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Important Note:

A note on email:

You can contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Please note that we read every email with love and appreciation, but due to a crazy time-strapped life running a business and traveling AND raising two kids, we can’t reply to every email. But, we do send you lots of love vibes and encouragement to go after your dream! Please use the navigation tabs and search function on our site to find answers to your questions.

We don't offer free coaching or travel advice over email, but are happy to offer our coaching services if you wish to amp up your blogging or need some travel advice and direction.

We have all you need on our site. The search bar is your BEST friend. Please don’t email us your questions until you have SEARCHED our site. Type into the search bar what you’re looking for. We’ve got a stack of tips and advice waiting for you. If you are looking for blogging help, please read


In case you didn't read the above, we are NOT INTERESTED in guest posts, link buys, affiliate programs, kickstarters, free promotion from us, product reviews.

Don't waste my time or yours by filling in the form. It's pointless as I will just delete it. 

If you have followed the guidelines above and we haven’t responded within 7 days, your email is probably buried. Please follow up with us again.

Again, if you haven’t followed the guidelines above, your email will be deleted.


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