How can you make travel your lifestyle no matter your circumstances, bank balance or life stage?

You're in the right place. We've done that for over 23 years now.

I've turned up to 3 countries with very little money to my name - only oodles of determination, courage, and flexibility.

I quickly learned that I am powerful and resourceful and when my back is against the wall, I can turn lemons into lemonade quickly.

We made sure this lifestyle would not end once we had kids.

For 13 years now we've made family travel a priority with the last 7 years full time with our two daughters.

We KNOW how to make travel a reality.

On this page, you'll find lots of travel inspiration - why we all love it so much, the challenges we have to overcome to make it happen, and simple tips to stay connected to the dream and make it happen.

We truly believe if we could do it, you can to!


people on the beach

Travel is the most amazing wrapped present - the inside is the transformation of you.

I travel because it makes my life so much better in many ways.

And because it makes my life rich and full with wonderful memories of cherished moments around the world with cherished people in beautiful settings.

Here are a few of the benefits travel can give you.

Let me tell you how you inspired me when I was struggling. It was last year and everything was going down and they were beyond my control and I was like,

"Seriously, what's happening? What did I do to deserve these?

And then I run into your blog. The articles you shared triggered something inside my heart that was burning for a long time but I was automatically ignoring it somehow.

Everyday I was reading your articles and finally decided to take action ...8 months later I came to Shanghai where I didn't know anyone. I launched my website and social media channels. I did a 3 week backpacking trip to Thailand.. I am meeting new people everyday, learning Chinese and Kung Fu, doing weekend get away trips regularly and I get to see a different part of the world which is an eye opening experience.

You guys are doing a great job. I am so happy to have found your blog and hope to meet you one day in person.

y travel reader


Click the image to see the articles we have on that particular style of travel.


people walking alpacas

After years of searching for ways to create our own business so we could continue to travel and have control over our choices, we eventually discovered travel blogging and knew we had found the ONE.

For 10 years our travel blog has helped us maintain our free and flexible travel lifestyle.

You can find our travel blogging tips and stories here.

Here are a few posts that share our story from solo and couples travel to family travel bloggers.


lookout pass idaho

We shared our travel lifestyle story across 5 podcast episodes.

We broke it down into 5 segments:

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and share us with your friends


Veritas vineyard virginia

It's not easy to create your dream life but it is doable and valuable.

I'm a firm believer that creating a dream is more about the journey than the destination.

The journey is where you learn your strengths, assets, gain clarity on what you really want, find ways to serve and connect with incredible people.

You never arrive, so enjoy the process of trying to!

Here are a few tips to help.


Chiang Mai, Thailand

Yep. Your travels will be filled with challenges.

Don't worry, we have you covered with these tips.

FEATURED VIDEO: 10 Principles to Amazing Travel

We take you the principles of our travel manifesto and how to create an amazing travel experience every time!

FEATURED VIDEO: 3 Principles to create your dream life

A motivating and empowering keynote to inspire you to create your dream life and understand the three principles that must be followed to do that ... effortlessly and with joy!

Play Video


Travel has been the focus of our life since 1997 - intentionally.

We don't plan on stopping that. We now have a base in Raleigh, NC - after being granted a Green Card for our extraordinary ability in the art of travel blogging.

We will continue to explore more of the US but also intend on traveling further abroad - Europe, South East Asia and Central and South America.

We can't wait to share more of our favorites as we experience them.

Be sure to join our free VIP email community - form below - for deeper connection and lots of freebies.

And connect with us on social for live udpates!

4 Powerful Ways to Travel More & Create Better Memories

Want to know how we've made a lifetime of travel for 26 years? This is how we make it work and have incredible memories to always share around the campfire.  Pop your name and email to join our community for insider tips and updates! Click here to join the community and receive your free guides. 


woman watching sunrise on duck beach

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11 Places We Could Live Around the World

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Things To Think About Before You Quit Your Job To Travel

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Common Reasons Why Some People Don’t Travel

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How Travel Changed My Life, And Can Change Yours

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15 Ways Travel Helps You To Find Yourself

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Tips On How to Backpack & Travel Round The World

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55 Lessons Learned from The Experience of Traveling

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Monument Valley, Utah

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10 Best Memoirs About Traveling That Every Traveller Must Read!

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4 Powerful Ways to Travel More & Create Better Memories
Want to know how we've made a lifetime of travel for 25 years? In
This is what gives us incredible memories to share around the campfire. Join our community for insider tips and updates!
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