The objective of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the 20-item version of the Subjective Well-being Under Neuroleptic Treatment Scale (SWN) in patients, their siblings and parents and in healthy controls. In order to study heritability of subjective well-being, assessment in unaffected relatives and healthy controls is necessary. Data were obtained from the Dutch GROUP study (Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis), a large cohort study on non-affective psychotic disorders incorporating patients, their relatives and healthy controls. The SWN scale and other relevant assessments were completed by 545 schizophrenia patients, 541 siblings, 75 parents, and 280 healthy controls. Reliability within the four groups ranged between Cronbach's alpha 0.88 and 0.92. Factor analysis indicated a single factor structure of the SWN scale, which makes only SWN total scores relevant.The WHO-Quality of Life psychological domain correlated highly with SWN total scores in all groups. Subclinical psychotic experiences were found to be associated with SWN total scores in relatives and healthy controls, supporting the psychosis continuum concept. The 20-item SWN scale is a reliable measure for subjective well-being that can also be used in relatives and healthy controls to investigate genetic and psychological dispositions of subjective well-being.
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