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En uppfinnare inom kemin eller fysiken är alltid en Prometheus. Det finns ingen uppfinning, från elden till flygkonsten, som inte har anklagats för att vara en skymf mot en eller annan gud. Men om varje kemisk eller fysikalisk uppfinning... more
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“See” is a software framework for simulation of biologically detailed and artificial neural networks and systems. It includes an general purpose scripting language, based on Scheme, which also can be used interactively, while the basic... more
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Vi har valt att studera effekterna av ett medelstort meteoritnedslag i ett tätbefolkat område. Diskussioner om meteoritfaror handlar ofta om långdistans-och globala effekter av större meteoriter snarare än den direkta förödelsen orsakad... more
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Abstract The work presented in this thesis deals with neural network models of human memory based on the Bayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Network (BCPNN). The focus is to explore how a model derived from a statistical framework can... more
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Abstract. The ISO/DIS 26262 standard on functional safety for road vehicles has a wide implication on the need for information exchange among partners in the automotive domain. As most development today is distributed among several... more
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Abstract Differences in cognitive aging rates among mammals suggest that the pace of brain aging is genetically determined. In this work, we investigate the possibility that brain aging is an extension of brain development. It is possible... more
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Abstract Cognitive enhancement takes many and diverse forms. Various methods of cognitive enhancement have implications for the near future. At the same time, these technologies raise a range of ethical issues. For example, they interact... more
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Anthropogenic climate change is arguably one of the biggest problems that confront us today. There is ample evidence that climate change is likely to affect adversely many aspects of life for all people around the world, and that existing... more
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Abstract Large-scale, coherent, but highly transient networks of neurons,'neuronal assemblies', operate over a sub-second time frame. Such assemblies of brain cells need not necessarily respect well-defined anatomical... more
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Abstract This paper reviews the evolutionary history and biology of love and marriage. It examines the current and imminent possibilities of biological manipulation of lust, attraction and attachment, so called neuroenhancement of love.... more
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Cognitive enhancement aims at amplifying or extending the abilities of the mind through internal or external hardware or software. Up until recently only internal software in the form of trained efficient mental algorithms and the general... more
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Abstract The dynamics and storage capacity of a Bayesian Confidence Propagation Neural Network (BCPNN) with hypercolumns is studied. Hypercolumns is a concept derived from the local connectivity seen between neurons in cortex. The BCPNN... more
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Abstract A continuously learning system needs to gradually forget old information in order to avoid catastrophic forgetting. This can be achieved by allowing new information to overwrite old, a so-called palimpsest memory. This paper... more
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Capacity limited memory systems need to gradually forget old information in order to avoid catastrophic forgetting where all stored information is lost. This can be achieved by allowing new information to overwrite old, as in the... more
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The strength of a memory trace is modulated by a variety of factors such as arousal, attention, context, type of processing during encoding, salience and novelty of the experience. Some of these factors can be modeled as a variable... more
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Medicine is a deeply technological endeavor, both using and driving the development of the latest science and engineering. As more and more people grow older and seek to take charge over their own health, technology advances faster and... more
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Summary During the last few decades we have seen a convergence among ideas and hypotheses regarding functional principles underlying human memory. Hebb's now more than fifty years old conjecture concerning synaptic plasticity and cell... more
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Abstract Human beings are a marvel of evolved complexity. Such systems can be difficult to enhance. When we manipulate complex evolved systems which are poorly understood, our interventions often fail or backfire. It can appear as if... more
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Abstract The central question of development is: how does structure emerge from a structureless state without an external organizing force? The answer seems to be that self-organizing processes are able to produce complex structures from... more
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Recent models of the oculomotor delayed response task have been based on the assumption that working memory is stored as a persistent activity state (a'bump'state). The delay activity is maintained by a finely tuned synaptic weight matrix... more
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