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      Environmental EthicsSustainability
Democracy is an almost universal ideal, being enshrined in a huge majority of the constitutions around the world, but it has proven very hard to implement in practice. A fundamental question in political science is how to measure... more
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      DemocratizationDeliberative DemocracyDemocracyParticipatory Democracy
Paper for the seminar "Laudato Si' and the Path to COP22", held at the Pontifical Academy of the Sciences on 28 September 2016, focusing on those aspects of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ most relevant to the Catholic Church’s... more
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      Climate ChangeLaudato Si
Pope Francis transformed the climate change debate in 2015 by publishing his groundbreaking encyclical Laudato Si’, being widely credited by analysts and heads of state for raising the level of ambition of the Paris Climate Agreement by... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate change policyReligion and EcologyEcology
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      Climate ChangeLaudato Si
Book chapter for the volume "Laudato Si': El cuidado de la casa común, una conversión necesaria a la ecología humana", edited by Federico Lombardi SJ and Fernando Sánchez Campos.... more
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      Carta Encíclica Laudato Si'Laudato Si
We are all opposed—at least ostensibly—to mindless animal cruelty. Almost no one defended Michael Vick and his cohorts when they tortured and killed dogs for their dog fighting ring. Imagine Michael Vick had been selling a product—say... more
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      EthicsNormative EthicsApplied EthicsPeace and Conflict Studies
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      TheologyAnimal BehaviorTheological EthicsAnimal Studies
Although almost completely ignored, Aquinas’s account of persons with severe intellectual disabilities is key to his understanding of human persons and their salvation. Aquinas extensively addresses questions of human impairment, and for... more
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      TheologyDisability StudiesHistorical TheologyCritical Disability Studies
After responding to several misreadings of Milbank's project in Theology and Social Theory - e.g., that it dispenses with "truth" or "reality", is sectarian, reads a social theory off the bible, is ecclesially absolutist - the authors... more
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      AugustineJohn Milbank
These short remarks are a belated expression of thanks for the gift in my life that was Poteat. When Poteat died, I was spending time at a Trappist monastery, and never got word until after the funeral. I greatly regretted not being... more
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    • William Poteat
Despite the expansive literature detailing various arguments for or against the use of MANH in caring for the dying and debilitated, the thesis of this paper is that a large part, if not the main thrust, of the debates over MANH have been... more
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      BioethicsTheological EthicsMedical EthicsFood and Nutrition
At present, there is to our knowledge no Catholic institution engaged in overseeing the practice of embryo adoption (EA), nor any institution that currently oversees the practice explicitly claiming to do so in accord with Catholic... more
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    • Embryo Adoption
This essay focuses on the reconciliatory facet of the Eucharist, highlighting its transformative and restorative character. In so doing, it seeks to show how the Eucharist can shape our perception and practices with regard to penitence... more
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      Criminal JusticeEthicsPeace and Conflict StudiesCriminal Justice History
Historically, most if not all Catholics have abstained from eating animal flesh as an expression of their faith. Although most have abstained only for certain periods of time, others have abstained permanently. While Catholics have... more
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      TheologyPatristicsSociology of Food and EatingTheological Ethics
" One reason why the question of gestating abandoned embryos has produced such debate is that moral theologians do not agree as to how the choice of a woman to gestate an abandoned cryopreserved embryo is most adequately described.... more
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      Philosophy of ActionBioethicsTheological EthicsAdoption
In the light of the moral principles and fundamental goods articulated by Donum vitae, one may conclude that under some circumstances it is appropriate and even morally praiseworthy for women to allow themselves to be impregnated with... more
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      BioethicsTheological EthicsChristian EthicsCatholic Moral Theology
In this paper, I wish to look at John Ryan's considerable interest in questions of birth regulation. My thesis is twofold: first, that Ryan's views on the regulation of family size were integrally connected with his economic and political... more
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      Ethics & Social SustainabilityContraceptionCatholic Social TeachingMoral Theology
If it is part of the tragedy of the fall that we do violence to other creatures, that we kill other animals for food, clothing, sport, for testing medicines, shave creams and eye shadows, then our killing of other animals, must, in some... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsTheological EthicsAnimal EthicsAnimal Theology