CADER signs a partnership agreement with Climate Group to implement the RE100 initiative in Argentina | RE100 Skip to main content
CADER and RE100 representatives meet at the Climate Group office.

CADER signs a partnership agreement with Climate Group to implement the RE100 initiative in Argentina

12 July 2024, 13:57 UTC 1 min read

La Cámara Argentina de Energías Renovables (CADER) signed an agreement with Climate Group, the international non-profit organisation founded in 2004 which seeks to drive climate action, becoming the local country partner of the RE100 initiative in Argentina. RE100 brings together over 400 global companies all committed to procuring 100% of their electricity from renewables by 2050. 

RE100 members are some of the biggest consumers of energy worldwide. These corporations are committed to 100% renewable electricity and accelerating change towards zero carbon electricity grids.

76 of RE100’s global members have a presence in Argentina, the third largest electricity market in Latin America. The aim of the agreement with CADER is to mobilise more corporations in the country and address the regulatory barriers which prevent corporate buyers from obtaining renewable electricity at a reasonable cost.

The agreement process has been in the works for a year and has included in person meetings at COP28 in Dubai, as well as at Climate Group’s office in London, United Kingdom. 

“This agreement is very important to us because it allows CADER to be the vehicle for driving the engagement of the corporate sector in Argentina and helping to make RE100’s mission become a reality. Through engaging with high electricity consuming companies in Argentina, we will identify the barriers that are currently delaying investments. The private sector can undoubtedly move the fastest in relation to driving the changes required for the energy transition to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.” 

Martín Dapelo, Board Member and Coordinator of the Financing Committee, CADER

Through this agreement, CADER and Climate Group will be holding an event in Buenos Aires, convening our existing members and the largest companies interested in participating in the RE100 initiative. The event will focus on creating fair conditions for competitiveness, removing regulatory barriers, implementing stable frameworks to facilitate the adoption of renewables and creating a market structure that allows direct trade between corporate buyers of all sizes and clean energy providers.

"This agreement adds significant value to CADER, enabling its member companies to offer renewable energy services and contracts to key players in Argentina's energy transformation. At the same time, it provides local options for major global players associated with Climate Group who have not yet identified the available local supply."

Marcelo Álvarez, Board Member and Coordinator of the Solar Energy Committee, CADER

”As one of the largest electricity markets in Latin America, Argentina has a fundamental role to play in leading the region's fight against climate change. We’re pleased to be working with CADER to help large Argentinian corporates to have greater access to renewable electricity and advance the country’s decarbonisation. We look forward to welcoming our first Argentinian companies into RE100." 

Ollie Wilson, Head of RE100, Climate Group