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      SemanticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceChild Language AcqusitionMandarin Chinese
The mass-count distinction is a morpho-syntactic distinction among nouns that is generally taken to reflect a semantic distinction. There are three approaches to what such a semantic distinction may consist in: an extension-based... more
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      OntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageSemanticsCognitive Semantics
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      Slavic LanguagesSyntax-Semantics InterfaceRussian LanguageSlavic Linguistics
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      Languages and LinguisticsDidacticsSyntaxSyntax-Semantics Interface
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      SyntaxSyntax-Semantics Interface
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      Discourse AnalysisAssyriologyAnatolian StudiesAncient Indo-European Languages
L'articolo propone: 1) Un paragone tra linguistica computazionale e Natural Language Processing. Dovrebbero essere campi di ricerca diversi: lo sono ancora? 2) Gli esiti generati da un parser basato su un sistema a regole per una frase... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceLanguages and LinguisticsNatural Language ProcessingSemantics
Ce recueil d’articles réunit douze contributions consacrées à la précision et à l’approximation. Ces travaux de linguistique française touchent à des périodes et à des domaines très variés, de l’ancien et moyen français au français... more
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      French StudiesFrench linguisticsVaguenessSyntax-Semantics Interface
Sentential negation in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) may be accomplished through three different kinds of structures: Neg1 [Neg VP], Neg2 [Neg VP Neg] and Neg3 [VP Neg]. This distribution is quite rare in natural languages, which usually... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceNegationBrazilian Portuguese
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      Alzheimer's DiseaseAlzheimer and LanguageSyntaxNeurolinguistics
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      SemanticsSyntaxSpanish GrammarLinguistics
The study explores the grammatical means employed for the expression of information structure in standard colloquial Burmese on the basis of a corpus of written and spoken texts. It analyses the morphosyntactic and prosodic devices... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsProsody-Semantics/PragmaticsLinguistics
Categorization Constructions
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      Discourse AnalysisHistorical LinguisticsPragmaticsGrammaticalization
While matrix clauses pronouns are almost never dropped in matrix clauses in Russian, silent pronouns are licensed in almost all kinds of embedded clauses. Null pronouns in such positions share similarities with PRO, but they also differ... more
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      Slavic LanguagesSyntaxControlFormal syntax
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      LexicologyLexical SemanticsLinguisticsLexicography
Text, translation and commentary
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      Historical SyntaxSyntax-Semantics Interface
This volume was originally inspired by a 2017 conference to honour the scholar and linguist Cao Xuân Hạo, whose landmark work – in many diverse areas of language study – established a bridge between traditional Vietnamese scholarship and... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceVietnamese LanguageVietnamese Syntax
This article investigates Paul’s use of the term οἱ δοκοῦντες in the letter to the Galatians. Firstly, the term is considered from the standpoint of lexical semantics. Secondly, select relevant parallels from Ancient Greek literature are... more
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      PhilologyNew TestamentSemanticsEarly Christianity
The placement of French adjectives has long been both controversial and misconstrued within the literature. In this Romance language, postnominal adjectives are considered to be the rule rather than the exception (Alexaidou, 2007). Within... more
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      LanguagesSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical Linguistics
The position of the reason-asking ‘why’ has been under much discussion for the past few years. Although some have suggested that it is situated within the CP domain, its exact position varies depending on different proposals. Meanwhile, a... more
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      Syntactic TheorySyntax-Semantics InterfaceSyntax-Pragmatics interfaceChinese Syntax
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceFrame SemanticsVerbal Prefixes
We further develop the self-centered model of mental representations for language with the focus on the mechanisms underlying syntactic calculus and the construction of larger meaningful constructs out of the basic syntactic units. We... more
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      Philosophy of MindLanguages and LinguisticsSyntax/SemanticsThe Self
This study investigates the licensing conditions on Negative Sensitive Items (NSIs) in Jordanian Arabic (JA). JA exhibits both types of NSIs that are discussed in the literature: Negative Polarity Items (NPIs) and Negative Concord Items... more
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      SemanticsSyntaxSyntax-Semantics InterfaceNegative concord
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      Discourse AnalysisPhonologyPhoneticsPragmatics
Ausgehend von der methodischen Frage, auf welche Weise kognitive Ansätze der Diskursforschung auf historische Texte Anwendung finden können, rekonstruiert der Vortrag grammatische Muster zur Etablierung von Textwelten im... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistorical LinguisticsNarrativeGermanic linguistics
Clitic le in structures like ándale, apúrale, échale has been described in terms of verbal intensifi cation (Torres, 2005), or as a process of grammaticalization (Company, 2004); nevertheless, no exhaustive analysis has been made, in... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceMorphology and Syntax
Short essay reporting information about Chierchia (1993)
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    • Syntax-Semantics Interface
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      PsycholinguisticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceTurkish Morphology
This paper deals with the semantic and constructional variation of the Spanish verb hablar and o￿ers a description of the multiple contexts in which this verb can appear, based on the study of the focalization semantics of its root and... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.Locutionary and Illocutionary Acts
Abstract (in English) This review talks about the main analysis of prepositions with regards to their relations with verbs in Malay predicates in the book 'Perkaitan sintaksis-semantik kata kerja dengan preposisi bahasa Melayu' [The... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfacePhrasal VerbsPrepositionsBook Reviews
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceGreenlandicPolysynthesisAutolexical Grammar
This study investigates two types of adjunct WHAT merged at peripheral positions in Chinese. The L-WHAT denotes a why-interpretation with an aggressive, prohibitive force. A VP shell construction is adopted to accommodate the L-WHAT. The... more
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      Syntactic TheorySyntax-Semantics InterfaceSyntax-Pragmatics interfaceChinese Syntax
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsSemanticsEnglish language
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    • Syntax-Semantics Interface
The Causative/Inchoative alternation involves pairs of verbs, one of which is causative and the other non-causative syntactically and semantically (e.g., John broke the window vs. The window broke). In its causative use, an alternating... more
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      Syntactic TheorySyntax-Semantics InterfaceMorphology and SyntaxCausatives and Anticausatives
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      SyntaxSpanish LinguisticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceCopulas
This study will present a tool designed for meaning extraction with monoclausal sentences in Italian. Its main features will be illustrated with instances of the Italian causative clause type featuring the verb fare 'make' (e.g. Egli fa... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsSyntaxSyntax-Semantics Interface
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)Malay Language and Literature
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceConstruction GrammarRussian LanguageFrameNet
This book explores relationships and maps out intersections between discussions on causation in three scientific disciplines: linguistics, philosophy, and psychology. The book is organized in five thematic parts, investigating connections... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsCognitive Semantics
The monograph presents a multi-faceted contrastive survey of the syntactic systems of Bulgarian and Russian. This presentation makes available a number of practical and theoretical findings in Bulgarian, a language “classical and exotic”... more
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      SyntaxSyntax-Semantics InterfaceRussian LanguageBulgarian Language
Forest fire causes serious damage to the Flora and fauna of a country. This is one of major environmental concern. Early prediction of fires saves large number of Flora and fauna and prevents the ecosystem. By predicting the area burnt we... more
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      SemanticsCognitive SemanticsSemantics/PragmaticsSyntax-Semantics Interface
An evaluation of whether the special endings that appear on Anatolian neuter gender nouns in Agent-function reflect split-NP ergativity or an 'animatising' derivative. Appendix includes an exploration of why the Anatolian 'animatising'... more
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      Historical LinguisticsHistorical SyntaxIndo-European StudiesHittite
In Construction Grammar, grammatical patterns are conventional pairings of form and meaning that are analogous to words. This article contrasts Construction Grammar with competing syntactic theories that are based on universal constraints... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceConstruction GrammarFunctional Linguistics
В статье обсуждаются критерии выделения неканонических подлежащих с признаками нулевых местоимений и обсуждается корреляция между сегментацией текста и параметрами грамматики, лицензирующими употребление разных видов нулевых подлежащих в... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceLinguistic Typology
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsCognitive SemanticsSyntax/Semantics