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Dong Lan
Authors "Dong Lan" (47)

Total number of authors: 47

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Department of Computer Science and E...
Department of Computer Science and E...
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Gen Hosp Western Theater Chinese Peo...
Gen Hosp Western Theater Chinese Peo...
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School of Materials and Metallurgy, ...
School of Materials and Metallurgy, ...
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National Laboratory of Solid State M...
National Laboratory of Solid State M...
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Jinggangshan Univ, Coll Math & Phys,...
Jinggangshan Univ, Coll Math & Phys,...
417 publications with author Dong Lan
Journal Article
Clinica Chimica Acta; International Journal of Clinical Chemistry
Published: 01 August 2018 in Clinica Chimica Acta; International Journal of Clinical Chemistry
ACS Style

Ying Hua; Jing Wang; Dong-Lan Yuan; Yaozhi Qi; Zuoqing Tang; Xueqiong Zhu; Shi-Wen Jiang. A tag SNP in syncytin-2 3-UTR significantly correlates with the risk of severe preeclampsia. Clinica Chimica Acta; International Journal of Clinical Chemistry 2018, 483, 265 -270.

AMA Style

Ying Hua, Jing Wang, Dong-Lan Yuan, Yaozhi Qi, Zuoqing Tang, Xueqiong Zhu, Shi-Wen Jiang. A tag SNP in syncytin-2 3-UTR significantly correlates with the risk of severe preeclampsia. Clinica Chimica Acta; International Journal of Clinical Chemistry. 2018; 483 ():265-270.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ying Hua; Jing Wang; Dong-Lan Yuan; Yaozhi Qi; Zuoqing Tang; Xueqiong Zhu; Shi-Wen Jiang. 2018. "A tag SNP in syncytin-2 3-UTR significantly correlates with the risk of severe preeclampsia." Clinica Chimica Acta; International Journal of Clinical Chemistry 483, no. : 265-270.

Journal Article
Frontiers of Nursing
Published: 01 March 2019 in Frontiers of Nursing

Objective: Reflection is viewed as the most significant skill and should be advocated for lifelong learning. In order to grasp the process of reflection and embrace the reflective skill, one of the authors of this paper reflects on a practice-based issue in relation to the communication between doctors and nurses, to gain new understanding and thus improve the authors’ clinical practice. Methods: Smyth’s framework with four stages is utilized as an ideal framework to guide the author’s reflection on the practice-based issue to free the author from her entrenched assumptions and the oppressive forces that limit her practice. Results: The espoused and enacted theory, together with the critical reflection theory, are used to explore the values and beliefs that essentially govern the author’s practice and how these are distinct from the author’s worldviews. Following this, critical emancipatory reflection is undertaken to explore the dominant power structures within the author’s workplace. Furthermore, given the hegemonic and chaotic working context of this issue, hegemony and symbolic interaction theory are applied to unearth the various hidden constraining and oppressive forces. Additionally, socialization theory is utilized to help the author achieve professional identity. Conclusions: Reconstructing the practice-based issue empowers the author to realize that in the future, she should act as a reflective practitioner, creating a daily habit, staying alert to practice, seeing things freshly, finding support systems, improving communication skills, conducting reflective research, and reifying reflective practice. Ultimately, the author will be sufficiently equipped to be able to transform her practice and change its outcomes.

ACS Style

Dong-Lan Ling; Hong-Jing Yu. Critical emancipatory reflection on a practice-based issue in relation to the working relationship between doctors and nurses in China. Frontiers of Nursing 2019, 6, 5 -11.

AMA Style

Dong-Lan Ling, Hong-Jing Yu. Critical emancipatory reflection on a practice-based issue in relation to the working relationship between doctors and nurses in China. Frontiers of Nursing. 2019; 6 (1):5-11.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Dong-Lan Ling; Hong-Jing Yu. 2019. "Critical emancipatory reflection on a practice-based issue in relation to the working relationship between doctors and nurses in China." Frontiers of Nursing 6, no. 1: 5-11.

Journal Article
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
Published: 28 April 2006 in Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
ACS Style

Hua-Jie Wang; Xin-Ming Liu; Li-Wen Ji; Dong-Lan Ma; Qiushi Ren; Jin-Ye Wang. Film from peroxidation of an amino phospholipid and its biocompatibility. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 2006, 79B, 411 -419.

AMA Style

Hua-Jie Wang, Xin-Ming Liu, Li-Wen Ji, Dong-Lan Ma, Qiushi Ren, Jin-Ye Wang. Film from peroxidation of an amino phospholipid and its biocompatibility. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 2006; 79B (2):411-419.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Hua-Jie Wang; Xin-Ming Liu; Li-Wen Ji; Dong-Lan Ma; Qiushi Ren; Jin-Ye Wang. 2006. "Film from peroxidation of an amino phospholipid and its biocompatibility." Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 79B, no. 2: 411-419.

Journal Article
Analytical Letters
Published: 09 January 2003 in Analytical Letters
ACS Style

Feng-Ling Cui; Jing Fan; Dong-Lan Ma; Man-Cang Liu; Xing-Guo Chen; Zhi-De Hu. A Study of the Interaction Between a New Reagent and Serum Albumin by Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Analytical Letters 2003, 36, 2151 -2166.

AMA Style

Feng-Ling Cui, Jing Fan, Dong-Lan Ma, Man-Cang Liu, Xing-Guo Chen, Zhi-De Hu. A Study of the Interaction Between a New Reagent and Serum Albumin by Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Analytical Letters. 2003; 36 (10):2151-2166.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Feng-Ling Cui; Jing Fan; Dong-Lan Ma; Man-Cang Liu; Xing-Guo Chen; Zhi-De Hu. 2003. "A Study of the Interaction Between a New Reagent and Serum Albumin by Fluorescence Spectroscopy." Analytical Letters 36, no. 10: 2151-2166.

Journal Article
Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines
Published: 20 January 2010 in Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines
ACS Style

Fu-Shuang Li; Dong-Lan Yan; Rang-Ru Liu; Kang-Ping Xu; Gui-Shan Tan. Chemical Constituents of Boswellia carterii (Frankincense). Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 2010, 8, 25 -27.

AMA Style

Fu-Shuang Li, Dong-Lan Yan, Rang-Ru Liu, Kang-Ping Xu, Gui-Shan Tan. Chemical Constituents of Boswellia carterii (Frankincense). Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines. 2010; 8 (1):25-27.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Fu-Shuang Li; Dong-Lan Yan; Rang-Ru Liu; Kang-Ping Xu; Gui-Shan Tan. 2010. "Chemical Constituents of Boswellia carterii (Frankincense)." Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 8, no. 1: 25-27.

Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2009 in Health

Objective: To observe the concentration of se-rum homocysteine in intellectuals and the re-lated influential factors. Methods: The concen-trations serum homocysteine and saliva cortisol were measured in 138 intellectuals from three cities, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Chengdu in China. All the subjects had senior titles of tech-nical post, aged 40-69 years. Results: The mean value of serum homocysteine concentration in intellectuals was 20.6±0.8μmol/L, higher than the reference value. With the increase of cortisol levels the homocysteine concentrations rise (P <0.05). The mean value of homocysteine con-centration was highest in 40-49 years old group. Men had higher homocysteine level than women in this investigation. According to the mean value of homocysteine concentration among different cities, Tianjin was highest, Chengdu medium, Guangzhou lowest. Conclusion: The serum homocysteine concentration of intellec-tuals is higher than the reference value. The stress level, gender and resident cities might contribute to the differences in serum homo-cysteine concentration in Chinese intellectuals.

ACS Style

Yue Hou; Yan Hong; Wei-Qiang Chen; Dong-Lan Wang; Yi-Yong Cheng. Serum homocysteine concentrations of Chinese intellectuals and the influential factors concerned. Health 2009, 01, 83 -87.

AMA Style

Yue Hou, Yan Hong, Wei-Qiang Chen, Dong-Lan Wang, Yi-Yong Cheng. Serum homocysteine concentrations of Chinese intellectuals and the influential factors concerned. Health. 2009; 01 (02):83-87.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Yue Hou; Yan Hong; Wei-Qiang Chen; Dong-Lan Wang; Yi-Yong Cheng. 2009. "Serum homocysteine concentrations of Chinese intellectuals and the influential factors concerned." Health 01, no. 02: 83-87.

Journal Article
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Published: 25 February 2010 in Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
ACS Style

Rong‐Miao Zhou; Na Wang; Zhi‐Feng Chen; Ya‐Nan Duan; Dong‐Lan Sun; Yan Li. Polymorphisms in promoter region of FAS and FASL gene and risk of gastric cardiac adenocarcinoma. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2010, 25, 555 -561.

AMA Style

Rong‐Miao Zhou, Na Wang, Zhi‐Feng Chen, Ya‐Nan Duan, Dong‐Lan Sun, Yan Li. Polymorphisms in promoter region of FAS and FASL gene and risk of gastric cardiac adenocarcinoma. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2010; 25 (3):555-561.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Rong‐Miao Zhou; Na Wang; Zhi‐Feng Chen; Ya‐Nan Duan; Dong‐Lan Sun; Yan Li. 2010. "Polymorphisms in promoter region of FAS and FASL gene and risk of gastric cardiac adenocarcinoma." Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 25, no. 3: 555-561.

Journal Article
Advanced Materials Research
Published: 01 May 2011 in Advanced Materials Research

Polycarboxylate-based superplasticizers are synthesized by radical graft copolymerization reaction, and the products are divided into ester series (PC-1) and ether series (PC-2) on the basis of different big monomers. This article studies on influence of the different composition and dosages of the synthetic superplasticizers in the self-compacting concrete (SCC). The results show that the requirements of SCC workability can be achieved through simple adjustment kinds and dosages of the synthetic superplasticizers under the given mix proportions and the raw materials. And the main mechanism of the polycarboxylate-based superplasticizers is steric hindrance effect.

ACS Style

Miao Miao Gui; Yun Hui Fang; Zi Dong Lan; Fei Yu Yu; Tian Xing Lin; Zhuo Jun Jiang; Qing Ru Wen. The Compounding and Application Mechanism of Polycarboxylate-Based Superplasticizers in the Self-Compacting Concrete. Advanced Materials Research 2011, 250-253, 711 -717.

AMA Style

Miao Miao Gui, Yun Hui Fang, Zi Dong Lan, Fei Yu Yu, Tian Xing Lin, Zhuo Jun Jiang, Qing Ru Wen. The Compounding and Application Mechanism of Polycarboxylate-Based Superplasticizers in the Self-Compacting Concrete. Advanced Materials Research. 2011; 250-253 ():711-717.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Miao Miao Gui; Yun Hui Fang; Zi Dong Lan; Fei Yu Yu; Tian Xing Lin; Zhuo Jun Jiang; Qing Ru Wen. 2011. "The Compounding and Application Mechanism of Polycarboxylate-Based Superplasticizers in the Self-Compacting Concrete." Advanced Materials Research 250-253, no. : 711-717.

Journal Article
Pest Management Science
Published: 02 September 2009 in Pest Management Science
ACS Style

Zhi-Yong Zhang; Xiang-Yang Yu; Dong-Lan Wang; Hai-Juan Yan; Xian-Jin Liu. Acute toxicity to zebrafish of two organophosphates and four pyrethroids and their binary mixtures. Pest Management Science 2009, 66, 84 -89.

AMA Style

Zhi-Yong Zhang, Xiang-Yang Yu, Dong-Lan Wang, Hai-Juan Yan, Xian-Jin Liu. Acute toxicity to zebrafish of two organophosphates and four pyrethroids and their binary mixtures. Pest Management Science. 2009; 66 (1):84-89.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zhi-Yong Zhang; Xiang-Yang Yu; Dong-Lan Wang; Hai-Juan Yan; Xian-Jin Liu. 2009. "Acute toxicity to zebrafish of two organophosphates and four pyrethroids and their binary mixtures." Pest Management Science 66, no. 1: 84-89.

Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2004
ACS Style

Jia Chang; Xu-Chen Ma; Da-Long Ma; Xian-Ting Li; Dong-Lan Xia. [Study on the metabolism of cartilage matrix by the chondrocytes in osteoarthritic condylar cartilage]. 2004, 39, 309 -12.

AMA Style

Jia Chang, Xu-Chen Ma, Da-Long Ma, Xian-Ting Li, Dong-Lan Xia. [Study on the metabolism of cartilage matrix by the chondrocytes in osteoarthritic condylar cartilage]. . 2004; 39 (4):309-12.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Jia Chang; Xu-Chen Ma; Da-Long Ma; Xian-Ting Li; Dong-Lan Xia. 2004. "[Study on the metabolism of cartilage matrix by the chondrocytes in osteoarthritic condylar cartilage]." 39, no. 4: 309-12.