
At COP28, over 130 countries committed to tripling globally installed renewable capacity by 2030. For too many countries, policy barriers continue to stop them from fully capitalising on their renewable resources. Here's how countries can hit the tripling target and reap the substantial economic benefits of the renewables roll out. It's time to triple.

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Meeting the 2030 target

The latest findings from the International Energy Agency (IEA) show that with current policies and actions the world will fail to meet its commitments. Estimates suggest we're on course to hit 8,000GW of new renewable capacity by 2030, short of the 11,000GW needed.  To help shake the global addiction to fossil fuels and reach the goal of tripling renewables, RE100 recommends that governments:

  • Incentivise and increase supply to ensure sufficient availability of renewables
  • Establish an enabling regulatory environment for corporate sourcing and accessibility of renewables
  • Create a level playing field to ensure the affordability of renewables

The time of cheap fossil fuels is over. Now is the time for countries to increase their ambition and commit to tangible action to rapidly scale up renewable electricity.

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Who signed the pledge - and who didn't

If the world is to triple its renewable energy capacity, all countries must play their part. In this interactive infographic, we look at several countries around the world, both those that signed the pledge and those that didn’t, and highlight the opportunities and challenges for renewables in these key geographies. 

Read our interactive infographic to learn more about the energy mix in South Korea, Japan, South Africa, Indonesia, Argentina & India, and about the difficulties these countries must overcome if they are to move away from fossil fuels to a renewables future. 

Download our latest reports

Governments, policymakers and businesses need to work together to remove the barriers in place that are hindering the rapid roll out of cheap, clean renewable electricity. We've worked with stakeholders across the board to lift restrictions and policy barriers. You can see our full reports and graphics here

Financing the Energy Transition

This report looks at common policy barriers that are hampering the rollout of renewables in some of the world’s biggest economies. The report provides recommendations that would break down barriers, enabling countries to seize the economic opportunities of the energy transition and speed up the race to net zero.

Download the report now 

Policy Opportunities to Advance Clean Energy Investment in Indonesia

RE100 worked with the World Economic Forum on its report, in collaboration with Accenture and Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (KADIN) looking at six ways the regulatory and policy environment in Indonesia must be unlocked to accelerate the uptake of renewable electricity in the country. Indonesia did not sign the COP28 pledge to triple renewable electricity. 

Download the report now

RE100 2023 Annual Disclosure Report

Our latest Annual Disclosure Report highlights our members progress towards 100% renewable electricity, including highlighting the top 10 countries that are the hardest to source renewables in. A number of these countries, including South Korea, Japan, Singapore, and the United States committed to tripling globally installed renewables. 

Download the report now

The Role of Increasing Corporate Renewable Electricity Demand

This trio of reports focused on India focuses on the importance of businesses to increasing the demand for renewable electricity in India. India did not sign the COP28 pledge and relies on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and solid biomass to meet as much as 80% of its electricity supply. These reports provide insight into how India can make renewables more readily accessible to corporates and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

Downloads the reports now

Policies Towards Tripling Renewables

To support the global goal of tripling renewable electricity by 2030, we're working with our members to deliver policy changes in key markets. Countries that did and didn't sign the COP28 pledge need to reduce the barriers that are hindering hundreds of companies from fully investing in renewable electricity. Ambitious renewable electricity targets can unlock significant economic and social benefits for those countries that adopt such policies, or remove restrictive ones. The absence of such targets, and supportive policies, is a missed opportunity.