We’re waiting for a new Petitions Committee

Petitions had to stop because of the recent general election. Once a new Petitions Committee is set up by the House of Commons, petitions will start again.

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Other lists of petitions

Petitions with a Government response

1,010 petitions

  1. Reinstate Martial Arts as one of the approved activities for GCSE PE

    Government responded – 16 September 2024

    In 2018, martial arts were excluded from GCSE PE lists due to assessment issues. The Department is now reviewing the curriculum to enhance school standards, with participation details published soon.

    10,356 signatures

  2. Legislate against any form of Digital ID

    Government responded – 10 September 2024

    The Government supports giving people the choice to use trustworthy and secure digital identity products, which could bring great benefits.

    11,232 signatures

  3. Remove powers to vary income tax rates from the Scottish Parliament

    Government responded – 9 September 2024

    The UK Government remains committed to devolution and the government has no plans to alter the devolution settlement to remove income tax powers.

    12,642 signatures

  4. Give parents/guardians a right to access social media accounts of their children

    Government responded – 20 August 2024

    The Government is committed to tackling the harm children face online and we will look at how we can support families to see information about a child’s internet use following a bereavement.

    126,033 signatures

  5. Hold a Public Inquiry into state pension age changes for women

    Government responded – 24 May 2024

    State Pension age changes have been considered by the Ombudsman, Parliament and the Courts. There is therefore no need for a Public Inquiry, and it would not be good use of public money.

    11,791 signatures

  6. Raise Motorway Speed Limits to 100mph and Dual Carriageways to 80mph

    Government responded – 22 May 2024

    The Government has undertaken no recent assessment on increasing national speed limits and we have no current plans to undertake such an assessment on the basis of traffic flow or other factors.

    42,796 signatures

  7. Commemorating the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Sikh massacres

    Government responded – 21 May 2024

    HMG is aware of how Sikhs, and many other Britons, feel about the tragic events in 1984. While an undoubtedly appalling series of events, HMG currently has no plans to formally commemorate them.

    11,747 signatures

  8. Ban domestic flights on routes that can be travelled by train in under 4.5 hours

    Government responded – 21 May 2024

    Domestic aviation is vital for the economy, connectivity, and jobs. Our Jet Zero Strategy focuses on the development of decarbonisation technologies in a way that maintains these benefits.

    10,584 signatures

  9. Reclassify general aviation airfields as greenfield not brownfield sites

    Government responded – 16 May 2024

    We are not seeking to alter airfield classification at this current time.

    11,678 signatures

  10. Ban the sale of inappropriately sized enclosures and wheels for small animals

    Government responded – 13 May 2024

    Existing statutory guidance requires that enclosures sold with animals are a suitable size for the animal purchased, prioritising its welfare. We have no wider plans to set mandatory sizes.

    11,124 signatures

  11. Repeal the Climate Change Act 2008 and Net Zero targets

    Government responded – 10 May 2024

    The Government’s policy to support ambitious action on climate change reflects the mainstream scientific consensus, and delaying action will only put future generations at risk.

    13,581 signatures

  12. Allow students to be taken out of school for two weeks a year without penalty

    Government responded – 9 May 2024

    Regular school attendance is vital for attainment, wellbeing and development. We are clear pupils should not miss school for term-time holidays, which cause disruption to teachers and other pupils.

    254,530 signatures

  13. Make hedgehog surveys & mitigation measures compulsory for all new developments.

    Government responded – 8 May 2024

    Defra is working to incorporate nature into development reforms including how planning policy can promote the inclusion of nature-friendly elements, such as hedgehog highways.

    11,222 signatures

  14. Enact legislation to make 'psychologist' a protected title

    Government responded – 7 May 2024

    The Government has no plans to make the professional title “psychologist” a protected title. However, our regulatory reform programme, which is underway, will consider protected titles more broadly.

    12,185 signatures

  15. Call for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Gaza

    Government responded – 3 May 2024

    The fastest way to end the conflict is to secure a deal which gets hostages out and allows for a pause in the fighting, then to work with partners to turn that into a sustainable, permanent ceasefire.

    10,055 signatures

  16. Increase Carer’s Allowance to equal 35 hours at 50% of the living wage.

    Government responded – 2 May 2024

    Carer’s Allowance is a benefit that provides some financial recognition that a carer may not be able to work full-time. It is part of a range of support based on individual needs, rather than a wage.

    14,116 signatures

  17. Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state

    Government responded – 2 May 2024

    Those selling games must comply with UK consumer law. They must provide clear information and allow continued access to games if sold on the understanding that they will remain playable indefinitely.

    27,341 signatures

  18. Fast track benefits as soon as someone is diagnosed as terminally ill

    Government responded – 1 May 2024

    The 12-month eligibility criteria improves access to benefits for those nearing the end of life and aligns with the NHS definition. All eligible benefit claims are paid as fast as possible.

    15,392 signatures

  19. Create a new body to regulate service charges for residential property

    Government responded – 1 May 2024

    Leaseholders have rights to challenge their service charges; the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill contains measures to empower leaseholders to scrutinise and challenge unreasonable charges.

    18,552 signatures

  20. Allow Ofsted registered childminders to receive funding for related children

    Government responded – 25 April 2024

    The 2006 Childcare Act prohibits childminders from receiving funding for related children because the definition of childcare excludes care provided for a child by a relatives and parents.

    10,709 signatures

  21. Exempt all state pensions and benefits from income tax

    Government responded – 25 April 2024

    The tax treatment of social security benefits is based on the type of payment and why it is provided. Generally, benefits that are designed to replace income are taxable, including the State Pension.

    22,575 signatures

  22. Implement Affirmative Consent for Sexual Activity

    Government responded – 24 April 2024

    We have no plans to amend the law on consent. It is long established, well understood by courts, police, practitioners and the public, and provides victims with effective protection from sexual abuse.

    13,356 signatures

  23. Negotiate UK-wide recognition of older person's bus passes

    Government responded – 23 April 2024

    The concessionary travel scheme is restricted to England as it is primarily intended to support local bus travel. Therefore, there are no plans to introduce mutual recognition of the separate schemes.

    15,632 signatures

  24. Introduce new restrictions on solar facilities to protect land and food security

    Government responded – 22 April 2024

    Government recognises that solar projects impact local areas. Our planning system considers these against the need to secure a clean energy future and protect our most productive agricultural land.

    17,343 signatures

  25. Introduce new legal requirements for vets prior to euthanasia of dogs & cats

    Government responded – 19 April 2024

    Vets are already required to scan a dog’s microchip prior to euthanasia where they consider it is not necessary on health or welfare grounds and check for alternative contacts.

    22,746 signatures

  26. Let airlines allow pets in the airplane’s cabin to and from the UK

    Government responded – 19 April 2024

    All pets entering Great Britain must be checked to ensure compliance with our import requirements. To facilitate these checks pets travelling by air to GB are required to travel as ‘manifest cargo’.

    12,410 signatures

  27. Raise the personal tax allowance to £15,000

    Government responded – 19 April 2024

    The Government has nearly doubled the Personal Allowance since 2010, ensuring the lowest earners pay no income tax. As with all tax policy, the Government keeps the Personal Allowance under review.

    22,911 signatures

  28. Exclude telegraph poles from permitted development legislation

    Government responded – 19 April 2024

    The Government wants the planning system to support the infrastructure needed for nationwide gigabit-capable broadband coverage by 2030 and is seeking to ensure these rights are used appropriately.

    10,453 signatures

  29. Require broadcasters to call proscribed terrorist organisations terrorists

    Government responded – 18 April 2024

    Ofcom rules ensure broadcast news must be reported with due accuracy and impartiality. The Government is committed to a free media. It would not be right to dictate the language that journalists use.

    13,108 signatures

  30. Increase investment in Speech and Language Therapy.

    Government responded – 18 April 2024

    This government has increased investment in the NHS since 2019 in real terms. Systems are developing plans to reduce waits and we are committed to growing the Speech and Language Therapy workforce.

    13,188 signatures

  31. Provide funding for STI screening at the beginning of a pregnancy

    Government responded – 17 April 2024

    Currently the NHS offers screening at around 10 weeks’ gestation for three infections that can be sexually transmitted – HIV, syphilis and Hepatitis B.

    33,014 signatures

  32. Ban the sale of used power tools at car boot sales and markets

    Government responded – 17 April 2024

    The Government has no plans for such a sales ban, but recognises the impact of this crime, and is consulting on how new law and other crime prevention measures can best protect a van and its contents.

    46,397 signatures

  33. Introduce economic sanctions on Israel

    Government responded – 16 April 2024

    We support Israel’s security, but it must comply with International Humanitarian Law. We need an immediate stop in fighting to get aid in and hostages out, then progress to a sustainable ceasefire.

    10,936 signatures

  34. Call on Hamas to unconditionally surrender and return all the hostages

    Government responded – 12 April 2024

    Hamas should release all hostages now, unconditionally. We have been working with partners across the region to secure the release of hostages, including British nationals and their families.

    14,307 signatures

  35. Allow those already in the UK switching to care visa to bring dependants

    Government responded – 9 April 2024

    Those switching to the care visa as care workers are no longer permitted to have dependants with them. The Government values the work of this sector, and existing care visa holders are protected.

    12,023 signatures

  36. Allow people to stay in the UK if their employer’s sponsor license is withdrawn

    Government responded – 9 April 2024

    Sponsored work visas allow people into the UK for a set period of time to do specific jobs for a sponsor. Linking visas to sponsors provides safeguards but migrants are free to apply on another basis.

    17,856 signatures

  37. Require all dogs to be on a lead when on public pavements

    Government responded – 9 April 2024

    We have no plans to require all dogs to be on a lead on public pavements. It is already an offence under Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act for any dog to be dangerously out of control in any place.

    13,234 signatures

  38. Add a mobility element to Attendance Allowance

    Government responded – 5 April 2024

    1.4 million people are receiving Attendance Allowance worth £6 billion a year. Those who develop mobility needs in later life are able to spend this benefit on mobility aids if they wish.

    15,243 signatures

  39. Hold a statutory public inquiry into Gender Identity Ideology and Queer Theory

    Government responded – 4 April 2024

    Biological sex clearly exists and matters. There are processes in place for those who wish to change their legal sex. A statutory public inquiry is unnecessary given Government action in this area.

    12,190 signatures

  40. Reduce Vehicle Tax for cars aged between 20 and 40 years old

    Government responded – 19 April 2024

    The Government has no plans to reduce the tax exemption age for classic cars from 40 to 20 years. While the Government keeps all taxes under review, we consider 40 years a fair cut-off date.

    13,829 signatures

  41. Provide all pensioners born before April 1951 with the new State Pension

    Government responded – 28 March 2024

    The Government has no plans to provide all pensioners born before 6 April 1951 with the new State Pension.

    14,484 signatures

  42. Make the sale of catapults/ammunition and carrying catapults in public illegal

    Government responded – 27 March 2024

    Existing legislation provides the correct balance between protecting wildlife from the small number of individuals who misuse catapults, whilst also allowing the public to enjoy legitimate pastimes.

    11,901 signatures

  43. Review the brightness of car headlights for safety

    Government responded – 27 March 2024

    The Government has taken action internationally to address concerns raised about headlamp glare. Recognising the need for further evidence, we intend to commission independent research shortly.

    14,107 signatures

  44. Fund breast cancer screening from the age of 40

    Government responded – 20 March 2024

    Women 50-71 are invited to breast screening every three years. Research is being undertaken to review the effects of expanding the age range. The UK NSC will consider the findings when this concludes.

    12,601 signatures

  45. Review how to turn MHRA into a fully transparent, patient first regulator

    Government responded – 20 March 2024

    Patient safety is the MHRA’s highest priority. There are no plans to review the MHRA, including its accountability, approval processes or its monitoring of the safety of products.

    13,194 signatures

  46. Ban smartphones and camera phones for under 16s

    Government responded – 30 April 2024

    The government is committed to making the UK the safest place to be a child online, as evidenced by the Online Safety Act. We are focused on implementing the regime as soon as possible.

    25,981 signatures

  47. Introduce a progressive licensing system for young drivers under the age of 25

    Government responded – 13 March 2024

    Whilst there are no published plans to introduce tougher restrictions on new drivers, the Department keeps driving licensing requirements under review.

    24,296 signatures

  48. Don’t ban flavoured e-liquids for e-cigarettes

    Government responded – 12 March 2024

    To address the rise in youth vaping, vape flavours that appeal to children will be restricted. We will consult further, being mindful of the role flavours can play in supporting adult smokers quit.

    54,867 signatures

  49. Legally pardon those convicted in Great Britain for offences of witchcraft

    Government responded – 6 March 2024

    The Government acknowledges the historic injustices of people accused of witchcraft between the 16th and 18th centuries. However, there are no plans to legislate to pardon those who were convicted.

    13,157 signatures

  50. Review the MOD's New Accommodation Offer for armed forces personnel

    Government responded – 6 March 2024

    The Government is committed to widening military accommodation entitlement, but we have listened to feedback and paused elements of the policy related to Service Family Accommodation pending a review.

    20,677 signatures

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