Quick Submission(in on page)

Manuscripts should be in English and written in a concise, straightforward style.
A template (download) is available to guide authors in the preparation of the manuscript.
You can also send the paper with the journal name to [email protected] if have difficulty to fill the form below.

Quick submission (* is required)

(Used for the Manuscript Tracking System. After submission, the system will automatically assign the password. If the User ID exists, use the original password.)

Note: We'll send your submitted manuscript to professional experts for review and it will take some time. If it is urgent, please kindly let us know Your Expected Date of Review Report.

(File must be in .doc, .docx format, with no one file being larger than 10MB.)
Please put authors' & recommend reviewers' information into the file to be uploaded. Download Template

Please note that: We'll send you the review report when we receive it and please kindly make proper revision according to the comments and return the revised paper.

If the revised paper is accepted for publication, authors are required to pay an article processing charge(APC).