Philadelphia Chapter

Philadelphia, the City where Raíces Cyber Started. Come join this vibrant community of Learners, Students, Hackers, and Defenders.

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Meet Raíces Philly

  • Juan Giarrizzo, PhD


    Juan is a passionate community leader that started his career as a scientist, after realizing that he could spend hours seating in front of a computer analyzing microbial metagenomic data he fell in love with technology. He pivoted from science to consulting in life sciences and pharma companies this set his path towards becoming Informatics Program Management at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. He has a strong passion for Information Security which has made him an avid OSINT practitioner and CTF competitor. He brings his tech background together with his active work as a Hispanic community leader in the city of Philadelphia into Raíces to empower Latinx youth and help newcomers to break into the industry and become successful professionals.

  • Lourdes Cigarruista


    Lourdes is a self-directed information technology professional who always had a passion for computers since her teenage years. She held several positions as a Help Desk Analyst, but her passion for knowledge and intellectual curiosity drove her to begin participating in CTF competitions while she was completing her degree in computer science. This opened a new realm of possibilities and enabled her to become immersed in the cybersecurity field, which open the doors to step into her current role as a Cyber Security Analyst. Her goal is to become a pentester in the future. Lourdes’ inspiration stems from her desire to continue learning and educating people on the use of technology. She brings her life and professional experiences together into Raíces to represent and inspire the Hispanic community, particularly hispanic women, to learn and explore the possibilities within the field.

  • Carlos Urrego


    Carlos is a Colombian engineer that holds a computer science degree from EAFIT University and a cybersecurity certificate from UPenn. He has 15+ years of experience in cybersecurity, IT, audit, and related areas for several industries, including major banking and education institutions, and call centers. Passionate about information security for both red and blue teams. have experience as Windows, Linux, and AIX sysadmin, working with VirtualBox, VMware, and KVM virtualization Hypervisors. He has attended security and infrastructure incidents for the bank industry, executed vulnerability assessments on several platforms, and developed many companies' policies and procedures.



    Please email [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering


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