A Look Into the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act

A Look Into the New York Fashion Sustainability and Social Accountability Act

The New York Fashion Act requires fashion companies with an annual global revenue of $100 million doing business in New York to be accountable to standardized environmental and social due diligence policies as well as establish a fashion remediation fund. Read this article to learn more about the proposed requirements.

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California's New Climate Laws Take Effect

California's New Climate Laws Take Effect

California’s SB 253, SB 261, and AB 1305 represent a notable change not only in California's climate policy and regulatory requirements but, more importantly, in the expected national regulatory framework, with compliance implications for many corporations. Read this article to learn how these new climate regulations may impact your company.

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How To Benefit From Climate Investments in the Inflation Reduction Act

How To Benefit From Climate Investments in the Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act is the most significant climate bill in US history. With $349 billion available for climate solutions, whether you apply as a local government, business, non-profit, or individual, money is out there for you! Read this post to learn how eligible entities and individuals can use this historic amount of funding to achieve their sustainability goals along with quick tips based on our experience helping clients across every sector.

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2022 TCFD Status Report: Increase in Climate-Related Disclosures

2022 TCFD Status Report: Increase in Climate-Related Disclosures

The 2022 TCFD report highlights the rapid acceleration of how the implications of climate change are becoming more and more mainstream throughout the financial markets, as well as the increase of commitments to net-zero emissions transition plans. Read this post to learn more about the report.

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Science-Based Target Setting for the Telecom Sector

Science-Based Target Setting for the Telecom Sector

Forward-thinking TMT companies have much to gain from managing their GHG emissions and setting science-based targets. Read this post to learn about sector-specific guidance and decarbonization strategies for the telecommunications sector.

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