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Mailing lists

Discussion and questions

We actively discuss Biopython and Python usage in Bioinformatics on a few dedicated mailing lists. Please join us; to avoid spam, you can post a message only if you are subscribed to the mailing list.

A few other useful places for questions and answers - but please don’t duplicate your questions here and on the mailing list:


Google is a practical way to search the mailing list archives. A number of questions have been discussed and answered; before posting please search for relevant discussions which might help.

Discussion List

[email protected]

Unmoderated list for use, comments, help, and other things related to Biopython. Since January 2018, this includes any development discussions not held on GitHub.

Only subscribers can send to the mailing list. Sadly due to the server load from spam, any emails from a non-subscriber are silently ignored. If your message fails to appear in the archive, double check you are subscribed with the exact address your sent emails from.

List Website | Web Archive | Example Google Search

Development List (closed since January 2018)

[email protected]

This was an unmoderated list for Biopython developers and interested people. Since we moved to GitHub development discussion here dropped, and as of January 2018 we have closed this list - all subscribers were added to the main discussion list (see above).

List Website | Web Archive | Example Google Search

Announcement List

[email protected]

Low volume moderated list, providing announcements of major Biopython releases and upgrades.

List Website | Web Archive | Gmane Web Archive