EHS Permitting & Compliance Support for New Lithium Battery Electrolyte Manufacturing Facility

Project Details:

KERAMIDA provided permitting and compliance support for a new Greenfield Lithium Battery Electrolyte manufacturing facility in Indiana. The Client is an international corporation headquartered in South Korea. It was anticipated that the facility would be permitted as a Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit (FESOP) from the perspective of air emissions.

KERAMIDA’s scope for this project included:

  • Site due diligence (Phase I Environmental Site Assessment)

  • Wetlands evaluation

  • Air emissions inventory

  • Air, wastewater, and stormwater permitting

  • Air, water, and waste regulatory compliance assistance

  • Assessment of the facility operations from the perspective of waste management

  • Process Safety Management/Risk Management Planning

  • Toxic Substances Control Act

  • Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act  

KERAMIDA assisted with control technology selection, including demonstration of state VOC BACT, and assisted in facility design review as it pertains to on-site hazardous waste storage and compliance with OSHA aspects of hazardous materials storage and processing area design. KERAMIDA also assisted with the development of all Health and Safety and Environmental plans and programs and provided on-site training and oversight of the project.

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