Global IRT REST API v1

Global IRT (Incident Response Team) is a project to describe common IRT and abuse contact information. Global IRT participant directories are encouraged to provide a RESTful API that can provide basic querying capabilities to the repository, and return information following Global IRT specification.

Each directory is encouraged to be conformant to this specification and register the compatible API endpoint with the the Global IRT initiative for sourcename reservation and public listing of the API for the CERT community.

Existing repositories:

Repository (sourcename) Endpoint URL Status
FIRST.Org Beta


Each repository will be treated in this document as the application responsible for the API. There are some rules that are requirements for these applications: these rules will be informed that the application MUST comply. The optional alternatives will be written like what the application SHOULD do, but by not doing doesn't mean that the application is not conformant to this documentation.

The URLs listed in this document are prefixed by the HTTP method required to use them, followed by the address relative to the Endpoint URL of each repository. Take for example the teams listing, which uses the address GET /teams. It must be read as a GET request to the [Endpoint URL]/teams — to query FIRST.Org repository, you could use curl -X GET

The default output format is application/json. The applications are encouraged to support additional formats but it's not a requirement. The accepted format should be requested either as a Accept: header or as an extension to the requested URL. These are suggestions for additional formats to be supported:

HTTP Accept Extension Format
application/json .json (default) JSON. Should be pretty-printed by default. This will be the format used if no extension or Accept: header is provided.
application/yaml .yml YAML, a more human-readable format. Applications should use two spaces as indentation and maximum column width of 80 characters.
application/xml .xml XML. Should be pretty-printed by default. Should not contain namespaces and different encodings.
application/csv .csv Comma-separated values. The first line contains the column names.

The applications must use UTF8 as the request/response encoding. Applications are also encouraged to compress output with Gzip if the request header Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip is present.

Global parameters

Parameters can be set at the query string of the request. Parameters must be keypair values assigned with an = (equal sign): key=value. The values must be URL encoded (RFC 3986), and multiple parameters must be separated by & (ampersand sign).

There are some parameters that are reserved for pagination and output control. These parameters are eligible for several methods and should not be used for a application-specific purpose.

Parameter Type Description
fields string Comma-separated list of fieldnames to be retrieved. Used only for limiting the available resultset.
limit integer Limits the maximun number of records to be shown. Should be a number between 1 and 100.
offset integer Offsets the list of records by this number. The first item is 0.
sort string Comma-separated list of fieldnames to be used to sort the resultset. Fields starting with "-" (minus sign) indicate a descending order. Each application should define its default sorting options.
envelope boolean Use true, false, 0 or 1. If set to true will add an object wrapping the resultset, with details on the status, total records found, offset and limit. When false this information is returned at the response header. Defaults to true.
pretty boolean Use true, false, 0 or 1. If the result should be pretty-printed or no. Defaults to true.
callback string Only for JSONP resultsets, adds the callback as a function call. Only alphanumerical characters are allowed.

Response object

Each GET request will return a proper response object, either using the HTTP response header (if the parameter envelope was not set to false) or at the response body. For example, the request for one brazilian CERT listing only team name and e-mail at FIRST.Org repository:

curl -i ",email&limit=1"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 15:23:09 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 90
X-Version: 1.0
X-Total-Count: 6

        "short-team-name": "CAIS/RNP",
        "email": "[email protected]"

The Last-Modified will refer to the last time the resultset that corresponds to this URL was modified, this information can be used for caching (browsers would request the If-Modified-Since header to check if it was modified).

The X-Version points out the actual API version used.

The X-Total-Count header indicates how many fields were matched for this request. Using the parameters offset and limit is possible to paginate the results properly.

This information, when queried with envelope=true will be present at the response body, and the resultset will be available at the data property:

curl -i ",email&limit=1&envelope=true"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 297
Last-Modified: Wed, 13 May 2015 01:56:15 +0000

    "status": "OK",
    "status_code": 200,
    "version": "1.0",
    "total": 6,
    "last-modified": "Wed, 13 May 2015 01:56:15 +0000",
    "limit": 1,
    "offset": 0,
    "data": [
            "short-team-name": "CAIS/RNP",
            "email": "[email protected]"

Note: using a limit of "0" (zero) will still return a valid response object with the proper count of matches.


GET /teams

Retrieves or queries the Teams public listing. Applications should enable filtering of these lists.


Each response object may contain the following description fieldnames. Empty values are omitted from the resultset. Every property might be used to query/fiter the list.

Property Type Description
short-team-name string Short Team name. This should be preferreably under 50 characters.
official-team-name string Official Team name.
postal-address string Valid contact postal address.
country-code string Official country of the team. Uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes.
additional-country-code list Other countries the team supports. Uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes.
website list List of valid websites, news and social media URLs.
email string Official contact e-mail.
host string Host organization of the team.
establishment date Team date of establishment. Uses ISO 8601 format.
phone-numbers list List of valid phone and fax numbers for contacting the team.
enckeys list List of valid PGP key ids that can be used for encrypting content to the team.
operating-hours string Textual description of operating hours of the team.
constituency string Official team constituency. Should use a controlled vocabulary.
constituency-code string Repository-specific code for representing the constituency.
constituency-description string Free textual constituency description.
source-name string Name of the repository.
last-modified string Date the entity was last updated or verified.

Application-specific properties

Properties that are specific to one repository should be prefixed with -[repository code]. For example, FIRST.Org repository might make available the member-type property as -first-member-type.

Property Type Description
-first-member-type string FIRST.Org membership type. Should be either Full Member or Liaison.

Additional parameters

All output fields, with the exception of last-modified, can be used as params for queries. They are used as exact terms (case insensitive) compared to the field value. In addition, these following parameters permit the querying in several fields at once:

Parameter Type Description
team string Free text search on both short-team-name and official-team-name.
country string Accepts a comma-separated list of country codes to filter the resultset of both country-code and additional-country-code.
region string Region to search the teams for. Uses ISO 3166 region names.
q string Searches for the words in all available fields (except last-modified).

Example response object

curl -X GET ""

        "short-team-name": "CIRCL",
        "official-team-name": "CIRCL - Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg",
        "postal-address": "CIRCL - Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg\r\nc/o smile - \"security made in Letzebuerg\" GIE\r\n41, avenue de la gare\r\nL-1611 Luxembourg\"",
        "country-code": "LU",
        "website": [
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "host": "security made in Lëtzebuerg\" (SMILE) g.i.e.",
        "establishment": "2008-01-05",
        "phone-numbers": [
        "enckeys": [
        "operating-hours": "During legal workdays (Monday to Friday) from 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 Central European Time (GMT+0100, GMT+0200 from April to October according to daylight saving periode)",
        "constituency": "Government, Private and Public sectors",
        "constituency-code": "008",
        "constituency-description": "CIRCL is the CERT for the private sector, communes and non-governmental entities for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.",
        "source-name": "FIRST.Org",
        "-first-member-type": "Full Member",
        "last-modified": "2015-06-03T14:05:27+00:00"

Last modified: June 12th, 2016 version: 1.0.1-beta