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Incredible shrinking man ... Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ John Boyega.
Incredible shrinking man ... Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ John Boyega. Photograph: John Lamparski/WireImage
Incredible shrinking man ... Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ John Boyega. Photograph: John Lamparski/WireImage

Chinese poster for Star Wars: The Force Awakens minimises role of black actor

This article is more than 8 years old

Online backlash after poster designed specially to appeal in China relegates British star John Boyega to a supporting character in new episode

Star Wars fans are questioning why a Chinese poster for ultra-hyped new episode The Force Awakens has relegated British actor John Boyega to the supporting cast.

Boyega, who plays rogue stormtrooper Finn, appears as one of the main three leads on the previously released international poster for JJ Abrams’ film. But the Chinese version, issued following the announcement of a 9 January release date in the world’s most populous nation, sees him shrunk to the size of supporting characters.

There is no obvious reason for the demotion, especially as the space previously occupied by Finn is now inhabited by additional battling Tie fighters, iconic emblems of the dark side of the force in Star Wars lore but hardly essential inclusions. Also relegated in China are Oscar Isaac’s X-wing pilot Poe Dameron and Peter Mayhew’s Wookiee smuggler Chewbacca, who disappear altogether.

Star Wars' Finn (who happens to be black) and Chewbacca (happens to be Wookiee) get shafted in China. HT @asmuniz

— Ray Kwong (@raykwong) December 1, 2015

Chinese Star Wars poster minimizes black character's prominence.

— Alex Muniz (@asmuniz) December 1, 2015

Some Twitter users have implied Boyega’s demotion is for racist reasons. The British actor has faced down a bizarre campaign from racist groups unhappy at the prominence of a black actor in the new Star Wars film, despite the prominence of African Americans such as James Earl Jones and Billy Dee Williams in the original trilogy.

Studio Disney has pulled out all the stops to boost The Force Awakens in China, the world’s second-largest box office, even flying in 500 stormtroopers for a promotional event on the Great Wall in October. Previous Star Wars movies were released when the nation had limited numbers of cinemas, so local knowledge of the famous space opera saga is more limited than elsewhere in the world.

The furore over China’s poster for The Force Awakens recalls the controversy over an Italian promotional campaign for Oscar-winner Twelve Years a Slave in 2013, which relegated Chiwetel Ejiofor to a supporting character despite the British actor playing the title role in Steve McQueen’s acclaimed race drama. Local distributors chose to focus instead on Brad Pitt, who plays only a minor role in the film as an enlightened Canadian labourer. Studio Lionsgate subsequently labelled the offending material rogue and said it was doing its best to have it withdrawn.

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