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    SYMPLiK EXZELLENZ is a Java program to manipulate table data in Oracle database by using Microsoft Excel file. Unlike Oracle WebADI, More4Apps or other Excel-driven solution, this program does not use Office VBA (Macro) to process the data. It is a pure Java solution incorporated with Apache POI and Oracle JDBC driver to download, upload, insert, update and delete data from Oracle database tables.
    15 years ago by @gresch

    Smooks is a Java Framework/Engine for processing XML and non XML data (CSV, EDI, Java, JSON etc).
    16 years ago by @gresch

    JSefa (Java Simple exchange format api) is a simple library for stream-based serialization of java objects to XML, CSV, and FLR (extensible to other formats) and back again using an iterator-style interface independent of the serialization format. The mapping between java object types and types of the serialization format (e. g. xml complex element types) can be defined either by annotating the java classes or programmatically using a simple API. The current implementation supports XML, CSV and FLR (Fixed Length Record) - for XML it is based on JSR 173. JSR 173 (Stax) is a popular stream-based XML API for java providing an iterator-style interface ("pull"-mechanism in contrast to the "push"-mechanism provided by SAX). But JSR 173 defines a low-level API not designed for directly serializing java objects and back again. On the other hand traditional high-level APIs like JAXB or Castor are not stream-based, so that reading a xml document will generate java objects holding the data of the complete xml document in memory at the same time. Even the integration of StAX into JAXB 2.0 is only a first step to high-level streaming, as two independent APIs have to be used in parallel. JSefa provides a convenient and performant approach to high-level streaming using an iterator-style interface. It has a layered API with the top layer allowing the streaming to be independent of the serialization format type (XML, CSV or whatever). The current implementation provides support for XML, CSV, and FLR.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    The main motivation for Super Csv is to be the best, fastest and most programmer friendly free CSV package for Java. Super Csv's unique features raises the bar and sets a new standard for CSV packages. Super Csv is designed around solid Object-oriented principles, and thus aims to leverage your Object-oriented code, making it easier to write and maintain. If you are unsure about what the CSV format is, please read my specification which covers my understanding of the concept: The CSV format specification. Super Csv offers the following features not found together in other CSV packages * The ability to read/write POJO beans, Maps and String lists. * Automatic "CSV encoding" of output on a per need basis. Thus when you write special characters such as , or " Super CSV ensure the content is properly escaped (according to my CSV specification). * The ability to easily convert input/output to integers, dates, big decimals, trimming strings, etc... * The ability to easily verify data conforms to some specification, such as number ranges, string sizes, uniqueness and even optional columns. * The ability to read/write data from anywhere in any encoding. As long as you provide a Reader or a Writer. * Support for Windows, MAC and Linux line breaks. * Configurable separation character, space character and end of line character (for writing files to different platforms) * Operates on streams rather than filenames, enabling you to read/write CSV files e.g. over a network connection. * Supporting partial reading and writing of objects, maps and arrays with easy setting of default values. * Supporting on-the-fly generation implementations of bean interfaces when using the BeanReader When combined, these features enables you to express clear and robust code for handling CSV files.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    CSVObjects is a free and open source Java based framework for transparently parsing and unmarshalling Comma Separated Value (CSV) files and records into Plain Old Java Objects without the need to code the parsing logic manually. The CSVObjects parsing library relies on declarative mapping of CSV fields and data types to Java Bean attributes, via a mapping XML file. This is similar to the manner in which Hibernate provides a relational table mapping for Java Beans. Also, the framework provides convenience Xdoclet support for specifying the CSV to Java mapping in the Java source code itself by using Javadoc markup, thereby reducing the burden on the developer to manually maintain separate configuration files. The Framework is built upon Stephen Ostermiller's excellent CSV reader/parser classes.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    CsvJdbc is a simple read-only JDBC driver that uses Comma Separated Value (CSV) files as database tables. It is ideal for writing data importing programs.
    16 years ago by @gresch
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