law

Update: Get Prepared For California’s New Workplace Violence Prevention Law

Deadline Alert! With less than 3 months before the deadline, SB-553 requires almost all California employers to prepare a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP), provide workplace violence prevention training for employees, and maintain a violent incident log by July 1, 2024. Read this updated article to learn more about the new law and what your organization should do to meet compliance.

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A Look Into the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act

A Look Into the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act

The New York Fashion Act requires fashion companies with an annual global revenue of $100 million doing business in New York to be accountable to standardized environmental and social due diligence policies as well as establish a fashion remediation fund. Read this article to learn more about the proposed requirements.

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Understanding the California Industrial General Permit for New Industrial Facilities

Understanding the California Industrial General Permit for New Industrial Facilities

If you are an industrial facility looking for California IGP coverage for the first time, navigating the 485 pages of the currently amended IGP may seem like a daunting task for new permittees. Read this article to learn the three key elements of stormwater compliance and how to stay compliant with the IGP.

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Upcoming 2024 VPDES Construction General Permit Changes

Upcoming 2024 VPDES Construction General Permit Changes

The NPDES and VPDES programs are federal and Virginia state programs aimed at regulating and controlling the discharge of pollutants from construction activities into the Waters of the United States (WOTUS). This article explores the upcoming changes to the VPDES Construction General Permit and the importance of NPDES/VPDES compliance inspections.

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5 Key Steps of a Dust Hazard Analysis

5 Key Steps of a Dust Hazard Analysis

In industries ranging from manufacturing to agriculture, combustible dust poses a significant yet often overlooked hazard. To address this concern, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has developed standards aimed at mitigating the risks associated with combustible dust. Read this article to learn about NFPA's combustible dust standards and how to complete a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA), an essential component of managing combustible dust hazards.

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March 1st Deadline Alert: Tier II Chemical Reports

March 1st Deadline Alert: Tier II Chemical Reports

With the deadline for Tier II reporting submission approaching on March 1, 2024, read this article to learn the four key components of Tier II reports and why they are so significant to emergency preparedness and response efforts.

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Indiana Wetlands: Navigating the Permitting and Regulatory Framework

Indiana Wetlands: Navigating the Permitting and Regulatory Framework

Managing and protecting wetlands in Indiana is a multifaceted challenge that requires careful navigation of regulatory frameworks, a clear understanding of permitting processes, and a commitment to effective mitigation and compliance strategies. Read this article to learn about the Isolated Wetland Individual Permit, wetland mitigation requirements, and regulatory guidance for developers and companies.

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Leveraging Environmental Compliance Inspection for Renewable Energy Development

Leveraging Environmental Compliance Inspection for Renewable Energy Development

As the renewable energy sector continues to grow, using external expertise in environmental compliance is an essential component of responsible and forward-thinking project management. Read this article to learn how third-party environmental compliance inspections can benefit utility-scale solar & wind power plant development projects and what has saved our renewable energy clients the most money.

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COP28: Navigating Climate Progress, Challenges, and Global Commitments

COP28: Navigating Climate Progress, Challenges, and Global Commitments

The heralding achievement at COP28 was the ‘UAE Consensus’ which was signed by nearly 200 countries and includes ambitious targets to triple renewable energy output and double the average annual rate of energy efficiency globally by 2030. Read this article for more on the ‘UAE Consensus,’ COP28 climate financing initiatives and pledges, and the new focus on sustainable agriculture and climate-resilient food systems.

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California's New Climate Laws Take Effect

California's New Climate Laws Take Effect

California’s SB 253, SB 261, and AB 1305 represent a notable change not only in California's climate policy and regulatory requirements but, more importantly, in the expected national regulatory framework, with compliance implications for many corporations. Read this article to learn how these new climate regulations may impact your company.

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Key Updates To The California CGP

Key Updates To The California CGP

The construction industry is no stranger to evolving regulations aimed at protecting the environment. If you're involved in construction in California, you're likely familiar with the California Construction General Permit (CGP). The permit was first adopted in 2009 to address stormwater runoff, safeguard water quality, and prevent pollution associated with construction activities. Read this article to learn 10 key updates in the new CGP that went into effect on September 1, 2023.

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