The following lists the recent preprints posted on EGUsphere with OS-related topics as well as final revised papers published recently in OS.
27 Sep 2024
Investigation of complex coastline geometry impact on the evolution of storm surges along the east coast of India: A sensitivity study using a numerical model
Pawan Tiwari, Ambarukhana D. Rao, Smita Pandey, and Vimlesh Pant
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
26 Sep 2024
Seasonal variability in the semidiurnal internal tide – a comparison between sea surface height and energetics
Harpreet Kaur, Maarten C. Buijsman, Zhongxiang Zhao, and Jay F. Shriver
Ocean Sci., 20, 1187–1208,,, 2024
Short summary
26 Sep 2024
Regime shift caused by accelerated density reorganization on the Weddell Sea continental shelf with high-resolution atmospheric forcing
Vanessa Teske, Ralph Timmermann, Cara Nissen, Rolf Zentek, Tido Semmler, and Günther Heinemann
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
24 Sep 2024
High-resolution numerical modelling of seasonal volume, freshwater, and heat transport along the Indian coast
Kunal Madkaiker, Ambarukhana D. Rao, and Sudheer Joseph
Ocean Sci., 20, 1167–1185,,, 2024
Short summary
24 Sep 2024
Constraining local ocean dynamic sea level projections using observations
Dewi Le Bars, Iris Keizer, and Sybren Drijfhout
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
24 Sep 2024
An evaluation of the Arabian Sea Mini Warm Pool's advancement during its mature phase using a coupled atmosphere-ocean numerical model
Sankar Prasad Lahiri, Kumar Ravi Prakash, and Vimlesh Pant
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
23 Sep 2024
Technical Note: A note on stabilization mechanisms of, e.g., Atlantic Ocean meridional overturning circulation
Hans van Haren
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
19 Sep 2024
Predicting particle catchment areas of deep-ocean sediment traps using machine learning
Théo Picard, Jonathan Gula, Ronan Fablet, Jeremy Collin, and Laurent Mémery
Ocean Sci., 20, 1149–1165,,, 2024
Short summary
18 Sep 2024
An estimate of the eddy diffusivity tensor from observed and simulated Lagrangian trajectories in the Benguela Upwelling System
Ria Oelerich, Birte Gülk, Julia Dräger-Dietel, and Alexa Griesel
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
18 Sep 2024
Dissipation ratio and eddy diffusivity of turbulent and salt finger mixing derived from microstructure measurements
Jianing Li, Qingxuan Yang, and Hui Sun
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
12 Sep 2024
Exploring variability in climate change projections on the Nemunas River and Curonian Lagoon: coupled SWAT and SHYFEM modeling approach
Natalja Čerkasova, Jovita Mėžinė, Rasa Idzelytė, Jūratė Lesutienė, Ali Ertürk, and Georg Umgiesser
Ocean Sci., 20, 1123–1147,,, 2024
Short summary
09 Sep 2024
A new airborne system for simultaneous high-resolution ocean vector current and wind mapping: first demonstration of the SeaSTAR mission concept in the macrotidal Iroise Sea
David L. McCann, Adrien C. H. Martin, Karlus A. C. de Macedo, Ruben Carrasco Alvarez, Jochen Horstmann, Louis Marié, José Márquez-Martínez, Marcos Portabella, Adriano Meta, Christine Gommenginger, Petronilo Martin-Iglesias, and Tania Casal
Ocean Sci., 20, 1109–1122,,, 2024
Short summary
06 Sep 2024
Investigating the long-term variability of the Red Sea marine heatwaves and their relationship to different climate modes: focus on 2010 events in the northern basin
Manal Hamdeno, Aida Alvera-Azcárate, George Krokos, and Ibrahim Hoteit
Ocean Sci., 20, 1087–1107,,, 2024
Short summary
03 Sep 2024
Alongshore sediment transport analysis for a semi-enclosed basin: a case study of the Gulf of Riga, the Baltic Sea
Tarmo Soomere, Mikolaj Zbiegniew Jankowski, Maris Eelsalu, Kevin Ellis Parnell, and Maija Viška
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
03 Sep 2024
Integrating wide swath altimetry data into Level-4 multi-mission maps
Maxime Ballarotta, Clément Ubelmann, Valentin Bellemin-Laponnaz, Florian Le Guillou, Guillaume Meda, Cécile Anadon, Alice Laloue, Antoine Delepoulle, Yannice Faugère, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, Ronan Fablet, and Gérald Dibarboure
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
30 Aug 2024
An assessment of equatorial Atlantic interannual variability in Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (OMIP) simulations
Arthur Prigent and Riccardo Farneti
Ocean Sci., 20, 1067–1086,,, 2024
Short summary
30 Aug 2024
Turbulent dissipation from AMAZOMIX off the Amazon shelf along internal tides paths
Fabius Kouogang, Ariane Koch-Larrouy, Jorge Magalhaes, Alex Costa da Silva, Daphne Kerhervé, Arnaud Bertrand, Evan Cervelli, Jean-François Ternon, Pierre Rousselot, James Lee, Marcelo Rollnic, and Moacyr Araujo
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
29 Aug 2024
The characteristics of tides and their effects on the general circulation of the Mediterranean Sea
Bethany McDonagh, Emanuela Clementi, Anna Chiara Goglio, and Nadia Pinardi
Ocean Sci., 20, 1051–1066,,, 2024
Short summary
28 Aug 2024
Deep learning for the super resolution of Mediterranean sea surface temperature fields
Claudia Fanelli, Daniele Ciani, Andrea Pisano, and Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli
Ocean Sci., 20, 1035–1050,,, 2024
Short summary
27 Aug 2024
Dual-tracer constraints on the Inverse-Gaussian Transit-time distribution improve the estimation of watermass ages and their temporal trends in the tropical thermocline
Haichao Guo, Wolfgang Koeve, Andreas Oschlies, Yan-Chun He, Tronje Peer Kemena, Lennart Gerke, and Iris Kriest
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
22 Aug 2024
Mechanisms and intraseasonal variability in the South Vietnam Upwelling, South China Sea: the role of circulation, tides, and rivers
Marine Herrmann, Thai To Duy, and Patrick Marsaleix
Ocean Sci., 20, 1013–1033,,, 2024
Short summary
22 Aug 2024
Understanding uncertainties in coastal sea level altimetry data: insights from a round robin analysis
Florence Birol, François Bignalet-Cazalet, Mathilde Cancet, Jean-Alexis Daguze, Wassim Fkaier, Ergane Fouchet, Fabien Léger, Claire Maraldi, Fernando Niño, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, and Ngan Tran
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
19 Aug 2024
Internal-wave-induced dissipation rates in the Weddell Sea Bottom Water gravity current
Ole Pinner, Friederike Pollmann, Markus Janout, Gunnar Voet, and Torsten Kanzow
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
15 Aug 2024
Internal and forced ocean variability in the Mediterranean Sea
Roberta Benincasa, Giovanni Liguori, Nadia Pinardi, and Hans von Storch
Ocean Sci., 20, 1003–1012,,, 2024
Short summary
15 Aug 2024
Dynamics of salt intrusion in complex estuarine networks; an idealised model applied to the Rhine-Meuse Delta
Bouke Biemond, Wouter Kranenburg, Ymkje Huismans, Huib E. de Swart, and Henk A. Dijkstra
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
14 Aug 2024
Circulation of Baffin Bay and Hudson Bay waters on the Labrador Shelf and into the subpolar North Atlantic
Elodie Duyck, Nicholas P. Foukal, and Eleanor Frajka-Williams
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 2 comments)
Short summary
14 Aug 2024
A New Vision of the Adriatic Dense Water Future under Extreme Warming
Clea Lumina Denamiel, Iva Tojčić, and Petra Pranić
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 4 comments)
Short summary
13 Aug 2024
An emerging pathway of Atlantic Water to the Barents Sea through the Svalbard Archipelago: drivers and variability
Kjersti Kalhagen, Ragnheid Skogseth, Till M. Baumann, Eva Falck, and Ilker Fer
Ocean Sci., 20, 981–1001,,, 2024
Short summary
08 Aug 2024
Surface circulation characterization along the middle-south coastal region of Vietnam from high-frequency radar and numerical modelling
Thanh Huyen Tran, Alexei Sentchev, Duy Thai To, Marine Herrmann, Sylvain Ouillon, and Kim Cuong Nguyen
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 2 comments)
Short summary
07 Aug 2024
Fusion of Lagrangian drifter data and numerical model outputs for improved assessment of turbulent dispersion
Sloane Bertin, Alexei Sentchev, and Elena Alekseenko
Ocean Sci., 20, 965–980,,, 2024
Short summary
07 Aug 2024
Anthropogenic pressures driving the salinity intrusion in the Guadalquivir Estuary: Insights from 1D Numerical Simulations
Sara Sirviente, Juan Jesús Gomiz-Pascual, Marina Bolado-Penagos, Sabine Sauvage, José Miguel Sánchez-Pérez, and Miguel Bruno
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 2 comments)
Short summary
07 Aug 2024
Current structure, circulation and transport in the Central Baltic Sea observed by array of moorings and gliders
Taavi Liblik, Daniel Rak, Enriko Siht, Germo Väli, Johannes Karstensen, Laura Tuomi, Louise C. Biddle, Madis-Jaak Lilover, Māris Skudra, Michael Naumann, Urmas Lips, and Volker Mohrholz
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 0 comments)
Short summary
06 Aug 2024
Internal-tide vertical structure and steric sea surface height signature south of New Caledonia revealed by glider observations
Arne Bendinger, Sophie Cravatte, Lionel Gourdeau, Luc Rainville, Clément Vic, Guillaume Sérazin, Fabien Durand, Frédéric Marin, and Jean-Luc Fuda
Ocean Sci., 20, 945–964,,, 2024
Short summary
06 Aug 2024
Subsurface manifestation of Marine Heatwaves in the South West Indian Ocean
Clea Baker Welch, Neil Malan, Daneeja Mawren, Tamaryn Morris, Janet Sprintall, and Juliet Clair Hermes
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 1 comment)
Short summary
02 Aug 2024
The influence of a submarine canyon on the wind-driven downwelling circulation over the continental shelf
Pedro Figueroa, Gonzalo Saldías, and Susan Allen
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: final response, 3 comments)
Short summary
01 Aug 2024
Application of Wave-current coupled Sediment Transport Models with Variable Grain Properties for Coastal Morphodynamics: A Case Study of the Changhua River, Hainan
Yuxi Wu, Enjin Zhao, Xiwen Li, and Shiyou Zhang
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint under review for OS (discussion: open, 2 comments)
Short summary
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