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William Keegan's in my view

William Keegan on business
  • William Keegan

    Tory ‘economic competence’ led Britain to Black Wednesday. Never forget

    William Keegan
    The anniversary of Norman Lamont’s failure is a timely reminder to Labour not to have its fiscal agenda set by the opposition
  • William Keegan

    Why are Starmer and Reeves so determined to bring Britain down?

    William Keegan
    Since Labour’s victory the new PM and chancellor have hardly stopped warning us that cuts are on the way. It’s no way to turn a country around
  • William Keegan

    Austerity is still austerity, even under a Labour government

    William Keegan
    The chancellor should be flushed with victory. Instead, she is adhering to an opposition dogma that undermines her own objectives
  • William Keegan

    Britain didn’t vote Labour just to get a new iron chancellor

    William Keegan
    Rachel Reeves once spoke about long-term borrowing for vital projects. Now she seems to embrace the spirit of Thatcherism
  • William Keegan

    A respectful question for Labour: do you have any real change?

    William Keegan
    The new government has promised things will be different: but when it comes to spending, we seem stuck on old Tory policies
  • William Keegan

    Keir Starmer ruled out rejoining the EU. Now he must think again

    William Keegan
    Labour’s new prime minister is in a position of strength in relation to Brexit. He must be bold for Britain’s sake
  • William Keegan

    This timid ‘Ming vase’ strategy won’t turn Labour into a dynasty

    William Keegan
    Caution is understandable, but, if elected, Starmer and Reeves will need to make bold decisions on investment and Europe
  • William Keegan

    Labour might be a racing certainty, but it faces some big hurdles in government

    William Keegan
    With Brexit fast becoming a tragedy, Keir Starmer needs to forge a closer relationship with Europe
  • William Keegan

    Once Britain is back in the EU, things can only get better

    William Keegan
    Both major parties will try to conduct their campaigns without mentioning Brexit. But we cannot afford not to discuss it
  • William Keegan

    The wisest Brexiters – such as Nigel Lawson – knew how good life is in Europe

    William Keegan
    A weekend near the former chancellor’s French residence induced a mood of wellbeing quite unlike Britain’s beleaguered mood
  • William Keegan

    Even Europe’s far-right firebrands seem to sense Brexit is a disaster

    William Keegan
    When I met the Dutch politician Geert Wilders years ago, he was set on ‘Nexit’. Now he too would rather stay in the EU
  • William Keegan

    Rachel Reeves the chess player has an eye on the economic endgame

    William Keegan
    The shadow chancellor is often criticised for her centrist positions, but Labour’s plan for a long-term rescue is a vital difference between the parties
  • William Keegan

    Britain doesn’t need ‘reform’. It just needs to rejoin the EU

    William Keegan
    Well-intentioned moves are afoot to ‘overhaul the machinery of government’. But it’s the policies that are the problem
  • William Keegan

    Jeremy Hunt knows Brexit Britain can’t afford to cut taxes

    William Keegan
    The chancellor is prepared to inflict yet more austerity to pay for a budget bribe. But the UK needs more spending, not less
  • William Keegan

    The Tories’ tax plans are absurd. When will Labour be brave enough to say so?

    William Keegan
    Pre-election giveaways funded by yet more austerity will push the welfare state the opposition created towards ruin
  • William Keegan

    Penury and decay mark Brexit’s miserable anniversary

    William Keegan
    Four years after leaving, and with more self-harm in prospect, austerity is eating away at Britain. Where is the indignation?
  • William Keegan

    Brexit cost the UK the only good thing Margaret Thatcher ever did

    William Keegan
    Now that the UK has been taken out of trade zone, we are left only with the damage she wreaked on the British polity
  • William Keegan

    Brexit’s pint-sized ‘benefits’ are a measure of its failure

    William Keegan
    Wine in imperial measures, we are told, is ‘what leaving was all about’, while the UK struggles outside the single market
  • William Keegan

    What the UK wants for Christmas is to get Brexit undone

    William Keegan
    Importers, exporters, private citizens and the Labour party all urgently need the economy to function better than this
  • William Keegan

    Thatcher? Brexit? This isn’t the way to Labour hearts

    William Keegan
    Tory policy has caused huge damage over the decades. In praising it, Starmer has ventured too far behind enemy lines
About 792 results for William Keegan's in my view