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What liberty means to me

ID cards, 42 days, surveillance - necessary measures to improve our security, or unacceptable curbs on our rights and freedoms? As David Davis forces a byelection in the name of civil liberties, Comment is Free asks: what does liberty mean in Britain today?
  • What liberty means to me
    No liberty without fraternity

    Guy Dammann
  • Diane Abbott

    What liberty means to me
    Freedom is shaped by history

    Diane Abbott
  • What liberty means to me
    The shifting sands of freedom

    Guy Herbert

    Guy Herbert: What liberty means to me: Unless there's a space where the state can't reach, there's no start to liberty

  • John Kampfner

    What liberty means to me
    The new authoritarianism

    John Kampfner

    John Kampfner: What liberty means to me: More and more of us are willing to trade freedom for wealth or security

  • What liberty means to me
    Why I am standing against David Davis

    Jill Saward

    Jill Saward: Expanding the national DNA database would only inconvenience those guilty of a serious crime

  • Martin Kettle

    What liberty means to me
    This is no police state

    Martin Kettle
  • What liberty means to me
    I welcome David Davis's historic act

    Anthony Barnett
  • Henry Porter

    What liberty means to me
    We can't leave David Davis to carry the fight on his own

    Henry Porter

    Henry Porter: With Labour addicted to regulating how we live, the lone rebel deserves support if we want our freedoms to remain intact

About 28 results for What liberty means to me