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Hundred years after the birth of the Dada movement in Zürich, Tristan Tzara’s theatre is unjustly not as well known as his poetry or manifestos. Being himself a theatrical person, always staging his own personality as the leader of the... more
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      Theatre StudiesEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the Absurd
“This is an extremely bold attempt to investigate the cultural history of imagination in a European context and to analyse the cultural enactment of imagination in dramatic texts as potential performance. As a concept imagination is more... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryDramaturgyEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
C'est un essai sur Eugène Ionesco et son oeuvre nommée La Photo du Colonel.
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      French LiteratureEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the Absurd
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      French StudiesLiteratureLanguage and PowerFrancophone Literature
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      Eugene Ionesco absurd theatreCantatrice chauveTheatre Absurd
The text proposes an interpretation of the play by E. Ionesco, La Cantatrice Chauve as the staging of what Heidegger calls in Sein und Zeit the improper exist-ence. The poetics of absurdity that Ionesco uses can be understood from the... more
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      Martin HeideggerEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatrePhilosophy and Literature
Dariusz Piotr Klimczak "The Mystic of Blue. The Eugenio Ionesco’s Dramatic Eschatology of The Absurd" In the last scene of the play Exit the King by Eugenio Ionesco the hero Bérenger called „Blue, blue!”. It' s the primary experience of... more
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      PhilosophyTheatre StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)Eugène Ionesco
A close analysis of Ionesco’s Rhinoceros based on Marx’s theories
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      French LiteratureLiteratureDramaEugène Ionesco
The intention of this paper is to investigate the use of language and the construction of meaning in absurd theater in order to suggest that both the stylistic and the ideological characteristics of this movement require a specific... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryFernando ArrabalEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
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    • Eugene Ionesco absurd theatre
Trylogia Tanatyczna Teatru Absurdu Dariusza Piotra Klimczaka jest znakomitą analizą filozoficzno-teatrologiczną sztuk Samuela Becketta, Eugenio Ionesco i Sławomira Mrożka, stanowi również wyjątkowo cenne uzupełnienie bogatej już dziś w... more
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      Theatre StudiesDeath StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)Applied Drama/Theatre
The use of language play to escape from the reality of either unfair or meaningless world is the dominant characteristics of the absurdist play Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett (1949, original name “En attendant Godot”) and the realist... more
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      'Angry Young Men' MovementSamuel BeckettPost-ColonialismEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
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      Reception StudiesEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
Yazın çevirisi alanında tiyatro çevirisi incelemeleri, yapılan çalışmaların yetersizliğinden dolayı halen ikinci planda kalmaktadır. Halbuki tiyatro metni çevirisi, sadece sıradan bir metin çevirisi değildir, aynı zamanda farklı... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesTranslation theoryEugène Ionesco
Meritul esențial al lucrării se concretizează în substanțiale incursiuni în domeniul reprezentației. Sunt cercetate spectacole, în majoritatea lor ridicate pe scenă din 1990. Cu totul rezistente la obiecții critice sunt analizele concrete... more
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      Romanian StudiesEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the AbsurdIstoria Teatrului
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      Eugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre HistoryApplied TheatreApplied Drama/Theatre
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    • Eugene Ionesco absurd theatre
The questioning through the absurd of the political ideology: Eugène Ionesco Eugène Ionesco argues that the artwork should provoke and crystallize a complex variety of disputations, to which it may answer, or it may pose wider questions... more
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      Eugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatrePolitical theatreTheatre of the Absurd
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      Eugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the AbsurdEnseignement superieurLittérature Française
Les plus belles citations d'Eugène Ionesco
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      Theatre StudiesEugène IonescoFrancophone LiteratureEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
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      GnosticismComparative LiteratureEugène IonescoRomanian Literature
La fecunda influencia de Samuel Beckett y Eugene Ionesco en las primeras piezas de Fernando Arrabal es el tema de este artículo, que busca subrayar asimismo el papel central que jugó el contexto bélico del que surgirá la obra de este... more
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      Antonin ArtaudSamuel BeckettHarold PinterEugène Ionesco
Rhinoceros by Eugène Ionesco (1959) presents the gradual literal and metaphorical transformation process of characters into rhinoceroses under the strong influence of the dominant ideology throughout the play. Ionesco’s play discusses and... more
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      Eugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
This paper deals with the language used by one of the most famous modern writers EUGENE IONESCO (1909-1994), in his plays The Chairs and The Bald Soprano. Ionesco is the writer whose sense of literature incorporated with the experiences... more
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      English LiteratureLiteratureEnglish languageDrama
Wokół terminologii związanej z dramatem i teatrem absurdu narosło wiele nieporozumień, tautologicznych uogólnień, tak że autonomiczne pojęcie absurdu straciło jakikolwiek wyrafinowany sens. W niniejszym artykule Dariusz Piotr Klimczak... more
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      Theatre StudiesEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the Absurd
Résumé Le théâtre d'Eugène Ionesco fait l'objet d'un paradoxe: son «avant-gardisme» spectaculaire se nourrit d'une vision essentiellement classique. Plus précisément, Ionesco envisage des «archétypes oubliés», et cherche à les... more
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      GnosticismComparative LiteratureFrench LiteraturePerforming Arts
Tiyatro ve çeviriyi bir araya getiren bu kitap, 20. yüzyılda ortaya çıkan absürd tiyatroyu başta Eugène Ionesco olmak üzere Samuel Beckett ve Arthur Adamov gibi öncüleri de ele alarak Ionesco’nun Türkçeye çevrilen oyunlarını... more
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      Translation StudiesSamuel BeckettEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
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      Eugene Ionesco absurd theatreLuigi PirandelloHistory and Theory of the Theatre
Bu yazı, Dimitrie Cantemir Romanian Cultural Institute Istanbul, Türk Edebiyat Vakfı ve Ġstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi ortaklığında 28 Mart 2007 tarihinde düzenlenen "Eugéne Ionesco"yu Anma Sempozyumu", kapsamında hazırlanan... more
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    • Eugene Ionesco absurd theatre
This project charts the emergence of the Cuban Theatre of the Absurd, or teatro del absurdo, over the course of the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, its suppression by the revolutionary government, and its revival during the “Special Period” of the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesCuban StudiesSamuel Beckett
A paper on theatre semiotics - objects/props on the stage, published more than 30 years ago in "The Prague School and its Legacy in Linguistics, Literature, Semiotics, Folklore and the Arts", ed. Y. Tobin, John Benjamins BV Publishing... more
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
Our contribution attempts to respond to a gap in the investigation of the reminiscences of dualistic imaginary in modern literature and also in the Romanian reflection on the phenomenon. By approaching more thoroughly a theme that we have... more
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      GnosticismEastern European StudiesComparative LiteratureMythology
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      Translation StudiesEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre TranslationTraductologie
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      Samuel BeckettFranz KafkaEugene Ionesco absurd theatreJean Paul Sartre
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      Eugene Ionesco absurd theatre20th century Avant-GardeApocalyptic Literature
L'intenable position politique/poétique salvatrice du paradigme théâtral de Jean Genet –Prémisses sensibles en guise d'introduction La pièce "Monsieur K" d' Amin Elsaleh nous fait réfléchir : l'interprétation au Théâtre de Ménilmontant... more
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      Eugene Ionesco absurd theatreJean GenetTheater and PoliticsContemporary Theater, gender and Politics
Jakým způsobem je narativní text schopen pojmout, zprostředkovat a vynalézt fenomén beztvarosti, doposud spojovaný výhradně s oblastí výtvarného umění? A co stojí za schopností literárního jazyka rozehrát tento akt tvořivé deformace a... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
A study of how three plays dramatizing relationship between teacher and student draw on three perspectives derived from the work of Friedrich Nietzsche.
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      Friedrich NietzscheEugene Ionesco absurd theatreDavid MametGeorge F. Walker
În 21 noiembrie 1959, Radio București transmitea o emisiune literară în care Alexandru Gârneață analiza o anchetă a revistei Arche în rândul unor oameni de cultură francezi privind posibilitatea editării unei reviste apolitice, în... more
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      Theatre StudiesEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the AbsurdHistory of Communism
Rezumat Pornind de la un caz celebru de geneză literară, mai precis rescrierea piesei En-glezește fără profesor în varianta La Cantatrice chauve, lucrarea de față analizează relația complexă dintre obiectele cu pretenție literară și... more
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      Literary TheoryEugene Ionesco absurd theatreLiterary pragmatics
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      Reception StudiesAutobiographyAvant-Garde TheaterEugène Ionesco
A study of Eugene Ionescu's only novel, Le Solitaire, (The Hermit)
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      AsceticismFascismEastern ChristianityEugène Ionesco
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      Discourse AnalysisLiteratureLiterary StylisticsEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
"ABSTRACT This qualitative analysis examines the thinking of Thomas Merton and Jacques Ellul on the impact that they believe technology and the idea of progress has had on human freedom. The thesis is that for both Merton and... more
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      American LiteratureReligionChristianityComparative Religion
"When looking back at the early history of photography, one is reminded that its protagonists made work that took on all of the long-established genres then found in painting: istoria, or edifying narrative, genre, or scenes from daily... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryArtArt Theory