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  1. Agricultural irrigation is an important practice to safeguard crops against drought and enhance grain yield in arid regions. The Hexi Corridor, known as a classic arid region, faces significant pressure on agr...

    Authors: Dandan Du, Bo Dong, Rui Zhang, Shiai Cui, Guangrong Chen and Fengfeng Du
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:72
  2. Plant traits and plant adaptive strategies have been affected by the increasing intensity and severity of environmental changes. Given the uncertainty surrounding future environmental conditions, investigating...

    Authors: Xinrui Liu, Xue Wang, Jiang Zhu, Xiaochun Wang, Kaixi Chen, Yanqi Yuan, Xue Yang, Weiyi Mo, Ruili Wang and Shuoxin Zhang
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:71
  3. Algae play important roles in urban river ecosystems and are the cornerstones of most water quality monitoring programs. Thus, a better understanding of algal community dynamics is needed to support sustainabl...

    Authors: Kangxu Zhao, Wei Wang, Hanjie Huang, Junping Lv, Xudong Liu, Fangru Nan, Ying Shi, Shulian Xie and Jia Feng
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:70
  4. Actual evapotranspiration (ETa) is a crucial aspect of the hydrological cycle. It serves as a vital link between the soil–vegetation–atmosphere continuum. Quantifying the leading factors of regional ETa change...

    Authors: Shu Xu, Tianling Qin, Jie Lu, Shanshan Liu, Jun Hou, Jianming Feng, Wei Li, Hanxiao Liu and Sintayehu A. Abebe
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:69
  5. Caloric value is an important indicator of grassland ecosystem function, but the response of caloric value to nitrogen (N) addition and mowing is still unclear. We explored the adaptive changes of plant calori...

    Authors: Jiaqi Ye, Shuai Wu, Yu Mo, Siqi Yang, Yu Zhao, Jing Zhang, Xiaotao Lü, Guojiao Yang, Xingguo Han, Cunzhu Liang, Zhenghai Li and Yajing Bao
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:67
  6. Extreme rainfall and flooding events are projected to increase in frequency and disturb biogeochemical cycles such as the nitrogen (N) cycle. By combining trees and grasses, silvopastoral agroforestry is expec...

    Authors: Romane Mettauer, Mathieu Emily, Zita Bednar-Konski, Anaïs Widmer, Olivier Godinot, Lukas Beule and Edith Le Cadre
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:66
  7. Mountain ecosystems are critical hotspots of global biodiversity, yet the dynamics of community assembly along their elevational gradients are not well understood. This gap is primarily due to the complexity o...

    Authors: Yiming Hu, Zhifeng Ding, Huijian Hu, Luke Gibson, Dan Liang, Zhixin Zhou, Jianchao Liang and Brett R. Scheffers
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:65
  8. Monitoring forage in livestock operations is critical to sustainable rangeland management of soil and ecological processes that provide both livestock and wildlife habitat. Traditional ground-based sampling me...

    Authors: J. Silverio Avila-Sanchez, Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso, Lori D. Massey, J. Alfonso Ortega-S, Leonard A. Brennan and Fidel Hernández
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:64
  9. Chlorophenoxy compounds represent a group of selective herbicides widely used around the world. Chlorophenoxy herbicides are toxic, chemically stable, and can migrate into groundwater through soil leaching, po...

    Authors: Xiuying Li, Yan Lv, Yuanzhi Wang, Zhipeng Zhang, Jingjing Wang, Huijuan Jin, Tongyue Zhou, Yiru Cui, Yi Yang and Jun Yan
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:63
  10. Previous studies into the interactions between native and invasive species under nitrogen (N) deposition have often overlooked the presence of co-occurring native species, a factor that could influence the out...

    Authors: Chixuan Xiang, Xiao Wang, Yanni Chen, Lele Liu, Mingyan Li, Tong Wang, Yingkun Sun, Haimei Li and Xiao Guo
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:61
  11. In resource-based cities, long-term irrational exploitation of resources has caused severe damage to ecosystem functions, mainly manifested in the significant decline of biodiversity, land degradation, water p...

    Authors: Weijie Sun, Qiang Yu, Chenglong Xu, Jikai Zhao, Yu Wang and Yulin Miao
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:60
  12. In response to environmental degradation and the associated health challenges, the Chinese government has implemented a comprehensive array of environmental protection measures. Given the health enhancement ob...

    Authors: Zhihua Xu, Haibo He, Ying Qin, Shuqin Li, Chuwei Wang and Mengjia Li
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:59
  13. Peri-urbanization, the expansion of large metropolitan centers into adjacent peri-urban regions, is a growing concern due to land scarcity and escalating housing costs. These zones, a blend of rural and urban ...

    Authors: Subrata Haldar, Uday Chatterjee, Subhasis Bhattacharya, Suman Paul, Ahmed Ali Bindajam, Javed Mallick and Hazem Ghassan Abdo
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:58
  14. Long-term farmland abandonment has increased fuel build-up in many Euro-Mediterranean mountainous regions. The high fuel hazard in these landscapes, combined with ongoing climate change, is increasing the freq...

    Authors: Ângelo Sil, João C. Azevedo, Paulo M. Fernandes and João P. Honrado
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:57
  15. Plankton is the essential ecological category that occupies the lower levels of aquatic trophic networks, representing a good indicator of environmental change. However, most studies deal with distribution of ...

    Authors: Marco Grillo, Stefano Schiaparelli, Tiziana Durazzano, Letterio Guglielmo, Antonia Granata and Falk Huettmann
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:56
  16. Tree rings play an important role in reconstructing past climate. Growth differences among individual trees due to microclimatic conditions and local disturbances are averaged in developing tree-ring chronolog...

    Authors: Hengfeng Jia, Jiacheng Zheng, Jing Yang, Lixin Lyu, Yuntao Dong and Ouya Fang
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:55
  17. The urban green infrastructure (GI) network is an important conduit for ecological flows and plays a crucial role in improving regional habitats, especially in karst areas that are highly ecologically fragile ...

    Authors: Shuang Song, Shaohan Wang, Dawei Xu and Yue Gong
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:54
  18. Selenium (Se) is essential for human health and is predominantly obtained from dietary sources, particularly rice in Hunan Province, a significant rice-producing region in southern China. Investigating the rel...

    Authors: Guiduo Shang, Weijun Zhou, Rui Liu, Yuzhou Zhou, Zhangqian Xu, Haojie Cui and Yixiang Cai
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:51
  19. Urban ecological health is crucial for the long-term sustainable development of watershed. Accurately evaluating the health level of the ecological environment helps to develop reasonable strategies for ecolog...

    Authors: Changxue Wu, Peng Gao, Jiahui Zhou, Xinyi Fan, Ruirui Xu and Xingmin Mu
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:50
  20. What factors, processes and mechanisms regulate invasive processes and their effects? This is one of the main questions addressed by the ecology of biological invasions. Ligustrum lucidum, a tree species native t...

    Authors: Alejandro Brazeiro, Juan Olivera, Alejandra Betancourt, Ignacio Lado, David Romero, Federico Haretche and Alexandra Cravino
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:49
  21. Photodegradation of plant litter plays a pivotal role in the global carbon (C) cycle. In temperate forest ecosystems, the exposure of plant litter to solar radiation can be significantly altered by changes in ...

    Authors: Xingzhi Li, Yanan Wang, Juanjuan Zhang, Thomas Matthew Robson, Hiroko Kurokawa, Huan Peng, Li Zhou, Dapao Yu, Jiaojiao Deng and Qing-Wei Wang
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:48
  22. Tree seedling regeneration in forests is often hindered by the competitive influence of dense understory bamboo competition. While localized studies have investigated the ecological effects of understory bambo...

    Authors: Weixue Luo, Yuxuan Ma, Jie Luo, Shunxin Han, Chengxiang Sun, Ziyi You, Haohan Du, Zongfeng Li, Jinchun Liu and Jianping Tao
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:47
  23. Both increasing native species diversity and reducing nutrient availability can increase the ability of native plant communities to resist alien plant invasions. Furthermore, native species diversity and nutri...

    Authors: Fang-Lei Gao, Sergio Roiloa, Jiangbao Xia, Jiayun Ren, Meiling Zou, Ximei Zhao and Fei-Hai Yu
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:46
  24. Dehydration of plant tissues caused by water stress affects the dynamics of the lateral cambium, the rate of cell division and differentiation in cell lumen size, wall thickness and wall chemical properties. B...

    Authors: Sofía Papú, Daigard Ricardo Ortega-Rodriguez, Fidel Alejandro Roig and Florencia Navas
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:45
  25. Mixed forests are better than monoculture forests in biodiversity, stand structure and productivity stability. However, a more comprehensive assessment of the ecosystem functions of monoculture and mixed plant...

    Authors: Jiaxin Tian, Tian Ni, Zheng Miao, Yuanshuo Hao, Aiyun Ma, Lihu Dong and Fengri Li
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:44
  26. Globally increasing atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has altered soil phosphorus (P) transformations and availability, and thereby influenced structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems. Edaphic charac...

    Authors: Ping Zeng, Qiong Zhao, Jia-yu Hu, Xiang Zhang, Bing Mao, Qing-ye Sun and Wen-ge Wu
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:43
  27. The Rio de la Plata grassland region is dominated by temperate grasslands, with the scarce natural forests, influenced floristically by adjacent biogeographical provinces. Uruguay represents the southern limit...

    Authors: Carolina Toranza, Juan Andrés Martínez-Lanfranco, Federico Haretche and Alejandro Brazeiro
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:42
  28. Seasonal freeze‒thaw (FT) processes alter soil formation and cause changes in soil microbial communities, which regulate the decomposition of organic matter in alpine ecosystems. Soil aggregates are basic stru...

    Authors: Rui-Zhe Wang and Xia Hu
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:40
  29. Aloe ankoberensis M.G. Gilbert & Sebsebe and A. debrana Christian are Ethiopian endemic species currently classified as endangered and least concern, respectively under International Union for Conservation of Nat...

    Authors: Haile Abebe, Anteneh Belayneh Desta and Sintayehu Workneh Dejene
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:39
  30. Intensive and large-scale aquaculture has a high biological density, and a large amount of artificial feed must be provided. As a result, residual feed would be discharged into natural water bodies with water ...

    Authors: Sufeng Wang, Zijng Wang, Wen Zhang, Jingshan Li, Mingyang Lin and Li Chen
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:38
  31. Deciduous forests in eastern North America experienced a widespread and intense spongy moth (Lymantria dispar) infestation in 2021. This study quantified the impact of this spongy moth infestation on carbon (C) c...

    Authors: Nur Hussain, Alemu Gonsamo, Shusen Wang and M. Altaf Arain
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:37
  32. Stable carbon isotope composition (δ13Cp) can be used to estimate the changes in intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) in plants, which helps us to better understand plants’ response strategies to climate change....

    Authors: Feng Jiang, Tao Pu, Zi-Jing Xue, Yan-Wei Ma, Xiao-Yi Shi and Fu-Xi Shi
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:36
  33. Understanding of the ratio of photosynthetic photon flux density (Qp) to global solar radiation (Rs) (Qp/Rs) is crucial for applying Rs to ecology-related studies. Previous studies reported Qp/Rs and its variatio...

    Authors: Shuangtian Li, Qiaoling Yan, Tian Gao, Xingchang Wang, Qingwei Wang, Fengyuan Yu, Deliang Lu, Huaqi Liu, Jinxin Zhang and Jiaojun Zhu
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:35
  34. Deciphering the genetic architecture of drought tolerance could allow the candidate genes identification responding to water stress. In the Andean Patagonian forest, the genus Nothofagus represents an ecologicall...

    Authors: Rita Maria Lopez Laphitz, María Verónica Arana, Santiago Agustín Varela, Leandro Aníbal Becker, Carolina Soliani, María Marta Azpilicueta, Paula Marchelli and Nicolás Bellora
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:34
  35. Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a critical component of the global carbon cycle, and an accurate estimate of regional SOC stock (SOCS) would significantly improve our understanding of SOC sequestration and cycles...

    Authors: Junjie Lei, Changli Zeng, Lv Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, Chanhua Ma, Tao Zhou, Benjamin Laffitte, Ke Luo, Zhihan Yang and Xiaolu Tang
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:32
  36. Soil erosion affects the stability of terrestrial ecosystems and ecosystem services by directly or indirectly impacting the cycling of soil materials and energy and reducing the fertility of grassland soils. H...

    Authors: Mingming Cui, Biqi Bao, Yipu Wu, Nan Hui, Mai-He Li, Shiqiang Wan, Shijie Han, Feirong Ren and Junqiang Zheng
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:31
  37. Disturbance is a key driver of changes in terrestrial ecosystems, especially in water limited regions. In the desert ecosystem of Northwest China, shrubs are often foraged by camels and this causes the shrubs ...

    Authors: Hai Zhou, Xiangyan Feng, Zhibin He, Qiyue Yang, Heng Ren and Wenzhi Zhao
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:29
  38. Tree regeneration is a key component of resilience because it promotes post-disturbance recovery of forests. Northwestern Patagonia from Argentina is occupied by Nothofagus alpina (Na), N. obliqua (No), and N. do...

    Authors: Georgina Sola, Camila Mateo, Alejandro Dezzotti, Paula Marchelli, Hernán Attis Beltrán, Renato Sbrancia, Luis Chauchard, Marcelo González Peñalba, Martín Lara and Verónica El Mujtar
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:28
  39. The prevalence of understory removal and anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has significantly altered the ecological processes of forest ecosystems at both regional and global scales. However, it remains a ...

    Authors: Jawad Ali Shah, Wenfei Liu, Saif Ullah, Honglang Duan, Fangfang Shen, Yingchun Liao, Guomin Huang and Jianping Wu
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:27
  40. Macrophytes may modify benthic biodiversity and biogeochemistry via radial oxygen loss from roots. This condition contrasts sediments anoxia, allows roots respiration, and facilitates aerobic microbial communi...

    Authors: Leonardo Morini, Claudio Ferrari, Marco Bartoli, Mindaugas Zilius, Elias Broman and Giovanna Visioli
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:26
  41. Changes in precipitation patterns crucially impact soil microbial communities, and the ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) is highly vulnerable to climate change. However, we do not fully understand how s...

    Authors: Xinye Wang, Ni Zhang, Kelong Chen, Tiexi Chen, Desheng Qi and Yuanxi Ma
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:25
  42. Recent changes in climatic trends are resulting in an increased frequency and intensity of extreme events, with unknown effect on ecosystem dynamics in the near future. Extreme drought episodes are recognized ...

    Authors: Sergio Piraino, Martín Ariel Hadad, Yanina Antonia Ribas‑Fernández and Fidel Alejandro Roig
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:24
  43. Pesticide use contributes to national food security. The dissipation pathways and degradation mechanisms of pesticides have been widely studied and pesticide residues have remained a focus of public concern. H...

    Authors: Li-Ting Hua, Rui-Lin Wu, Cun-Lu Li, Chao-Nan Wang, Yi-Long Li and Fu-Liu Xu
    Citation: Ecological Processes 2024 13:23

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    Journal Impact Factor: 4.6
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 5.0
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.850
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.258

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    Submission to acceptance (median days): 121

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