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Walking map of Eastville Park, Bristol (258) (258)

Walking route: Eastville Park – River Frome, Bristol

This article is more than 14 years old
Distance: 7,500 steps

Walk in a nutshell

This route propels you through peaceful meadows and along the river Frome.


1. From Eastville Park car park on Park Avenue turn right on to the path towards the play area.

2. After about 200m, go right down some steps towards the lake and join the path alongside the river Frome.

3. Keep the river on your left.

4. At the weir, cross over the footbridge, bear right across the meadow and turn right on to the lane.

5. Follow the lane over a bridge and then turn left into another meadow.

6. Cross the meadow and go up the steps.

7. Turn left on to the road, cross over and take the first right into River View.

8. Go through the car park and enter the park by the toilet block, keeping the river on your right.

9. After about 340m turn right, cross the footbridge and turn left to follow the tarmac path with the river on your left.

10. Follow this path until you eventually reach some rough steps to the road.

11. At the road, switch back on to the higher path (Reptons Drive).

12. Follow this path through woods and open field. At the fork, take the left path.

13. Continue on, skirting round to the left of the football field.

14. Where the railings end, take the left path and then go right on to a path beside a stone wall.

15. Follow this path back and retrace your steps to the start.

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